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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. are we talking about free sounds here, or bought?
  2. actually, they give perks for the boxed one. you get the "Generic Samples" disc from Samplefusion free, and at one point they were including free copies of the Directwave sampler. But at any rate, I still think DL-able is the way to go. I would have gone that route had I known better back then (In the days of FL 4)
  3. well, if you bought the downloadable version you get free updates. if you buy the boxed version, you have to pay like $30 and THEN you get lifetime free updates, which is what i did back in the day. totally worth it.
  4. However, if you ever plan on doing any video scoring, you need XXL. Also depends on the style of music you tend to create. XXL comes with stuff like Sytrus and SimSynth, which are good for some electronic sounds.
  5. Drums are indeed a little thin as Anso said. One thing I've noticed, Will, is that you're prone to using tons of reverb in your mix, so they sometimes come out a little bit over-saturated if you catch my meaning. Anyway, I definitely wouldn't mind hearing more punch on the kick. Wasn't a big fan of the lead instrument at :33, it's not so much the volume, but the timbre coupled with the rigid/choppy sequencing. I will say, that like you're other stuff, you've definitely managed to interpret the melody without staying too close or straying too far from the original riff; you definitely have a knack for that. The glissandos at :40 were really nice, though. Haha, interesting choice with the tropical vibe. Hmm, then the fadeout. Well, this is a kind of tough call. It's almost almost there. I feel like you could stand to address the drums a bit, and I think there's still room for a bit more interpretation before you just turn on the cruise-control and let the track fade out. Granted, the source is short, but after hearing your other mixes, I'm sure you'll be able to add some more flare to it. I might recommend toning down the reverb just a smidge, as well as lowering the high-end slightly on your hats. Otherwise, this is a really pleasant take on a very warm&fuzzy theme. Sooo close, resubmit this or I'll see you banned forever! NO
  6. so, 4Y's, should we go ahead and close this one up and move it?
  7. Loved the first minute. Really pretty source, and you did very well with the dynamics, it's very moving. Arrangement seems a little on the conservative part... It does seem a bit empty at times, and it certainly could stand to be filled out a bit more, and it could really use some more low-end. 3:20 is about the first place that we hear some real, full, sound, but unfortunately, the timpani are pretty durn muddy. I'm actually a little on the fence here, because this could use some tweeks, like filling out the section Larry pointed out, but all in all, the arrangement and sequencing here are really great. There's excellent variance in tempo and dynamics, which I think really compromise for the places where the instrumentation is on the weak side. I've been feeling sympathetic lately, simply because this is such a compelling remix. That being said, I will say it's kind of a borderline call, seeing as the reverb could be addressed in a few places, and I think overall, there could be more bottom to the mix. YES
  8. Because we do it for you. STOP TRYING TO UNDERMINE THE JUDGES >
  9. M-Audio Q40's This is not true. When I actually first went to using decent headphones, there's an OBVIOUS difference between the crappy $35ish Sony's I was using and my current ones.
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2819 Just waiting on DJP
  11. It's not the official soundtrack, but Blood on the Asphalt is worth grabbing until the official OST is available.
  12. Doesn't mean I don't love you <3 Also, Larry, If I write a really stellar track, but record a 19 second series of flatulence in the middle, is that passable? *edit* It should be noted as I was playing this track over my monitors (usually judge with phones so as to not disturb her) that Amanda turned around and made a face today during the chants without me soliciting her input. I'd say since not really musically/technically inclined when it comes to music, she has that "general public" kind of feel. She gives genuine impulsive reaction to how something sounds without *understanding* it per se. I promise I'm not trying to throw any hate on Jake, I'd be happy for a RESUB, but man, there's just some stuff that's gotta get changed first.
  13. Really fantastic remix. It's very haunting and suspenseful. Definitely A-list quality stuff.
  14. Gonna have to agree 100% with Larry here. This is definitely not bad as-is. I'm definitely digging the instrumentation, especially the lead flute. I'm really a huge fan of Eastern-sounding soundscapes to begin with, so I may be a tiny bit biased. Everything sounds great, bro. But it's definitely on autopilot as far as the arrangement goes. It's almost an Eastern-ensemble cover song at this point. Try to work some more melodic and/or countermelodic ideas, and don't be afraid to stray from a verbatim progression here or there. Definitely want to see this one back on the panel after some tweaks. RESUBMIT
  15. Aight, so first of all, clipping is the wrong word altogether. Not trying to single you out or anything Anso, but "check your levels when exporting and use a safety limiter on the master to keep it from clipping" is not really valid advice. Here's the waveform. As y'all can see, there's plenty of headroom. Even during the louder portion at the end, the volume never broke .2 on either channel. I will say the track may have a tiny bit of over-compression going on, but that's not the same as clipping at all. Let's address these pops. I personally didn't notice them at ALL on my first listen. In fact, I didn't even really notice them until I read your votes. So after going back, I can hear some very subtle clicks at the attack of some notes, but he did say he was using a free Directwave patch he found online, so it's possible that's just how it was recorded. The track is a bit muddy at times, sure, but as far as the production goes, I personally don't feel like there's enough here at ALL to warrant a NO based solely on production issues. And usually, one or more of us is pretty good at singling out pops & imperfections, but I'm just going to have to lay down a biggiantwtf on y'all here. I don't know if we're listening to the same piece. It's like, if I was eating a piece of apple pie, and you said that the cherries were a little bit too sour. Aight, so there's my rant about that. Moving onto the remix content itself, first off, let me say that there's a pretty solid resemblance in my ears to Cristofori's Dream: Additionally, I'm not sure that "the piano is too rigid" bears enough weight in this piece. Yes, the timing does seem really spot-on in places and the standard 3/4 tempo with nothing venturing past an 8th note (like at 0:30) is a little bit uninteristing, but it's still a pretty pleasant arrangement, and it doesn't last too long before he changes something up. I will say that I agree that I don't think this arrangement reached it's fullest potential, but what's here is really nice. There is undeniable variance in the dynamics, in the rhythms, and in the overall song progression. And since (I reitterate) I do NOT hear any valid, weight-bearing gripes with the production, I'm going to go with my sympathetic gut (err, ear) on this one. YES
  16. [offtopic]wouldn't it be great to just fast-forward to a few years from now when (hopefully) the 64-bit issue will be resolved and every program is supported, and you can use giant amounts of RAM?[/offtopic] *sigh*
  17. Man, I am down with the ending. There's a difference between an ending being poorly abrupt and simply unexpected and unique. I thought this is a case of the latter. That being said, I think my boy Will here might be one of the best solo sequencing fiends I've heard. There is some serious crazy awesome in all the solos I've heard in his tracks. So let's see: -Great arrangement -Fantastic solos and synth work overall -Reverb is a little on the heavy side -Production could use some work, but it's aight. Gonna have to throwdown a YES here. This kind of reminds me of Doug's Cave Story mix. It has a couple quirks, but overall, this should be an easy call across the board.
  18. I'm glad Malcos is bringing some common sense back to the eastern continents Guys, may I reitterate that those chants are not just bad, they're downright awful.
  19. Gonna have to agree with my comrades here regarding the arrangement. The drums, were a little on the bland side for the most part. They also sounded a little bit too distant/spacey/far back. Quiet as well. Typically in this style, you want 'em to have some nice punch and be right up there at the front of the mix. The guitar performance itself is pretty decent, no gripes as far as your playing ability goes. You're definitely an adequate guitarist. I'd just work on your arrangement a bit, liven up the drums, and do some work on the mastering. Or even if you can pass this along to someone who can bring the mix up to where it needs to be to get the most out of it. NO (rework/resubmit)
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