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I think that i'd like to chime in here to say that i love this piece, and it's truly a work of art. I'd also like to add it's the second IMC song to make it to OCR. Translation: This was made in just a week.

Psychrophyte is the man. :)

(And yeah, i think he knows how i feel about the song, lol.)


the good and the bad:

REALLY nice samples. Like, fuckin inCREDible samples.

Usage of those samples is done very well.

the bad side is, it (to me anyway) sounds unfinished, or like half a song. Granted, it was conceived in a week, but it might have been nice to expand upon the intial ideas a bit more. As it is, it's mostly a very high quality version of the original (with a bit of variation in the voicings here and there).



I've always thought this was great...although it makes me wish I had the money to fork over for samples like that. And it is a more "enhanced" version of the original, rather than a real different arrangment...but that's all it intends to be. And it does it awesomely (if that is a word).


Ok, wow, Even if this is pretty much the way the original went, the original did NOT have the quality or beauty this remix flaunts. I think anyone who can pull off a symphonic/orchestronic (yes i made that word up) piece is talented, but this, this is more than just pulling it off. It is like he sat down and totally rewrote the song to handle a large epic sound. Great great job. One of my fav pieces so far!


Overall it's not a bad mix. The samples are pretty decent (either Fluid or Squidfont I'd say). There's a very minimalistic sound to it, which is either good or bad depending on your preferrences. I would have liked to have heard a little more fleshed out sound, though not full. This sounds fairly empty overall, but that's just my take on it.

The horns (I'm assuming that's what they are) around 2:00 are a little too quiet in comparison to the action that's occuring in the rest of the orchestra and I believe it should be louder for two reasons:

1) Since there's only timpani, contrabass, and violin, the horns would easily have overpowered the rest

2) The horn line is the melodic intent for that section and should be the loudest anyway

Not a bad piece, but I think there's a little bit more you could have done to it.


Great stuff; atmospheric, and takes its time about things. I've rediscovered the original track now, which hadn't struck me as something special at the time. This puts it in a new light, those great violins in the background and that yearning main melody...


Thanks to everyone who has posted criticism; I enjoy reading it.

DJP was dead-on when he said that the song was envisioned and then executed to the end... with the deadlines on the contest I wrote this for, it's almost a necessity.

This was my first real attempt at something orchestral, and I feel that all things considering, it came out really good, and I can only get better from here on.

I'll definalty keep your comments in mind the next time I attempt another piece of this style, Russell. And yes, it was Squidfont.


This is indeed quite the quality tune. However, to look at DJPretzel's introduction to the piece, I thought it was a remix of the MAIN theme to Super Mario World. Instead what I got was a remix of the ghost house music. Still, good stuff. And yes, the tune as a whole could have gone on longer without losing the listener's interest.


I'm a sucker for orchestral songs. My favorite part is when the strings enter at 1:24. The intro and ending flow great. I just wish it was longer.

Keep 'em coming!


Wow, VERY good remix. Shows off the underlying theme very well. At 1:24, is anyone else reminded of the opening theme to Babylon 5 by this? (well, ONE of the themes at least, different one per season).

All in all, one of my current favorites...

And dfcentre, that's an AWESOME image in your sig.


Astounding. Truly beautiful piece here. Epic in every sense of the word. The buildup works for me EXTREMELY well, and I can picture a wide variety of scenarios for this remix. Whether it be the classic ghost house scene... or what I pictured...

Armies. Armies of insects. (think starsthip troopers here)... behind a hill... you can hear their feet coming closer and closer. ( 0:30 ) You look over the hill you cower behind and see nothing and get back down as a blast of weaponry flies over your head ( 0:51 ). You and your teammates continue cowering until the rapid blasts stop... then you look up to see what you didn't want to see ( 1:48 )... bugs. Marching over the hill in an unorganized manner, not stopping for anything in their way. You look behind the ones that are still in the distance... and see more just making their way over the upwards slope. You know it's all over, and you remember your family for a few moments... ( 2:30 )... you remember your wife, your kids, and how they said if you didn't come back, they'd know you died for a good cause... a tear streams down your face... and you choke the rest back... you turn, blasting anything in your way, your life flashing before your eyes while you kill... then slowly... painfully... a sharp pincer pierces your throat... and you fall to the ground. ( 3:00 )

SIMPLY ASTOUNDING. Now, read that as you listen.


The execution and form of this piece is consistent, to say the least, yet holding that fact true, it's consistent in being very minimalistic. I did enjoy this track but was a little disappointed. There is nothing wrong with this piece, but I was expecting more body to this, and a larger instrument base in the more active parts. If reworked, this track could be excellent but in my opinion it is not finished yet. There's a lot more that could be done with this, as I was just taking note in my head as I was listening, more than several instances where there could have been much needed additions to the score. Keep at it though, what you have here is nonetheless commendable!

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