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  1. Ghosts'n Goblins 'Trance Version' This is from the Commodore 64 version of Ghosts 'n Goblins, which had far superior music to the arcade, even if it wasn't the most appropriate for the game. This ReMix takes that music and basically makes it sound ten times better. Has bell sounds throughout to add a bit of a haunting feeling to it. I like that. Makes it seem to fit into the G&G world a little better. I like what Instant Remedy has done here.
  2. https://youtu.be/1Bnz6yZf67g I've got so many alternatives for this year's Halloween remix. I'm not sure why I didn't write one of all those, the Twisted Mansion just called out to me in the last minute. And since I love Mario Kart games and all of the soundtracks from them I just couldn't resist making. The original first seemed messy and unstructured, but when I really started to listen to it my first impression was the complexity of harmonics and layered melodies. But it all winded up pretty darn genious when I got a bit into it. I felt it was a challenge, and at the same time very joyful to write it down and make my own interpretation. The most time consuming part ion making Twisted Mansion was the instrumentation and modification of all instruments. As you can hear there are several instruments I never used before, like the first classic spooky melody, the female choir, pizzicato strings, staccato strings and not least the pipe organ. When I use new instruments I need to set them up pretty thoughroly to make them fit in the total soundscape as to speak. Much tweaking with equalizers, attack, delay, sustain and release. At the end, it felt really great to be on time with this Halloween remix, because I really thought I would be awfully late xD So what saved me... yeah I got THE WORST MANCOLD, as usual at this time of the year when my kids started school and so. I got to rest at home, and dedicated many hours into making this remix, it was worth it! I hope this get you in the mood for Halloween! I won't go into how I build it up and commenting on sections this time, I'm just gonna let you listen and discover things for yourself. Take care folks, it would be the world to me if you listened and shared this with friends! Thank you so much ❤️ /Neon X
  3. Not really meant to be a full song, just sharing for fun. Feedback welcome though, as I don't have any practice with hip hop yet.
  4. Hi Everyone, I hope you had a great Holiday, and are looking forward to the New Year. Here is a Trumpet and Tenor Saxophone arrangement of Jack's Lament by Danny Elfman with accompaniment. Credits: Trumpet: Anthony Higham Tenor Saxophone: Brandon Pettis Arranged and Produced by Anthony Higham Video Edited by Brandon Pettis Please don't hesitate to reply with any song requests with this instrumentation!
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  6. Hey y'all! Long time no see. Given the somewhat irregular output I've had recently I wanted to make sure this was kind of a big thing before I posted in GenDisc (If this doesn't count, I throw myself to the mercy of the mods). I've been pretty busy going back to school and getting ready to have a kid here pretty soon, but I wanted to finish a song and make a video before the baby comes. Believe it or not, my (seven month pregnant) wife actually helped out a lot on the video side of things and made the video shoots of the pumpkins possible. Anyway, I wanted to post this here because, to be honest, my mindset while making this song was very similar to how we do ReMixes here; take the original and do an original arrangement of it. I love the Halloween theme and Carpenter's style, both filmically and musically, so without further adieu: And the song, with free download:
  7. mp3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1bp4pINjINbd1FiaVJtMlNmeVU flac: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1bp4pINjINbdVFrYXdIWEppWUU This is a cover of the music from one of my favorite games, Trick-or-Treat Beat, an old Shockwave game on the Cartoon Network website. I tried to recreate the sound pretty closely (since I like it so much), but I extended the arrangement quite a bit. It also has a quote from its spiritual sequel, Scared Sweet: I don't know if this could get through the submission queue in time for the 31st, so I might have to put off submitting it until next year maybe? (I will be putting it on my YouTube.) Unless of course somebody says "go ahead"...
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  9. Jurassic Park 'Raptor Waltz' There are parts of this song that make me wonder if Trace got a hold of a time machine to grab some Dinosaur sound samples. Get ready for your own personal ride through the jungles of Jurassic Park when you listen to this one. I only have one complaint with this one. There is a lead instrument that starts about 1:25 that I think we could have really done with out. The rest of the song makes me not want to close my eyes in fear of what I might dream up. I liked this one much more then the 3rd Jurassic Park movie. I think we could have lived without that as well.
  10. Thoughts? We ourselves thought it turned out kinda creepy
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  12. Super Metroid 'Maridia (Drowned in Exile)' If you have an appreciation for deep and moody ambiance, this is where its at. The only sound that doesn't appeal to me in this one is the lead melody which plays through most of the song. It sounds off key and lacks the ability to convey what I would call, audio pleasure. It's also a little sharp. Take away that, however, and in my opinion you have one hell of an interesting piece of ambiance. Not for everyone, but try it out just too see. Great work, Children of the Monkey Machine.
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  16. Final Fantasy 7 'Oppressed Swamp Dub' I like the underlying tune of the whole thing, and the sound effects, while loud, definitely add environment to the tune. The strange (I couldn't understand them) vocals weren't needed, in my opinion. Not a fan of the overdriven/distorted guitar(?) near the end though. 3/5
  17. Friday the 13th 'Panic at Camp Crystal' Creepy! Absolutely perfect for Halloween. The use of orchestral string instruments in this song is amazing. I should have had this playing in a stereo sitting outside my front door just to freak out the kids. And then the whole song turns right around into this goofy electronic bit. Which is really amazingly well done, but what the hell?! I was really getting off on those orchestral strings. I think it would have been nicer as two different full length songs, but ah well. Excellent work Ghetto Lee Lewis.
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