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  1. Hey guys, a chillout song I am working on. Would love some feedback <3 www.soundcloud.com/basedesire/the-forgotten/s-TjJiy
  2. Hi everyone, like the title says its my first Remix... I had some experience making video games covers earlier, but just now i started to create some real remixes... This is a work in progress, i'd like you to give me your opinion, and don't be scared to say whatever its in your mind. Maybe is a little "coverish" but i need to work in my technique and creativity, this is just a start This is an ochestrated version of Mushroom Forest, the stage 1 of Little Nemo: The Dream Master from NES, using EWQL Gold, Cubase 5, a midi controller M-Audio Axiom 25 and a Korg Nanopad2. I need to work in the ending, and some other details. I don't know why at 2:44 theres a high pitch noise, i have to fix that too, its a midi failure i guess. I really hope you like it, and i'll wait for your opinion!... ps: Sorry, English is not my native lenguage xD Original: REMIX: https://soundcloud.com/benjaipod/wip-little-nemo-the-dream-1
  3. This is on the Maverick Rising album. Honestly probably would have redone this if I had more time at the time and I still had the old project file. However I didn't so I had to do everything from the ground up. This time I think it's better in general... Still kinda rough needs some eq and tuning work on the cleans and I need to get my friend back on this to do the ridiculously high powermetal screech of awesome. Feedback always appreciated. Mix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4968788/crushing_gravityredux.mp3 Source: The original is not as good but if you want it for reference:
  4. I wanted to do something very summerish so I made an uplifting dance bitpop tune: https://soundcloud.com/oneup-melodies/ill-be-there-in-a-whistle The drums and some transitions need more work, also it's not fully mixed or mastered. What do you think?
  5. Got inspired to make new tracks again, this is one of em. Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24406521/psynes/PsyNES_-_Batman_Stage_4_Laboratory_Ruins_v0.76.mp3 I'm still trying to make some variations, better ending and a little longer version, but otherwise the track is almost finished. ... or thats what I think. Also Elrinth would like to make something to it, we'll see if I let him. I hope you like it, all kind of feedback is very welcome!
  6. Hello, I've recently made an account here so that I could get your opinions of my most remix. The remix can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/slimy-4/kraids-lair-second-remix The original can be heard here: I would appreciate any critique that you could give me, so that I can make this song sound as good as possible, and know what to expect in the future. Thank you in advance for listening!
  7. I've decided to start up a new project titled 'Mini-tunes' (or something like that) and it's basically going to consist of a bunch of 1 minute or less original tunes based off my influences, starting with this one: Goofymate! It's pretty obvious if you've played the game (without looking at the tags of course) which this track is based off. I'd love to hear some feedback, whatever it may be, good/bad/CC etc. Cheers!
  8. Been working on this off and on for a long time. Original songs are: Within These Castle Walls Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks! Clockwork Mansion WIP 06/13/13.mp3
  9. I again feel like its just too much going on at once or its just missing something that I cant seem to find. Any help would be appreciated
  10. Not sure what else I need to do with the EQing besides taking out peaks, but this is the structure I think I'm going with right now. Any ideas?
  11. Apparently the Battlefield series only ever wrote one song and just changed up the instrumentation. This is NOT going to get onto OCR, I know that already, but I would like to improve on it so feedback plz. Original - Remix - https://www.box.com/s/7wlnkqzf93iujs99s0ml
  12. Hello all. This is my very first time posting here AND my first time making a remix in FL Studio 10. Here is a remix of Into Sandy's City from DOOM II (composed by Bobby Prince). Feedback would be awesome! http://tinyurl.com/pt6vu52
  13. Hey there guys, It's been a long time since I was last here (mainly because I do remasters rather than remixes), but I actually have a remix for you to look at! I wanted to do something with the NieR soundtrack, since it's one of my favorite OSTs of all time, haha. So I mixed it up by drastically switching genres. I haven't come up with a name for this remix yet, but maybe some of you can help me with that. Let me know what you think about the remix; I think it might be a bit too liberal with the theme, but the original piece is pretty much just a chord progression, so I thought being liberal might work. http://tindeck.com/listen/kyxz Here's the original for reference
  14. Hello! This is my first post here in the Workshop, and this is the first remix I've gotten to the point that I'm confident to show it for public feedback. The song I'm remixing is , from Touhou 2: Story of Eastern Wonderland. It's a techno-ish song, that is probably pretty vanilla, but I'm enjoying making it, and I hope you enjoy listening to it!The Remix: https://soundcloud.com/degree0/tempered-steel Edit: The mixing sucks because there isn't any. I work in a tracker and I have no idea how to mix well anyways <_> sorry.
  15. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/a-reason-to-rock Real electric guitar and fake acoustic guitar. Yay! Basically, I just need an excuse to put some killer drop-tuned metal riffage on my soundcloud page and this little riff is actually pretty sweet. I'm also lookin' for some tips on how how to improve production of metal/rock music. So any tips you have based on what you hear in that link would be great. Thanks!
  16. Not sure if there is an Earthbound piano arrangement album out there... or if there will be one. But in commemoration of Mother 2, I arranged Fourside for solo piano. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/fourside There is almost a calypso type of beat being outlined by the percussion in the original piece. I made an honest effort to import that vibe to the piano and likely failed completely. If anyone is interested in a piano arrange album of mother series, please let me know. Might be a lot of fun!
  17. https://soundcloud.com/linjaflu/facece-mod-wip
  18. https://soundcloud.com/irierath/preview I listen to a lot of Power/Progressive Metal and AOR. This is a new alias where I can dump all of those inspirations combined with my signature FM sound. For now all I have is this tune but hoping to get an album or at least EP ready by this year.
  19. This was my entry for the ISW Juggernaut Composer Contest. Phantom Foundry Are there issues with the bass? Any feedback on how to help make the bass sound better? Other issues? Thanks.
  20. Hello. My name is Ryan and I write video game music. < love this emoticon. Now that the introduction is out of the way... I've been writing music in the indie video game scene for over 10 years. A lot of my projects just sound unrefined in terms of the quality and mastery and organization of various elements of sound. It's a process that I haven't sweated until now ... which brings me to why I am here. Basically I am here to learn and get better. I want to gain a more critical ear and mind for the purposes of sound mixing and music. I hope to see many of you around. Cheers and good vibes to ya'll Ryan Here is my latest work for CrystalKingdom, a sprite-based mmo rpg largely inspired by early Squaresoft rpg titles for the SNES. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/unpeacefulrespite-cemetary And a few other things. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/boss-dialogue https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frogatto-map-and-orchestra https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/wellputfinal https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/symphony-no-1-melody-outline https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/chip-and-bass https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/chipzen-final-track-1 (i got my work cut out for me)
  21. So I'm writing a song with lyrics for the first time! :3 It's pretty generic, it has very simple lyrics, a VERY standard progression, but it's my first attempt at singing (using a very very cheap-y microphone) and I can't take feedback from people I know because of embarrassment so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. I know my voice is pretty monotone, so I at least don't need you guys to tell me that. ^^; Any advice on filters or EQing or anything would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Hey guys, I haven't been on OCR in forever. The last project I worked on (and lost from an HDD failure) was my Dire Dire Docks remix back in 2011. Ive still been poking around here and enjoying the new WIPs. Anyway intros aside, im tackling the Dialga/Palkia battle theem from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. I haven't gotten very far and only put about 6 hours into the project, but I wanted to know from you guys how it works out so far in terms of production and arrangement. since the stories the same ill just quote what I put on youtube: THE WIP *NEWEST*: OLD WIPs: THE SOURCE: the intro of my song is @ 1:57 in the source 0:40 of my remixing is at @ 1:40 in the source its a little backwards in my remix but it sounded good at the time
  23. Been practicing Blazblue songs for a minute now. Been working on learning about DB/Level and Compression. Been learning how to get Shreddage and drums to sound as convincing as possible. Now I have to learn five things: How to find a suitable bass amp- How to EQ two lead guitars and sync pinch bends/sqeuals without ripping out my hair- What direction I want to take this song in to destroy the conservativeness- How to recognize chord progression- How to continuously get better- Note: (I got as close to 0db on the Fruity Meter as possible. I then threw a Brickwall limiter on the track. Just sayin'.) 'Remix' https://www.box.com/s/33673i2knh5umibvguhj 'Source'
  24. excited to post one of the first promising original mixes ive worked on. Its a branch off of the first track i ever legitimately started and sounds totally different not sure what genre this is but it feels housy to me. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/pizzicato-wip-2
  25. Ok so its not really traditional disco, and im not entirely sure what the genre of this is, but it makes me think of disco. so feel free to inform me where this fits genrewise! Its a goofy remix of "Hard working moles are good moles" Im trying to audition this for the super mario rpg project so any sort of feedback is helpful! it will probably need alot of work to get up to spec for the project, but i may as well try https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/disco-mountain-mole-mountain thanks !
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