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  1. Hello fellow musicians and videogame lovers. We are Nestunes from Sweden and we are releasing new recordings this autumn. I'll post some songs here to see if you like our remixes/rearrangements. Here's Vampire Thriller from Castlevania https://soundcloud.com/nestunes/castlevania
  2. Little tweaking to the duet lead. I'm done! FC 4 2016/01/08 --- I've massaged the EQ & levels of leads & the arp once again, and adjusted the writing, so that whichever lead is the support lead will (hopefully) not step in the way of the other. Then in the final repeat of the "chorus" they both play as a duet, but (hopefully) adjusted so that they compliment each other. FC3 2014/10/10 ---- final candidate 2: FC2 2014/10/10 Some love for the levels, EQ and vibrato for the leads + arp; bass drum filtering & fills & stuff. I'd like to think I'm done, shout if you hear anything funny! (esp. the bass drum) ---- new, final candidate 1: FC1 2014/09/21 Bit more pad towards the end, some filtering of a lead instrument + mixing the snare/tom a bit up. ---- wip 1: WIP 2014/09/05 A techno rearrangement of Wandering Warriors from Shining Force II, with lots of Commodore 64 samples. This is a continuation of my PRC277 bonus track, and a part of the Shining Force II 2014 mix drive! I'll post a source breakdown later, since it is much modified & adapted. I think I'll do some lead variations and stuff at least. Mixing advice much appreciated!
  3. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/thunder-shooter-returns For those who don't remember, or didn't know, I did a "VS Kanden" remix for the Harmony of a Hunter album, and VikingGuitar helped me with mixing/mastering. I decided a few weeks ago to test new samples and improve my mixing/mastering skills, so here's the new version. Kanden is metulz! Source: (MPH)
  4. Herro everyone, here's a cover song I did a while back. It's not my normal work (electronic) but all acoustic. Hope someone out there enjoys it. http://www.soundcloud.com/theartinme/the-art-in-me-breakeven-cover
  5. In addition to the Rising Sun remix, I also remixed Baihu's theme from Shenmue II, which I've titled White Tiger:
  6. I recently completed this mix of the track Dawn from Shenmue. Thought I would share.
  7. A new song of mine. I'm practicing working on dynamics more in my songs. I'll take any tips on the production or musical sides of things! https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/a-shadow-in-the-forest
  8. Hi guys. I've just finished one of my first remixes, and it's the Luigi's Mansion main theme (The Mansion). I hope you like it EDIT: Version #2: https://soundcloud.com/lightningalex/luigis-mansion-theme-remix
  9. Original- Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/hail-from-the-present-45-tbp-2 So, This one's going in the queue in the next 5 days, So I need your help. If there is anything that is acting as a lead weight hold this down lemme know. If the mix was DOA lemme know. If you just don't like me and want to hurt my feelings lemme know. Seriously it's very difficult to take art, put it up, hear other artist written critiques about your art, including any technical aspects of the presentation of said art, take said input and revise your art and start the processes over again until it gains.......universal approval, general approval, Vanguard approval? So i guess what Im trying to say is, any input is vital AND Greatly Appreciated, but the hardest part for me is the taking the technical critiques and trying to engineer them to sit comfortably with the artistic inspiration...just a nagging thought that sticks in my head. As always, Thank YOU for your time to read and listen and have a great day!! ONE MORE THING!!!!! There's a mini-story behind this mix here ya go!!!! Oxford University, Suite 1987 Oxford, England Dec 5th, 1936 "Esteemed colleges, I present to you the most peculiar occurrence I can recall in all my years. Approximately 10:31 P.M. I attempted to reach Cairo Relay Station. I felt it best to contact, Dr. Carter and report on our current situation, when as quickly as I have ever seen, an errant sandstorm blew in from the East. Our radio produced nothing but static on frequencies I know to be valid, until I heard the most haunting sounds that, I should think, have ever existed. My immediate reaction was to engage my personal wire recorder and capture these bizarre sounds. The wave like squelching seems to be a warped radio signal, yet I clearly hear a violin and drums that beat with a rhythm I found to be irresistible and drives with a spirt I have not yet encountered in my travels. There seem to be an interaction between a one Jonathan and Claire and a yet unknown female ( who’s voice is like that of a siren to my ears) The strange effects, which I can only deduce are of an electronic origin (which are of no discernible origin, at least no current origin) clip and stutter, twisting the waveform of these fantastical sounds, as if one were fumbling with a tuning knob, which is very apropos, due to the nature of my interaction with this erie encounter, the likes of which may very well change not only how we Egyptologist understand this mysterious place, but our very understand of the past, present and future” Prof. Harker PhD. Esq. MD. Rev. LMNOP
  10. One of my personal favourite songs I've written this year. It's the last track on my recent album 'The Wire.' It has a really U2-meets-Coldplay feeling to it, which is what I was aiming for as a closing track. https://soundcloud.com/vanityangelfixx/love-song
  11. Hey everyone, I just finished another cover on the EWI - the main theme from Bubble Bobble. I'd love for you to have a listen! Any feedback always appreciated.
  12. So for the past few weeks, I've been working on and off on a Chillout sort of tune I call "Club Osiris". Uses middle eastern instruments and scales. Goal here was to create a hypnotic track that could work in an Egyptian themed nightclub or something. Here is the tune. Get ready to make some serpents dance. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/club-osiris Thanks for checkin' it out!
  13. Hi everyone. Well this time I decided to make a Rock Medley based on Boss Fight themes. The theme selection is not a big deal, but every song put my skills to the test, they have a high technical level. Chrono trigger was really demanding, along with Zelda a link to the past, ninja gaiden, every song was a challenge. Well here it is hope you enjoy it.
  14. I reharmonized the main theme from Chrono Trigger and recorded a version with my friend who plays electric violin. Haven't recorded electric violin, so I'm looking for tips there. I'm also wondering how y'all feel about the EQing. Let me know. Link to my version.
  15. Hi, Here's a meditation ambient music that i made : https://soundcloud.com/xouman/feed-your-mind What do you think?
  16. What's up? I haven't posted new tracks here in a while. Here's a complete overhaul of one of my old tracks. Drum & Bass with a lil dubstep and ambience here and there. A little Pop-ish towards the middle, and inspired by zircon and Lindsey Stirling. By the way, turn the Box.com volume up to 100%, since by default it isn't. ReMix: https://app.box.com/s/663y2pg9zpoc4e9e0jzk Source: Feedback is welcome. I'll submit this soon.
  17. http://youtu.be/j6xr312N8Ck Wrote this around a month ago. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
  18. Hi! Here's a full orchestral arrangement of Green Hill from Sonic 1. I'm hoping for any feedback, critical or otherwise. I'm embarking on a quest to arrange the soundtracks for the entire Genesis trilogy much the same way this arrangement has been done; I suppose I have a particular fondness for the Sonic soundtracks. https://soundcloud.com/thomaskresge/green-hill Enjoy!
  19. After touching up Careless Stories a bit, I've started work on what I hope will be a better album overall - Careless Stories was more of a learning experience than anything, so that should be easy to accomplish. Here's the first track of my new WIP album, Atlantic Memories. Once again, it's an entirely acoustic album. While the song still needs a few touch ups I'm happy with how it's turned out so far. https://soundcloud.com/katherine-allen-12/1-a-tale-of-obstacles
  20. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/liang-jiang A revisit to a simple theme I wrote several years back. I took it and tried to give it a sort of epic Chinese fantasy film vibe. Feedback welcome!
  21. https://soundcloud.com/ooidort/monsters-in-ya-pocket A small metal instrumentation of a couple of my favourite themes from the Pokemon franchise. Not a submission by any means.
  22. Agave TYPE-R (SOUNDCLOUD) S'been a while huh forum? : ) Just thought I'd share this one with the group.
  23. http://tindeck.com/listen/jzpo Update 9: I'm at the point now that I just need a mod to review it so I can add some last minute things to it that I'm missing. The 4-beat pattern in the B section isn't finished yet but I will get around to it. Hopefully this is the first and only mod review pass, but eh. SOURCE BREAKDOWN: 0:00 - 0:15 - Intro 0:15 - 1:05 - Fear Factory in the background and Hot Head Bop in front (arp first, taking the lead at 0:32) 1:05 - 1:36 - Lead starts out as Fear Factory, morphs into Corridor of Time at around 1:15 1:36 - 2:09 - Hot Head Bop arp, Corridor of Time airy pad 2:09 - 2:17 - Nothing, letting reverb do the work. 2:17 - 2:51 - Original piano passage and pad 2:51 - 3:07 - Return of CoT strings 3:07 - 3:23 - Last half of CoT, return of Hot Head Bop arp 3:23 - 3:40 - Hot Head Bop 3:40 - 3:56 - still Hot Head Bop, adding Goron City marimba in background. 3:56 - end - No source, club-style ending. (DKC - Fear Factory) (DKC2 - Hot Head Bop) (Chrono Trigger - Corridor of Time)(Alduin is plotting his return)
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