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  1. Alright, I wasn't going to release this, but I like it so much I feel that I should share it. It's a hard house remix of the chemical plant zone from sonic 2 that is more "club friendly" than my cheetahmen II mix, but it's still in that vein. It was originally a sound check of sorts to see how I want my debut album to sound - so if you're into this, chances are you'll like my originals. (when they get released...) anyway, enough talk, I'll let the music speak for itself. http://soundcloud.com/prototyperaptor/chemixtrixx-sonic2-chemicalplant enjoy
  2. Hi! I'm newbie on OCR and in music actually. I'm trying write and play some kind improvisations some of them have words but most of them not. One thing unite all of my projects.. They are TERRIBLE!!! But I'm keep working.. When I have time. Some of my tracks sounds like video game music and I've done few "Remixes" (also NOT good) I really want to know prof OCR people opinion about my improvise. So there is one of my last things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAgQtFYwUx8 THANK YOU VARY MUCH!!! And one thing.. I have some problems with English as you see sorry about that. Thanks again
  3. There's one of my old(vary old) mix on Contra. I wish some one like it and do the TRUE remix on it. My mix is BAD but I'm trying.. Tell me what do you think.. How much bad is it? Thanks.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxeuOHMcIsA
  4. VERSION 3: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=739 Alright so, I changed a bunch. Still not mixed/mastered and whatnot. Some drums are different, the beginning is different, and the breakdown got a bunch of stuff added to it. I'm not sure what to do after the breakdown. There is some stuff there.. but I dont know What do you guys think? ----------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=718 I changed up the structure *so its longer and doesnt switch so quickly*. Also changed up the drums a bit and added some layering. ----------------------------------------------------- http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=717 Really really rough work in progress. Let me know what you think (im just trying to get some ideas down. Also what should I call it? I was thinking "A Chilly Day in Winnipeg" (if you dont know about how cold winnipeg is,the place that I live, go look it up )
  5. Hi all, Age of Empires 2 main theme. Tried to get a zimmer/pirates vibe going. It's only the sea shanty style bit at the moment! Enjoy!
  6. Okay so this is the first remix im posting up here. i have a few more, so i will upload them later. i created this on garageband, and i want some critique on it. ...okay so i only have a link to where i posted on youtube: i dont have it on a share site, just on youtube. so please, listen and give me some good critiques! thanx link to song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfC1JxmIGNQ
  7. I've been working on the famous Dragon Warrior Overworld song and am looking to submit it. Please let me know what you guys think, so far or any changes/corrections that would be helpful. Thank you! Click here for song
  8. one of my favorite tunes from the sadly not-too-well known bomberman hero soundtrack. redial is a great sampler of jun chikuma's ambient and low key style, and cheesy as it sounds, never fails to give me a sense of warmth. i went with how i felt and came up with this.. hope you can enjoy original: remix:
  9. EDIT: "Take 2" aka OCR says, "Nice Try, but No." Okay, so, here I am again, with the same source music, but different remix. I've been working on my remixing abilities since my last WIP, and I think I've improved, at least slightly, since then. I decided to go for more of an orchestral type of remix rather than... er, well, whatever the heck my last one was. Piano/Orchestral? I don't know. Anyway, the idea for this actually came to me while I was listening to Richard Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries." I pondered, "Wagner meets Legend of Zelda?" for a bit and then started on this... I am no Wagner. But it got me started on remixing again when I had not done so in a while, so... Anyway, constructive criticism and suggestions are appreciated. Take 2: Version 2.1 Updates ---------------------------- - Attempt to fix unwanted dissonace - Brief (and I stress brief) Sun Song cameo - Attempt to add more dynamics to mix by + adding some legato strings + minor variations in tempo Version 1.4 Updates ---------------------------- - Fixed unwanted dissonance - Added concert drum backing during latter half of song - Tweaked ending harmony with flute Version 1.3 Updates ---------------------------- - Doubled up on some of the instruments - Changed up the timpani a bit so it is not so repetative - Slight EQ changes to the harp. Hopefully it sounds better - The very last go through of the outro melody... well, you'll see. If it sucks just let me know and I'll discard it. It was kinda just a test... - And finally, added what I think is a suitable ending to this mix Version 1.2 Updates ---------------------------- - Took jabond's double-cymbal suggestion - Tweeked the EQ in a number of areas - Changed the violins during main melody - Fixed (I hope) the issue with 1:45-2:00ish - Slight alteration to the end
  10. Alrighty. This is an idea I've had floating around in my head for a few days now. This is a rough outline of where I want to take the track. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/320024
  11. http://hRook.net/mp3/newtrig/CircleCity.mp3 Eager to hear some c&c on this track.
  12. All I have right now is just a rough WiP I whipped up in a short amount of time.> I'll take any feedback I can get off of what little there is, and use it to (hopefully quickly) Flesh this out into more than just a 'sketch'.
  13. Long name, I know. Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated... http://electrosymphonica.webs.com It isn't finished yet and I'm debating whether it's good enough to sell or not. Sorry nothing too new is out there right now. "Dark Side of the Sun" is a highly-remixed version of my very first FL Studio venture, and "Restricted Area" is likewise my second mix, highly redone and almost up to my current standards/skill. I am using internet on a terrible wifi connection right now so later when I have a solid connection I will post something here that is hopefully much better. It's a newer piece called "Residual Toxicity" that I've shared only with my close friends who seem to like it.
  14. Hey, guys. I'm new to the OCR community, but I've been listening for years now, and thought I'd take a shot at my own submission. I've only been doing electronic music for about three months now, so I've still got a lot to learn, but I figured I'd just post this up here and see what kind of critique I could get from people. Original Source Tune: Megaman Battle Network 4 - Battle Pressure Didn't see even one submission accepted for the Megaman Battle Network series, so I decided to take a stab at one of my favorite songs from the games. Sadly, this song didn't leave me with much to work with melodically, so I kind of had to run with it. My take on it: Program Advanced http://tindeck.com/listen/xfwx Again, I'm still pretty new to music production in general - mixing and mastering, especially - so all constructive critique would be appreciated. Despite having so little to work with, I think I'm off to a decent start, so whatever ideas you guys might have, don't hesitate to make a suggestion. Thanks a bunch!
  15. From what Started As a youtube post, now evolved into something else.This Takes on a trance type of feel to it, With some orchestra, and with a little bit of DnB elements to it.Still working on the melodies and spaning off from the original so im only a quaterway done but I figured I should post this up. here ya go.By the Way This Wasn't Maximixed so the audio is a bit low.Might have to turn it up Feedback much appreciated
  16. The great tune from the moon level in Ducktales. Here's just a little section from the remix I'm putting together. I'd love some feedback. I hope you guys enjoy what's there so far. Cheers.
  17. Huepow00 - Anubis (WiP) 320kbps WORK-IN-PROGRESS http://soundcloud.com/huepow00/anubis-wip Wondering if I can get some feedback on this track. I've not gone in and fancied it up much, so it's pretty raw right now, but still...
  18. Very early stages. WIP. First time i've ever done anything in this style. I'm aiming for a live-feel. More humanizing needs to be done for sure (especially the guitar) but this is very early stages, mind you. Atleast I rarely have to worry about velocities since I'm playing everything live. It's the timing errors that screw things up. The piano turned out fine anyway. (No big timing issues). Maybe I got lucky there. Who knows? Enjoy.
  19. Listen here. I know the title isn't appropriate for my n00b status on the forum, but "Say Hello" just wouldn't capture the vibe. Hi folks, I'm Aaron. I like to make music and listen to others' creations. I'm the kind of person who can find soul in almost any song (almost), a former elitist fanboy type who would only listen to the "best" music (which a fair deal of, in hindsight, was crap). Nice to get into the forum here, and I'm looking forward to diving in. While I hope you enjoy my first contribution, I'm really hoping to get some constructive feedback. I use FL Studio 9 (been with FL since version 3), and I'm finding that I need a new computer (my projects require lots of memory maintenance). I usually have to test-render to hear bits of songs, and with this one in particular, I'm finding distortion artifacts that I'm pretty sure aren't in the actual project pre-render (right before the drop with the strings I think, and a few times with the voice synth). Thanks in advance for any thoughts, and I'll do my best to reciprocate on listening/feedback/reviews.
  20. Hi everyone. I arranged an orchestra version of the Zero Speaks theme that I would like to submit for a contest at school. I'm a noob at this and to OCRemix and i'm not too good with mastering so any honest comments and advice will be much appreciated. Click here to download Sound of Zero Silence.mp3
  21. Hi there. I thought maybe it was a weird way to take this song, but I am pleased with my work. It builds and ends like a typical trance track. I doubt it is actually club worthy though =P... Please listen and give me some feedback. Thank you! http://soundcloud.com/feather/twoson-club-mix 1st edit: I tried to widen the stereo field and I also notched the "knocking wood" down a bit for now until I figure out what I want to do with it for sure. I took a lot of the reverb off of the main melody too.
  22. FINISHED: Ok, I'll admit right off the bat, 99% of the reason I even did this was so I could scream "GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW." This will probably never get finished and I'm aware of how fugly it is, but I figured I'd share and let other people see the horror I've created. Maybe I'll submit this to OLR if I finish it. EDIT: Source for those who don't know: Cyril - I suppose you're right, I'm just terrible with genre classifications =P
  23. http://hrook.net/mp3/newtrig/CountingPapers.mp3 What I got so far. What do you think?
  24. Started on this last night. It was suppose to be something creepy and ominous...but turned out being more serene and calming more than anything. And for lol's, I did an alternate version with a really awesome section. Which might actually turn out to be the battle theme for this ruin. At any rate, it isn't finished and honestly...the top link is kind of null, seeing as how I forgot to save it after making the third section. I will either try and recreate that section, or go a different route. Let me know what you guys think. ------------ Somewhat of an update. Decided not to recreate what I had and went in a different direction...mostly. ------------ Not much, just added in a new section. It's somewhat bare at the moment. I actually have a harp section to go over the new section, but since I'm not sure I really like it right now, I left it out. The drum groove I have will probably be taken out as the boss doesn't really care for the hi-hat stuff. The new section was meant to give off a "heart-beat" sort of feel.
  25. Rarghhh! Losing inspiration super quick on all mah songs it seems, but, I like the idea of this one so hopefully it'll hold out for at least two minutes... (pfft, that's what she said) Okay, this one needs explaining; I love Professor Layton ATM, I really do, and whilst the music is effective for the genre it's just... nasty (excluding Layton's Theme- that's quite cool when it gets into it). Take the source for this remix for example- the Puzzle Theme is just a random walk through melodic ambiguity and anguish. It's actually annoying, especially when you're working hard on a puzzle for ages and you've got repeating over and over and over and over and over and over and over./rant But Proto? Why remix this you say? Well, because there was a MIDI for it on VGMusic for one, and two I kinda like giving simple songs complete melodic overhauls. Hurray! Anyway, WOW, I've written a freakin' essay. If I ever sub this I've already written the submission letter. http://www.mediafire.com/?nmrwhgz2dwj ANY feedback you wanna give is super useful. I will collect up your hateful comments and use them when I need to cry myself to sleep.
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