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  1. Hey guys, just wanted to share my new song - trying to indulge in as many video game-esq melodies as possible
  2. Hey guys ! I've being wanting to make a Child of Light cover for a while now , and finally here it is : Aurora's theme cover ! Feel free to leave your opinion an feedback , this isn't my first cover but it is my first post to OCremix .I really want to improve my songs so all feedback is welcome Enjoy
  3. Check it out! Leave a feedback!!! Thank you!!
  4. Hey This is my first post on this site, I have been hanging around like a weirdo and have listened to the many releases by the community. I finally picked up the guts to post something! Here is my TMNT cover with my good friend Hedkar Thunderfist! (I keep telling him its a porn name!) Any feedback would be welcomed Thank you, Steve
  5. Hi Guys! Check out my new video, I'm entering a competition hosted by Rob Chapman. Please leave your comments, Thank you! Cheers!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vLd1pDbgPs
  6. Hello! I made a new cover. It's about Lufia 2 soundtrack, a little bit of sad theme. There has been some time since i uploaded anything, but this one got my groove back :). Main instruments are acoustic guitar and piano. I made other sounds like bass with DAW from the scratch. Here is the cover: and here is the original soundtrack:
  7. Hey Guys! I'm new here! I just composed a one minute guitar solo! Please provide your feedback so I can improve.
  8. This is an instrumental I wrote about 10 years ago that I decided to try and make a good mix out of after getting some new gear and recording equipment. Feedback is appreciated! Let me know how I could improve the recording.
  9. Hi guys! This is a song me and my buddy have been working on. Feedback appreciated
  10. I spent a few weeks here and there working on it, and this is the first time I tried to film myself during the creation process. I had the hardest time trying keep my guitar sound consistent, and sadly had to compromise with a buzzing in it here and there. I hope you guys enjoy it.
  11. Welcome to Shreddage 2 SRP, the newest KONTAKT PLAYER-powered virtual guitar from Impact Soundworks! Building on our legacy of rock & metal focused 7-string guitars, we've sampled a new American guitar performed by rising star Jules Conroy - better known as FamilyJules7x on YouTube. Together, we collaborated to create an incredibly versatile sample library that excels for hi-gain styles, but is just as well suited for a wide range of genres. Using the same great engine as our other Shreddage guitars, SRP offers total control over mapping, performance, and engine settings, allowing you to customize the instrument to your liking - OR just load and play, using any of the built-in FX presets! AUDIO DEMOS LIBRARY WALKTHROUGH (intro song is me!) SHREDDAGE 2 vs. IBZ vs. SRP COMPARISON KEY FEATURES * Over 15,000 new 24-bit samples * 7 strings with a low note of drop G * Clean (DI) recordings for custom tone crafting * Classic American sound: well-rounded and versatile * Ultra-realistic performance engine * Customizable articulation mapping & engine settings * Easy compatibility with Shreddage 2 & IBZ * Built-in FX rack with amp/cab presets * Compatible with KONTAKT PLAYER ARTICULATIONS * Single note & powerchord sustains * Single note & powerchord palm mutes UP TO 11 LAYERS * Single note & powerchord staccatos * Tremolo picking * Pinch squeal & regular harmonics * Portamento slides * Hammer-on and pull-off legato * Unpitched & pitched release noises * Over 100 FX sounds AVAILABILITY * Available NOW for Kontakt Player 5.3.1 * Intro price: $119 for new customers, $99 for Shreddage 2 license owners, $79 for Shreddage 2 IBZ owners Click for more information and to purchase!
  12. Hi everyone - I've created an 8-bit guitar effects pedals that is intended for use with Chiptune music. I handcraft them. Any interest in something like this? Cheers, Trev Wignall
  13. Source video first then remix video. Do y'all think this could be OCR worthy? Is it interpretive enough? I used the chiptune because I was aiming for nostalgia.
  14. Hey guys, been visiting ocremix for a while but never posted here. I did a metal cover of haunted woods recently and I'd love some feedback. It would help me out on making next cover better. Hope you guys like it, thanks! https://youtu.be/RlfHI-mCp78
  15. Hello! Some time ago, i made a cover about very sensitive song. This song is from the game, that is very memorable and still one of the most important games i have ever played. Chrono Cross - Singing Emotions. It's pretty simple rendition, but i like how nicely acoustic guitar fits in...at the end i mixed it with the same kind of sound, that plays in the original. It kinda express the sensitivity of the cover more . Here is the cover: And here is the original:
  16. Here's my first full song. Nothing truely revolutionary, just pure instrumental goodness. Only guitar and sampled drums. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmNLfei2g38 Feedback is of course welcome and encouraged, I'm trying to grow, no matter how bitter it gets
  17. My interpretation of the Knight Rider theme music. Loved this show when I was a kid and I don't think any of the TV shows since bearing the 'Knight Rider' name have ever done the original justice. Please enjoy! Youtube: https://youtu.be/yf6P3ArFPEc Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/objectivist-guitarist/knight-rider-theme-cover
  18. Heeeey! I made a cover of Mute city from F-zero, and I would like to hear your thoughts about it! Enjoy! -Mr.alek
  19. Youtube: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/darianharman/mega-man-ii-metal-man-theme-guitar-cover
  20. Here is a Funky/Jazz remix of the Fairy Fountain theme i'm working on. https://app.box.com/s/hy3ypsg4ymq60b23t2vmf4up4327c8g6 It's unfinished and i'm not sure how to proceed with the arrangement, a drum solo perhaps?
  21. Hello, everyone! I am working on a remix of Clock Town that I started in 2010, and I require direct recordings from a nylon (or gut-string) guitarist for some parts. Concept A while back, a Zelda role-playing environment was being developed in Second Life. The setting was Termina, 100 years after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. According to the backstory, Clock Town flourished and grew over the century and became the capital city of the land. This remix was being written for the future Clock Town. However, a sim (region) could not be procured. Instead, this remix will make its home (hopefully) on OCReMix. Recordings Below are recordings of sequenced material. The first is a slightly older WIP of what I have currently. The second is my attempt to use a guitar sample I procured recently to give a crisp, natural sound using Roland SuperNATURAL technology. Clock Capital (WIP) https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjuz5z300win9of/ClockCapitalDraft0.6.mp3?dl=0 Gut Guitar Line https://www.dropbox.com/s/thfvfj6c01wuldr/ClockCapitalGutGuitar2.mp3?dl=0 Is anyone interested in helping to provide natural guitar lines for the remix? Thank you in advance!
  22. Hello, I have made a cover of the Hyrule market theme from The legend of Zelda, ocarina of time! I hope you'll enjoy it! -Mr.Alek
  23. Hi there! Here is another cover (gutiar / bass) of the fantastic, tremendous, utmost RPG game on PC that is ... *drumroll* ... Lands of Lore!!! *tadammmm + trompets* Ok I love this game (and other RPGs like baldur's gate ) and the sound track was reallly good. Enjoy the cover here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0ia-U4Q4aM Thank you! Jeff
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