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Moved to newbies; our submission standards and instructions explain the delay:


We've got a manual posting process, for better or worse, and we like to give pieces some time in the sun. Furthermore, if we posted immediately, you'd have some days with nothing, other days with potentially seven. The manual nature of the queue allows us to time things appropriately, spread things out, ensure a degree of variety, etc.


Also, don't quote me on this, but I think there's a surprisingly large amount of work connected to actually posting a mix. What with uploading it to all the mirrors, making a good and witty write-up, opening a review thread, and making sure all the links work. The people involved in this have lives outside of OCR as well, so they can't keep posting remixes around the clock. :P


I get it. But 3 Months? That seems a bit long. And that is after waiting a long time for it to be evaluated. There could be over a 6 month waiting period between submission and posting.

And your standards to not explain a delay of 3 MONTHS. that is 90 Days AFTER evaluation!


Songs used on projects are another big reason. Voices of the Lifestream was released sometime in September, I think, but a song from the album was just posted a week ago. I doubt it's because that track was any less deserving than the others that got posted (at least, while the others may have been better, it wasn't bad enough to warrant a 3-4 month wait compared to the other VoTL tracks that were posted), but I'm sure part of the decision was to avoid having all the VoTL tracks that were going to be posted put on the site all at once. You'll also see some songs that have been in the queue to be posted for a long time because their projects aren't released yet.

There's always better ways to get your music out to other people quickly, if that's what you want. OCRemix never claims to be a site where it's quick or easy to get stuff posted.

Evaluation time has gotten a lot better. The oldest stuff we have on the panel right now is mid-December, I believe.

Right, but that's invisible to the casual observer. The post time is still very long because it's only handled by one person. This is why I am an advocate of spreading out some of the work... bringing in other competent coders to help Dave out, and maybe let the judges do some writeups.

I saw on the "to be posted" list a large number of songs. Some have been there for over three Months. Why Do they wait so long?

We've also just got too many songs to post. :lol: Some songs wait because they have issues that need to be addressed before they're posted. Which reminds me, I have about 5 people I need to contact on stuff like that.

I don't think the wait time for posting to the front page should be as long as it is. I think we could even have something inside a month of total wait time and still have a very steady flow of songs given the percentage of acceptable songs. The main reason why stuff doesn't move faster.

1) The judges have lives. We have to have time to do this work on the side. We evaluate the songs in our spare time for free. The only incentive we have to evaluate material is because we want to.

2) I have a life. I mention myself separately because I'm in charge of the inbox that all of the songs are sent to. I basically took a 3 week vacation from Christmas Eve to yesterday, to work on other areas of the site, spend more time at my real job and just take some time off from judging. 3 1/2 years of it is plenty without a break.

3) djpretzel has a life. Normally he jokes that I don't have much of one, but lately that describes him. He's been busy for months working on improving the core of the site, plus he's overseeing most of the details of OCR's first professional game soundtrack. With that said, he always working on his real job as well as site stuff behind that scenes outside of posting ReMixes. We'll always get flack for it, because it's not visible to the casual goer. /shrugs Him being the only one that posts the material (which no one's thinking about changing, so it's not a suggestion that's ever gonna be considered.

All boils down to, yes we all want things to work faster, but we're not getting paid, so pay us millions of dollars and then we'll post things the day we receive them.


I never found out why that was.

Well, the site is djp's creation and it means something for him to sit down to listen to every approved track and give his thoughts on it. It's almost a rite of passage, and a way to personally thank everyone who contributes. If your mix is approved, it will be on the front page and djpretzel will be the one commenting on it. If If I'm making that up, djp will ban me soon enough.


one thing that amazes me is though, that there actually is one song in the queue right now which was submitted in March 07 .. that's almost a YEAR .. :D it's not a project release either

i'm having a hard time believing that creating a write-up and making sure all links work etc etc would take a year.

im not complaining here, just pointing it out :)

and also i feel sorry for the submitter :) damn he/she has been waiting too long now .. and you guys release stuff that was submitted in october/november? haha :)

well its your site, and im pretty sure you have your reasons - i think it's kinda odd though :wink:'

peace !


It's possible that it's in the "To be posted" list because the mix was accepted on condition that the remixer fix some small glitch (a static crackle because the audio wasn't rendered properly, an unnecessarily long silence at the start or end of the piece, or something equally trivial). That mix wouldn't be posted until the mixer addressed the concerns and gave an update to the panel. If the mixer didn't get around to doing it, it wouldn't be the panel's fault.

Also, the remixer has the ability to contact the panel, Larry, or djpretzel about the mix and why it wasn't posted; surely they could do so if they thought they were being treated unfairly.

It's possible that it's in the "To be posted" list because the mix was accepted on condition that the remixer fix some small glitch (a static crackle because the audio wasn't rendered properly, an unnecessarily long silence at the start or end of the piece, or something equally trivial). That mix wouldn't be posted until the mixer addressed the concerns and gave an update to the panel. If the mixer didn't get around to doing it, it wouldn't be the panel's fault.

Still waiting on ellywu2 to hook me up with the WAVs of his stuff so someone on the panel can mix it down. I'll nag him! :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I noticed that many songs have been up on the "To be posted" list for months. I know that each submission is given it's time in the sun on the front page, but It seems that many songs are Fast-tracked, while others wait months on the list. I have seen a few that did not seem to appear on the "To be judged" list, appear on the front page. It seems unfair to make some submissions wait for a long time while others get moved to the front of the line. I would understand If it were a song for A Holiday or something, like a Christmas version. but this has not been the case.

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