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Everything posted by kitty

  1. I lol'd after reading this for over an hour.
  2. I seriously think you should stop talking to save yourself from any more "attacks" regarding this particular "fan game" or whatever the hell you want to call it. All you're doing now is giving the "trolls" more ammo, if you will. Even though personally I think you're just bringing this upon yourself. This thread has degraded into useless flaming and trolling. Requesting a lock.
  3. The best way for you to respond to the people that offend you is to not respond at all. It prevents the confrontation on your part and in the long run, it's better that way for you. You say you want to show that random guy the good game? Then you will/have, even though many of the people here aren't interested or don't like the game. Focus on what you say what you posted for, not the people who think otherwise.
  4. Ah, that's what I suspected. I might actually go get the game...I think I read somewhere that you actually get an X-Box 360 controller with the PC version. Is that true? EDIT: Nevermind, I google'd it myself and it seems to be true
  5. You're obviously missing the point. I find it hard to believe someone older than me lacks the reading comprehension to determine that we're not all here to judge this game because we're presented with it. If I'm not interested in it then I'm not interested in it. And I really think it's annoying that you're trying to convince me to try it when I already said I'm NOT interested. And like it or not, the way you're acting about this whole thing makes you a kid in the mind. Please act your age and accept the fact that some people just aren't interested or get off on the same things you do. And for the record, I never said the game was bad, I just don't have OMFG DROOL BUCKETS as my reaction. And I never made a judgment about it. Just because I don't show interest doesn't mean I think it's bad/good. tl;dr not interested, respect my opinion
  6. Seems to be off to me after it progresses into the song. Like the main beat eventually hits the offbeat and then corrects itself and so on.
  7. Sennheiser's a typically good choices, in my opinion. I bought a set to replace my old LG headphones that was having some wire trouble. Here's a link to Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Description=Sennheiser+headset&x=0&y=0
  8. It's not that we're bashing your game, it's the fact that the way you present your argument is immensely immature. Just because people don't want to spend the time to play the game to make an "objective" opinion doesn't make them bigots. The offensiveness that you emit from other's opinions is offensive in itself. If we want to try the game then good for you, you did what you want. Some of us just DON'T want to try it. You're just digging yourself into a bigger hole when you say we're pre-judgmental and get "ticked."
  9. I has an 8800GT. I has nots played Crysis. I lieks Guitar Hero. I is now interested in GH3 for PC.
  10. I just watched that instead of writing my paper. Good stuff.
  11. I bleev this should be resolved in PMs.
  12. I really don't see why all these people are so butthurt about you. :/
  13. Well I always disliked Sony, ever since all my shit kept breaking the day after the warranties ended. But if they really did make a better format then I guess it's better that they won the war.
  14. CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN bluefox is t3h rawks!
  15. I don't think "OCRemixers are harder to please" but that GameFAQs is populated by MOSTLY prepubescent 12 yr olds who have an attention span of about 2 minutes.
  16. I've been waiting for a Goldenrod City remix for two years. So either the guy in the Fresh comp is going to be first or it's going to be pu_freak. Step it up!
  17. Here's a post on another site containing information pertaining to your problem:
  18. I wonder how this 14 year old child has access to an expensive program such as Photoshop. Ahh I love the excuses these kids throw out.
  19. Probably because you tend to think what you're saying is generally said when it's not. And on topic(sorta): My friend got his ID stolen and it was a huge mess. He thinks they stole it off of his computer with a virus he picked up from keygens and the like.
  20. Find a friend with an external. I lent out my 200GB external to a friend installing Windows Media Edition or whatever.
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