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  1. Something I threw together. Sort of an electronic/hip hop sound to it. This was from the pool joust stage. All feedback welcome, especially in regards to mastering. Remix Will be happy to return the favor if you'd like - just reply with a link. Thanks - Marc
  2. Want to officially release this on an album with art and such but eh you know don't really have a budget so an unofficial Soundcloud release until I can acquire the rights to this bad boy. Do I need to mention Soundcloud's terrible upload quality?
  3. Recently completed my first mixtape where I remixed a number of my favorite tracks from Chrono Trigger. Probably best categorized as Vaportrap/Lofi Hip Hop [ChronoWave] ¦ [クロノ波 ]
  4. So I recently blitzed through Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which has an awesome soundtrack. Like seriously even if you don't have an interest in the game I highly recommend checking it out. After almost 100 hours in the game, I felt it was time to try my hand at a remix. This is a remix of the music that plays in one of the towns at night. "Don't Forget Me" has become something of a meme in Xenoblade/other gaming circles. Anyone who's played the game will know what I mean Original song: Remix: Anyways, probably not submission material, but if someone thinks otherwise I may consider submitting it. I hope you enjoy!
  5. Hey everyone! I hope this is the right place to post this I just finished a long Zelda mix, including 5 remixes that I've done, and several beats from other artists that you may not have even heard of I think it turned out great, and I put a ton of work into the video too, as this is the first one I've done for multiple songs. Video was 100% done in FL Studio using ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin. Without further ado, I present "The Hero of Hyrule," a 40min Lo-fi, Trap, and Chillout mix ::TRACKLIST:: 00:00 - andre.Wav - Press Start 03:21 - FUSION42 - A Forgotten Lullaby 06:37 - Polaster - Bamboo Island (Lofi Remix) 08:56 - FUSION42 - Door of Time 10:57 - CheeseCakeBeats - Gerudo Valley 13:42 - FUSION42 - Mabe Chillage 16:58 - Phi Dao - Mipha 22:18 - Oskar Nyström (Tiny Drum) - Tarrey Town 24:08 - Smoove Beats - Valley 27:53 - FUSION42 - Windmill Lounge 31:21 - Patriice - Zelda's Joint [Lo-fi/Future Mix] 34:31 - Doc Infinity x mowgli - links loops 37:27 - FUSION42 - Final Hours I'm planning another mix like this also, although it will be open to lo-fi and chill remixes from any series, hit me up if you want to get featured. I'm also happy to answer any questions anyone here has as well. Thanks for listening and I hope this brightens up your day!
  6. Hey everyone, I've been working on a chilled out version of Mabe Village from Link's Awakening. I completely rearranged the song's chord structure, and played most of the riffs/runs using a midi keyboard. This is a style I've been very fond of lately and have used it for some other Zelda Remixes, none of which I felt were worthy of submitting, but I think with some polish I might be able to get this one up to par. +Overall song structure/arrangement +Mixing/sound choices I included a middle section with a different vibe/different chords to spice it up a bit. My biggest challenge on this one is that the tune is pretty short and only has one section. I experimented with a few different ideas to lengthen the track, but if anyone has any other ideas I'm open to hearing them. Right now I think the length is OK, but there is still more work to do to keep it from sounding repetitive. Lastly, I'm open to collaboration on this if anyone is interested (one thought was maybe a real guitar playing over some of the sections instead of my so-so plugins) EDIT: updated link, song is finished now, but I may go back and make changes if needed before submitting
  7. I made a rap album. Well, I made 8 but I thought I'd post the songs most relevant to this site, or at least the geekier ones. https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/majoras-mask https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/hooded-rogues https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/nun-tuj-nun https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/prepare-to-die https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/welcome-to-blighttown https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/taking-a-lore-dump https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/the-entrusted-one-2 https://whatsacow.bandcamp.com/track/kill-yourself Looking for feedback so let me know what you think. Also, if you're making remixes and want someone on the vocals, let me know.
  8. So this is an original song but definitely game related. I created the Fairy Fountain beat into hip hop form (from scratch) and have put vocals on it. The vocals are about Princess Zelda from the perspective of Link. If Link was to write a love song about Princess Zelda, this would be it! This is only a rough draft, and yes I put some autotune on my vocals. Please any and all feedback would be nice. I will be submitting this to OCRemix https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwSM9LzCGW0BMndYOWhEcmk0ZGs
  9. So I made a soul hip hop remix to the Mario Star Power theme. I am gonna to rap on it, but I need advice on the beat itself. How is the mixing? Is there more elements I can add to it? I feel like its missing something! Maybe some sounds or something. LISTEN BELOW: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSM9LzCGW0BbWRsRnM4YWpiQVk/view?usp=sharing
  10. Hello all! I just need feedback on this track I did which I will be distributing. It's a hip hop beat using the Mario Star Power sample. Lyrically, its positive rap about believing in yourself and I do reference video games in the lyrics. Hope you enjoy! I'll definitely return the feedback of one of your songs if you want me to. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwSM9LzCGW0BbERpb0F5eF9UZlE
  11. Hey guys, I made this fun rap video/track using the voicelines from the game Overwatch, edited on top of the Beastie Boys' song Sure Shot. I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you guys dig it! Cheers.
  12. Hey there, my favorite Twitch streamer (www.twitch.tv/bakihanma20) was streaming gameplay of Secret of Mana 2 the other day, when he suddenly broke into a spontaneous freestyle rap, over the in-game music, while playing the game. It was a really cool, unique moment! Warning: Lots of N-Bombs, F-Bombs, and other offensive language in this video. It's mostly harmless, but some people may get offended. Anyways, enjoy!
  13. This was a song I remixed a while ago, but frankly, it wasn't good by any means. So I'm deciding to "use tackle" on this one again with a little more style. ReMix: Bubbles Shining Over the Sea ReMix Source:
  14. This is just a rough draft but an idea I had while fiddling around with some hip hop/lo-fi sounding fonts. Feedback, ideas, if anyone wants to rap to this? I'm not done with it yet, but I'll hopefully get the full thing done soon. ReMix: Mario World - Map/Star Power Themes ReMix Source: Map Star Power
  15. Parappa The Rapper EP Project Director: Cole Train (Blacimar) Artist(s): [Needed] Web Designer: [Needed] Trailer: [Wanted] Project Overview Sheet So, Parappa the Rapper! It's great, and I love the cheesy music in that game. But there isn't much representation of it on this site, which I find weird given that it in a way invented the rhythm game genre as it is. But I'm out to give the game the treatment it deserves with this EP. The idea of this project is simple and something original for OCRemix. I'm planning for this to be an album composed of only vocal remixes. Hip hop/rap and R&B vocal remixes at that. No album on Overclocked (that I know of) has done either of those, and probably for good reason. Vocal remixes are for certain hated by some, but given the game that this is, in my eyes it would be criminal if this wasn't a full force hip hop album. So What's Needed? Well, as you can see above, we need the normal jazz for albums: An artist for one of those amazing album covers, a web designer to, well, design the website for the album to be hosted on, and someone to make a trailer for the album. Other than that, we of course need our music artists, who I'm gonna be checking in with and be in contact with, who are going to remix eight tracks from the game. If you want to claim a track, reply to this thread, pm, or email (nathanocole@gmail.com) me expressing interest, describing what you wanna do with the track of your choice (as in style and idea). Singers, those who play an instrument(s), vocalists, and other rappers who don't claim a track who aren't in a group/cooperation for a track will be put in the collaborators section along with their skill. Just reply to this thread or pm/email me expressing interest with previous work if you want to be a collaborator. From there, artists working on their track could reach out to you to get you on. Tracks Remember folks, diverse styles of hip hop are encouraged, so don't be afraid to let your creativity let loose. Any subgenre of hip hop, from jazz hop, gangsta rap, rap metal, trap, and anything in between is fair game. WIP deadlines will be discussed at a later time, but I have no deadline for the EP to be out. Take the time to make sure you're 200 percent satisfied with your tracks I say. If you show to me a lack of effort or care on your part to me though, I won't hesitate to drop you from the project, be mindful of that. Also if you have an idea for one of the smaller tracks from the game that aren't listed below (Maybe you got a mean idea for Jet Baby, I dunno), contact me about that as well. Remixes of those could be added. Maybe we could call this an album at some point instead of an EP (wishful thinking, I know). Tracklist ** = Must Haves (Purple = Claimed Yellow = WIP Green = Complete) **Chop Chop Master Onion Rap (zykO) Love You Rap (Aramis616 [Vocals] + ??? [Needs ReMixer]) **Instructor Mooselini's Rap (ThirdKoopa) **Prince Fleaswallow's Rap (Navi) **Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Rap Katy and Sunny Band Anthem **All Master's Rap **Live Rap With Mc. King Kong Mushi (Overclocked University) **Funny Love (DaleNorth) Sign of Happiness Joe Chin is Here The Jet Baby Smooth Life of Mine Paradise Straight To Hell Thank You For Everything Collaborators Cole Train (Blackimar): Vocals: Rap and Singing (Baritone or Bass) Smooth4lyfe: Vocals: Rap (https://soundcloud.com/smooth4lyfe) Aramis616: Vocals: Rap (https://soundcloud.com/aramis616/tracks) (Check Love You Rap)
  16. Just thought I'd do some work with the Low Pass filter on my MPC, and rock some chopped up funky drums. Got a nice vocal sample from Greg Nice "Got's To Be The Shurshot" to add in more Hip Hop flavor. It's cool becuase it's a Hip Hop beat that's in the 3/4 time signature, which you don't hear too often. Also, I really went to town with some of these VSTs. I tried to use some of the most over the top synths that were still appropriate for the song. Just a little somthin to nod your head to. Hope you enjoy!
  17. I made this beat to sound a bit haunting.
  18. So a producer I like by the name of Raisi K dropped a few samples that are open for people to make a beat on or rap over. Long story short about an hour or so after I saw em, I made this. Feel free to tell me how trash I am.
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