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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. wow. why are you participating in the conversation again? if you're intent is "you just be talking out your ass", (and thus dub yourself the topical llama) then do everyone a favor and shut up on the matter.
  2. actually, this is a very valid topic for future consideration, IMO. this is indeed a great step forward for OCR, but i PERSONALLY sure as hell hope that it's not the start of a long trend of companies wanting free soundtracks. i'm happy as can be that i'm contributing to a major game title, but i'm not happy at the idea that the industry could potentially exploit the act. "Oh, we'll just get these fans to do this for free--they're suckers, and it'll save us a ton of money!" granted this seems a pessimistic perception--i honestly don't mean for it to sound that way, but it doesn't hurt to consider possibilities BEFORE they arise. again, and quite officially, i'm really happy to be part of this project, and since this IS in fact a groundbreaking event, i'm not concerned or troubled about "doing it for free" in this instance.
  3. hehe, don't sweat it man. i've already seen a few people at gametrailers gripe about the guile music. can't please everyone in this day, you can leave baskets of food on people's porch, and people would still find something to bitch about.
  4. if i'm translating this (as best i can) at face value, and if what i think you are saying actually IS what you are saying, then you, sir, are an idiot. if i'm mistranslating this in anyway, perhaps you should restate yourself, because comprehending that paragraph was not an easy thing.
  5. quite possibly the worst mix to date on the site. brian, i want your babies.
  6. Hmm. Way too repetitive, and what's the deal with the vox? Well, I was looking forward to another Ice Cap sub... I gotta say I'm a little disappointed. It needs more progression. Can't win 'em all, I guess. NO "The..." BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss "Vox..." BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss "Suck..." BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss BOOM tss
  7. Coverish this may seem, there's a lot of instrumental expansion that I don't feel the need to clarify on. The drums are absolutely wicked throughout. Expertly sequenced. Lots of energy, and I love the whole Van Halen/Journey feel of the Brainlord portion. I was actually really happy with the transition. Not many people pull off such a quick transition so well, especially when the style and mood changeup so completely. I've been voting for a couple hours straight now. I'm going to wrap this up lazily and go get some food. YES
  8. So Amanda is working on some sort of craft project behind me, and she just sprayed some sort of silicon sealant of sorts, and it's getting to my head and making me all sorts of dizzy. Coincidently, I decided to vote on this track. I feel like I did when I was on laughing gas drifting on cloud 9 when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. The mellow vibe and general chord structure are invoking a sort of trans-dimensional experience on me. I love the panning, with lead on the left and rhythmic strumming on the right. Just the right amount of reverb, too. I'm sitting here waiting for Elvis to walk by any moment. YEAH, MAAAN
  9. not a terrible submission by any stretch, but this one's got a long way to go, yet. emotive orchestral stuff is no small project to tackle, and if you're going to do it, you'd better meet one of the following criteria. 1) have a decent arsenal of sounds, usually with multiple styles of the same instruments (i.e. bowed strings, slow-attack strings, marcato strins, etc) or 2) be willing to put in the time and work (often tedious) of tweaking and editing and re-editing what you DO have to work with (i.e. adjusting attack and release and EQ etc on a single patch to achieve different textures and movement). Unfortunately, I'm not all that impressed with the level of emotional power in this one. The partwriting isn't bad--were this a live performance and people could actually add intensity to the written notes, I'm sure it'd be 10x better. However, overall, this is just too mechanical. Also, not that it impacts my vote, but generally I usually associate an "anthem" with a song of pride or triumph or celebration. This is a very somber piece, and I'm not so sure "Anthem of an Archsage" is the best title for this one. At any rate, I continue. I felt like the intro was meant to build up to something, but it never really managed to solidify into anything other than a drawn-out intro that ended 5 minutes later. Don't mean to sound negative. It's certainly not because I don't like this style music, because such a thing could not be more untrue. I just don't feel like the execution did justice to the intent. There were a few wrong notes here and there (or if not *wrong* per se, then at least conflicting in a not-great way.) 4:01 flute was definitely the worst one. As far as the arrangement goes, I don't have much else to say. I suppose based on the few listens I had to the 3 source tracks, I could write a paragraph or three, but I feel like there's a lot you need to overcome in the way of attaining realism and emotional power before we need to scrutinize what more could be done on that front. Keep at it, this style of music is one of the more difficult ones to tackle, so don't feel like you've utterly failed or anything. It's like learning to snowboard. Just expect to fall and get bruised up before you finally latch onto the right instincts and techniques to keep you on your feet. NO
  10. Not bad for a first submission. We all gotta start somewhere. Don't let constructive criticism/feedback get in the way of you practicing and getting better. Here goes. The pace is really plodding. The notes are really dragging their feet. With each passing beat, I feel like the song is doing everything it can do to not just lazily slow down to a complete halt. The overall mix is too quiet. As Vig said, you need to flesh out your mix. Volume knob is a good place to start, and EQ and compressor are not far behind. The lead guitar is quiet. I like the concept, just playing improv electric guitar along to the windmill hut theme, but the energy just wasn't there. Also, the drums were extremely weak--not just the volume, but the general "1 kick 1 snare, 6 hats" loop. Pretty boring. Throw some fills in there, changeup the beat a little. Keep at it, I've heard lots of tracks that were nowhere near as good as this by people who've been doing it longer, so again, just keep practicing. NO
  11. Like Vinnie, the track is pretty much fine, with some minor gripes here regarding the depth and width of certain instruments. And like most eurobeat trance mixes, this is drowning in reverb, so it tends to make the listener feel like there's more mud than there ought to be. That doesn't really bother me all that much, but my main obstacle is that I'm just not hearing any personalization or expansion upon the original. It's everything but a straight-up trance cover as far as I can tell. It's in a different key, props, but all the arps and riffs pretty much sound copy+pasted into a trance template, and then it just kind of repeats. Definitely not a bad track, maybe I'd suggest adding a little more original material to weave into the general structure of your track, and then come back with that. RESUBMIT
  12. i don't think it matters. anything delicious should be revealed!
  13. Terranigma is one of the greatest RPG's of all time. Honestly, the story and music beats the hell out of most of the mainstream games out there on SNES. For those of you who have never wandered outside the realm of Zelda, FF, Chrono series, etc, PLAY THIS GAME, CHUMPS! This is great stuff, Andrew! Though the ending is a little abrupt, and the track doesn't wander too far from the original, this is really a pleasure to listen to. The strings are beautiful, and the track has a very celebratory, yet mellow (i.e. Canon in D, Pomp and Circumstance) feel to it--I can definitely see this being played at a graduation or some other such event, and it would fit absolutely perfectly. It's really great as a judge to see people develop their skills as not only musicians, but producers. People like OA and Avaris are great examples, both of whom I got to meet at M6, and regrettably didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with. Definitely my pleasure to throw a YES on this one. Here's to the Terranigma love. And here's to Snappleman's mom.
  14. Very very cool concept, and probably the most unique approach I've heard on this theme. As Larry might say, however, WHERE'S THE BEEF? I understand the quirkiness/minimalism/lo-fi in your approach, and I'm fine with that, but it definitely is undeniably dry sounding. I think the snare was probably your main antagonist there. That, and maybe your high hat. Also, there were certain places where a cymbal crash just didn't fit too well, like :47, and the one after that pause at :51. The crashes are really weak, and compared to your synths and all the other processing going on, they didn't really have any OOMPH behind them. Also, I found the mix a little on the repetitive side, and the quick, fadeout ending was kind of weak. A bit more expansion on both those fronts definitely wouldn't be a bad thing. Well, maybe you could throw in some pads and sweeps to fill up the space between your blips and bloops and maybe layer that snare with another hit to dampen the sound just a little. RESUBMIT! because this is really cool.
  15. by the way, I guess Larry is right in that with the clipping my ONLY gripe, my vote is in fact a conditional YES.
  16. Man, this is a tough call. I agree with Zyko that the community would probably enjoy this. I also agree that the lyrics are too cheesy even for the tongue-in-cheek approach. My biggest beef is not that the lyrics themselves are kind of dumb, but the phrasing. The lyrics have no flow, and aside from what they're actually saying, the syllables and words sound very forced, and that rubs me the wrong way. I don't mind the autotuning, or any of the other minor flaws as far as the performance or even production itself go--but I'm not sure I can live with the verbal attempt of trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole, which is the best way I can describe what these lyrics seem to be doing. Blah, I could teeter for hours on this one--I'm going to follow my initial "gut instinct" call and say RESUBMIT
  17. *casts lifespell on dead thread IT LIVES!!! I DEMAND MORE RECIPES/TIPS ON DELICIOUS FOOD! So, I have recently discovered that melted parmesan cheese (shredded) tastes quite good on a variety of foods including but not limited to, sandwiches, eggs, salad, beef, and chicken. Also, some useless trivia, this was the 5th oldest thread in community.
  18. Sorry for the late wishes, Brandon--was away from intarwebz this past week. Hope it was a great day!
  19. are you trying to make a tutorial? how to Phatten your Beatz (Zircon style): vol 1
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