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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Sweetness, Can't wait to hear these. I'll try to grab a listen while I'm at work tonight. But here's a preemptive guys!
  2. Congrats man! Fine looking youngster! Nice work to you and the lady!
  3. So, you're still willing to spoon with me at Magfest then?
  4. I better stop posting before I lose my nomination for "most lovable" around here. :B And I don't want Roz to run out of tissues, either Dhsu, I sais "SUGGESTS that you do not understand an analogy," you argumentative bastage Now you're putting words in my mouth. Also, BGC is a coverup. My real name is Prot. And ur all fgts. *edit* Whoops, forgot the Boy, that could have got ugly...
  5. Whether or not I was in a bad mood, the points I made are totally valid. I maintain that I have the right to be annoyed by a post that implies/suggests things about me that are not true, on top of having to allocate time to respond to it. See: That's just putting words in my mouth AND taking my words out of context. I have every right to be annoyed by that. I downright HATE when people do that, no matter who/what the occation. Mono and Roz, that's different than dealing with mere criticism. Now, as far as *justifying* a rebuttal, Dhsu, doesn't a response as long as it's valid and sensible (plainly addresses the issues) justify itself regardless of my mood? It's not like I threw in false implications or resorted to name-calling or anything. And somehow, things have been blown way out of proportion for this entire thread. On the whole topic of *professionalism* and *rebuttals*, you guys act like I should be responding like I'm a presidential candidate or something. I'm not trying to get elected to office, I'm trying to explain things simply. If my directness offends you, then that's something you'll just have to come to terms with. If someone asks me what 2 + 2 is, and I'm in a bad mood when I say "4", what's the problem? For the most part, I'm a nice guy. I can say I've made more friends than enemies not only on OCR but in real life. It's true it can be said that I had a vested interest in Jake's song not getting passed in it's current form but there seem to be some folks out there who think it was my soul intention to crap on a track that was worked on for six months or whatever. I never once and never will have a vested interest in his track never getting posted. If anything, I like his track enough to bother showing so much interest as I did. It has a lot of potential. However, it could also be a lot better, and I think it be better for everyone (including Jake) when it gets posted after those quirks have been remedied. And I also really like Doug's input, because he's pretty well on the money. If someone saying some part of a song is awful gets you all balled up and ready to go to war, then you need to do something else. Since Jake's already expressed that he's going to hit the track up and improve it, that assures me that he's in the right mind-set. And I GUARANTEE he'll be happier with the newer version. What I find funny is how others seem to be trying to find a way to be indignant for him. He doesn't need it. He's a talented guy, and I think he knows that. It's a noble intention for someone to stand up and demand that I distribute sunshine and hugs and candy to every submitting remixer, but that's not going to happen. Instead, I can only promise to give the most valid, and if called for, direct appraisal I can. As an *official* representative for OCR, I can say that it is my job to review music and provide feedback as to whether or not it meets the site's criteria. I often choose to go a step further and throw in advice about what could be done differently/better to improve the track, whether it's above the bar or not. But let me just remind everyone that this is a volunteer thing, and there's yet to be a written handbook for us. And until that time, when I have read and signed that it is my job to sugar-coat all my feedback, what you see is what you'll get.
  6. Sweet, I knew he'd get around to reviewing this one. Glad he liked it, for the most part it seems.
  7. No, mashups are not formally accepted, but we'd still love to hear it. Also, welcome to the site.
  8. Good heavens. First of all, I owe no one an apology. Second, read my original vote. It's plenty *professional*. Thirdly, and I'll elaborate on this one, stop taking my words out of context. Did you even read my original vote? It mentioned things that needed tweaking, and then asked Jake to resubmit. And I never once said his track was awful. I specifically cited a single component that is, quite frankly, excessively bad. Your reaction to my quote about the fart suggests that you (or anyone else who is offended by it) do not have the capacity to understand the concept of an analogy. Well, I'll spell it out for you to aid with your apparent tendency to overthink things. Seeing as the chants in and of themselves were the worst part of the track (they were choppy, rigid, awkwardly placed, and the decay was cut off by the attack of the next chant, thus obliterating any intended realism and turning it into something much more grating on the ears) and therefore, I felt was a hugely detrimental element that was not acceptable in my opinion. Therefore, when I said "If I record a really stellar track but have a bunch of fart noises in the mix, is it acceptable"? Obviously, you missed the subtle praise that I actually gave the track and ran straight to the "OMG THIS IS UNPROFESSIONAL AND IMMATURE" button. Let's see. You also missed the part where I said And as Zircon has already mentioned, anytime you see a , , , etc, feel free to step back and take it easy in the future. Judge status aside, I'm an established remixer. I don't flaunt it, but composing is my primary source of income. There are always going to be conflicting opinions, and I know you can't please everyone, no matter what the issue. If I wished for $100 bills to rain from the sky every Friday, someone would find a way to argue about why that's wrong, not to mention this is the internet, so the likelihood of argument is amplified. My point is, despite the fact that there are others who might disagree, even other judges, I have enough credentials to suggest that I can respectfully say I know what I'm talking about. Again, feel free to NOT take that out of context and assume that I'm saying I never make mistakes, because obviously that is not true. Fourthly, I hope you are satisfied with me taking valuable time out of my day to explain something that didn't need it. Last of all, If my post seems un-necessarily rude or condescending, then it's for one or more of a few reasons: 1) Being human, you caught me in a less than chipper mood this morning. 2) I really DONT have time for this. 3) Granted the condescending/accusatory/judgemental/whatever light of your post, I felt it only natural to return the vibe. *EDIT* Looking back, I like what Dafydd posted. Also, I was never trying to offend Jake. I'm sure it sucks for him to see that I pretty well scrutanized parts of his track. HOWEVER, I would only HOPE that he would ALSO realize that I'd LIKE for his track to get posted, and I gave him PLENTY of suggestions to push it above and beyond the bar.
  9. This is actually something i TRIED to resolve by assigning particular weeks to certain judges so we could all share the load equally. The only judges who ended up giving half a crap about that idea were the new ones (Anso, Palp, Fishy) and they don't yet have MOD access to that forum yet. I took care of it for a little over a week, but seeing as no one else would share the load, I basically said eff it.
  10. Guitar Center still has IK stuff for $99. Sampletank, Samplemoog, Sonik Synth. Buy one, and you get a second free. Plus, there's the Million Users = free download thing. So I believe it should turn out to buy 1 (for under $100) and get 2 free. Which is not shabby either. Of course, if you've already grabbed your free "Million Users" promo, you only get 1 free, which is still not a bad deal.
  11. That and Fisher Price, since they're owned by the same company.
  12. Now that I know how to get the Crowned achievement though, being a witch would be lame I would think, once everyone figures out how to do it. Then, you'd pretty much die faster than a boomer. Side note, does anyone have the official reference where it was said that Valve might add more campaigns/weapons/infected later on?
  13. i've not played CT before. I didn't have an SNES growing up. As silly as the characters/plot seem from an impartial 3rd party perspective, I'd still like to have a go at it, it's just a matter of finding the time. That and it's hard to break away from L4D.
  14. Dang, I can't believe there's that much markup in a TV. Typically, electronics don't have that kind headroom. At any rate, I have nothing useful to contribute besides my awe at your discount. My apologies.
  15. Thanks for the reviews guys and gals. Thought I'd throw in some fun trivia/explanation as well. This mix was actually made (well, most of it anyway) over a year ago. It started out as a candidate for SF2T HD of course, so therefore, it was pretty much a straight up cover, and obviously not very OCR-passable. The first minute and a half (pretty much until the *good* electric guitar comes in) is exactly the same as it was back then. There's a pretty obvious difference between the synthetic electric guitar in the first part of the song and the electric guitar at 1:30 or so. That's because the first one is simply the "inferno" preset in FL's Sytrus plugin I did not at that time have nice things like Guitar Rig and my new nifty plugins that I've acquired in the past year, otherwise, I'd have probably used the same guitar patch for that instead of Sytrus. Turns out I was just too lazy to change it when Larry and Dave asked me to revise the track to accommodate the OCR criteria a little better. Let that be a lesson, kids. Laziness is going to score you more complaints than praise Anyway, moving on, the transition/fast part was actually again, the "heavy damage" version of the song intended for in game use. Larry dug the track, so he suggested I fuse the two together. So I did. I know it's not a *perfect* transition, but eh, I have to admit, I myself was fond of the fast portion, and rather than it either not get used at all and recede into the realm of projects forgotten or whatever, I decided to go ahead and shamelessly tack it onto the end. And that's... the REST of the story![/paul harvey] So lIeK, tHaNkZ 4 LiStEnInG GuYz!!! <3
  16. I still haven't picked out my extra plugin... Was leaning toward SS or SampleTron
  17. Holy Balls, how is it I've completely overlooked this mix entirely until now. Celtic bias kicking in.... this mix is HOT!!!!!!!!! VERY nice work!
  18. I'd never heard of Star Control either. No disrespect Larry, but that was kind of my first impulse as well. It's like comparing some independent film to a major motion picture. I wager a lot more people know what Street Fighter is than Star Control. No disrespect for Star Control, of course, just stating the level of familiarity, which is what most people are going to base the adjective "major" on.
  19. those are good too. though bear in mind, you can only hear from 20Hz - 20kHz
  20. Sennheiser HD280's will be right up your alley then. Lots of people have 'em and like 'em. http://www.zzounds.com/item--SENHD280PRO remember if you buy them from zzounds, to use the link from the OCR store so that OCR gets a small bit of funding as well. that way you're helping the site as you buy. store link - http://www.ocremix.org/store/
  21. Wikipedia sez You must be one of those guys lol
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