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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. Heard rumours they're already starting to make a new console. Those rumours are neither confirmed from a reliable source, nor can I recall who told me... Wouldn't suprise me, but how can they? I guess blue ray is the only thing that's going to help them beyond their other electronics...
  2. If you've played the game as many times as I have, then you probably don't need to read it. But if you're enough a fan of Metal Gear, go for it. I still have yet to play MGS 3.... Guess I'll cheat and watch the cutscenes on Youtube....
  3. I'd go with Twin Snakes personally, since it has Sons of Liberty's engine integrated in the game. And even better cutscenes in some areas. But the voice acting I felt was just a bit better in the original Metal Gear Solid game for PS1 (I have the PC edition of that game, it came with VR missions).
  4. I've only finished a handful of RPGs, and FFVII wasn't one of them. Mostly I didn't have the patience for it at the time (I was up to Mount Corona? With Tifa and party, I guess). But from what I played, it was a good game... As for Crisis Core. I know next to nothing about it. Hopefully it's better than Advent Children.
  5. I'm sorry, I just couldn't get into that game whatsoever. The controls were too frustrating for me on the wii version. I couldn't stand that Isuun (the little guy that looks like a flea), this game just didn't set right for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the art style, the scenery, and the music, it's absolutely gorgeous, but the controls are a lot to be desired for. That's just my opinion, don't let me stop you from enjoying it. I know I'm bound to get flamed for what I said, but hey, at least I said why I don't like the game...
  6. I'm not ruling out that it could not be on Wii. Though the graphics wouldn't look that detailed. But call that blind hope. At least my roomate has a 360.... I certainly hope that they keep the same voice actors. Yeah, sounds picky I know.
  7. Beyond Good and Evil to me is absolutely one of the best games I ever played in my opinion. When you find a copy, just buy it. I'm going through it my third time (At least I think it's my third.)
  8. Saw the movie last night, and really enjoyed it. Just as funny as Last Crusade in my opinion (and I'm usually odd man out on that). I knew going into that theater that if I set my expectations real high, I'd be dissapointed, so I just watched the film to enjoy it, nothing else. Not to see it top the original three (something that I don't think can be accomplished),but just to see the film as a continuing story, and following the classic old adventure serials (just like the original three). Speaking of which, it may just be me, but does anyone else notice how somebody thinks x amount of movies need to be realistic (I'm not talking about anyone here on the forums)? Or you watch a movie with someone and they say, "Well why didn't they do ...", I know I've done it in the past, but it just ruins the enjoyment of watching the movie to me. I wonder if that's how some of the critics are reacting to the film (haven't read any critics reviews, not like I need to).
  9. I miss Good ol King's Quest games. I think they even redid 1 and 2 if I'm not mistaken... V, VI, and VII were pretty good too.
  10. Say, what song is that? I like that music...
  11. Seeing as how most collaborations with Directors and game makers never really turns out good (minus King Kong, that was okay), I was sceptical about this game, but after hearing good repore on the game, I took a chance and rented it. I haven't had this much fun on the wii in a while, this game had controls in mind from the begining, but I kinda got sore from trying to throw the ball hard... Yeah, sounds retarded I know....
  12. I'm thinking about changing my sig, didn't want to start a thread over it, so I thought I'd shown them... Alright, besides resizing them... Which one should I use? Or what could I work on??? Should I keep the one I've got already???
  13. While I use to feel the way the poster of this thread, I don't anymore. I have to agreee with Nekkofrog adn Sir Nuts (like the sig Sir Nuts), gamers today may not know of the classics we played, but those games are dated and used the best of what they could back then. So if those kids were never exposed to games like that before playing games today that are structured 50 times larger with more features and overall better, how can you blame them? I don't, heck, they're just enjoying one of the biggest money/time wasters we have. Yeah, I know what you're gonna say, games today are nowhere near as good as what we played, QUIT looking through a false lens. Look at the games today with no preconceived opinions or thoughts from any other game, or "EXPERT" critic, or rabid fanboy, and you may just enjoy these games today. Somehow I feel I've gone too far off topic, haven't I? And by the way Coop, AMEN!!!
  14. Looks impressive, hope it actually comes out, unlike the Chrono Trigger update we saw a few years back (ol Square put out a cease and desist order on them).
  15. Batmans got some bad wrinkles... On the subject, WHY? As one stated, Marvel and Capcom was done, heck, they should just do DC vs. Marvel. This just doesn't do anything for me, especially since I never really liked MK (the characters like Sub Zero and Scorpion, Smoke and others always looked kinda cool) But whatever floats gamers boats these days... Please, do not mention Marvel Nemesis, I still hate every fiber of that game...
  16. Got to stage 65 I believe, somewhere around there. Some sort of castle stage, lost track of where I was. Man, it's been a long time since I played it...
  17. I can't wait to see this game. I've read next to nothing minus some of the footage shown for it. But I can't shake the feeling that the story is just too far out. Yeah, sounds ridiculous (Robotic tanks walking, an undead vampire, double and triple crosses, a fat bomber who can outskate you, naked dudes running amuk, a hacker with a bizarre love with his mom, psychics, , how far has Metal Gear gone?), but to me it just feels like it's gone further into ridiculous territory, but that's just my opinion, chances are I'll love this one more than MGS:TS and MGS 2:SOL (never played MGS3).
  18. I will admit Sonic probably will never be as good as it once was. Sonic on 360 was awful for me. And the less I say about Sonic and the Secret Rings (is that the Wii version?), the better. I have to admit, I'm intrigued by this new Sonic game. Maybe SEGA final got the message that he doesn't really work that well in 3D.
  19. Honestly, I don't care anymore. Some games have intrigued me just by the box, even movies have done the same. BUt that's just the consumer for you, especially if they're uninformed on the stuff. How can you blame the lady if she doesn't know anything about video games? It's commendable you at least tried to help her.
  20. I agree that Ganon looks weird. He looks more ape than human. Why is anyone even trying to do a Zelda film? I think that is one franchise that shouldn't be fooled with. Unless the planets are aligned, I doubt anyone can or should even do a Zelda film (maybe if it was animated? CG or hand drawn would be fine with me). At least that's my feelings. Egad! It's been forever since you been here Nekofrog!
  21. Don't know if you could. Japan had a blowout in sales of the game. I wonder how bad it will be here? At least I reserved mine. I don't know if I'll pick it up at midnight...
  22. Is it just me? Or did they make some of those songs harder to play than they really are? Like adding in extra notes to make it more difficult? Maybe it's just me, but I still like Guitar Hero III.
  23. I don't know if anyone noticed it, but for a split second (this flickered on the screen), I could have sworn I saw the Dharma initiative logo from LOST? Did anyone else see that? Maybe it's just me and my brother in law. Made me a little nautious, but other than that, good movie.
  24. I haven't looked into anything regarding Mass Effect debate. But then again, I haven't really even played the game (the whole thing with the elevators was starting to annoy me, and that kind of stuff doesn't hardly bother me!). Fox news must not have much to talk about if they have to talk about a video game they've not even played... As regards to Adam Sessler, you should have seen him TRYING to debate with Jack Thompson. In that debate, Adam looked like a squabbling idiot. Instead of acting calm and collective (as a SMART man would've done), he came off as some fanboy chewing someone out. And the entire time you could tell he had a cocky grin on his face like, I'm so much better than you. But then again, I guess anybody would if they were debating with Thompson.
  25. I'd like to hear it. Rayman was the first game I really played on P.C. (or figured out how to run a DOS game). I do agree, there's lots of projects going on, heck, the Kirby Milky Way Wishes project has been going on for over a year! I do remember a Banjo Kazooie remix project, but it fell through. Not to mention the Star Fox project, and others... But I've never even submitted a song, cause I have no talent. So I guess I should just butt out...
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