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  Jam Stunna said:
But if you play him as a BRAWL character and not try to make him into his Melee counterpart, you'll find that they've actually made him better.

Okay, I couldn't read anymore after that. He's BETTER?! Can anybody else on this forum (or others) support this? I need to see some confirmation on that one!

  JCvgluvr said:
Okay, I couldn't read anymore after that. He's BETTER?! Can anybody else on this forum (or others) support this? I need to see some confirmation on that one!
He's better relative to Brawl

In Melee a lot of people stacked up near equally to him, while in Brawl he just destroys a huge amount of the cast and gives the rest a mostly hard time

Also his side B in air has so little lag it's criminal, mixed with lazers he has the best keep away game in Brawl

  dPaladin said:
You can see his dair in the video I posted, but only if you watch it. I specifically picked that video because it had the chainthrow and spike combination in it. This combo is absent from Melee. I'd agree with his fair and downb (especially the downb) not being as good, but he's improved in plenty of other ways. Try using more than just those attacks when you play.

You should read posts all the way through before you reply to them. Read the end of that post you replied to.

Don't worry, I did. I saw Falco chain-grab Ike all the way across FD and dair him to his death. I'm can't deny how great that is.

But I still think Melee Falco > Brawl Falco. And not just because they're different games. I'm pretty sure Falco had more potential for greatness in that game then in this one. Of course, if everyone keeps giving him this much recommendation, I just might change my tune. But I'd like to see more hardcore evidence before I make my decision.

  JCvgluvr said:
Don't worry, I did. I saw Falco chain-grab Ike all the way across FD and dair him to his death. I'm can't deny how great that is.

or how easy it is to di out of


So, I finally got SSBB into my grubby little hands!

Remember, Europe just got this game some days ago...

I have played quite some time now (finished Subspace Emmisionary or whatever it's called) and am looking to play online now...

Only problem, I can't!

Whenever I try to play online, the Wii can't find opponents. Spectating other matches works fine and without any noticable lag, but I don't want to watch, I want to play!

I've already asked my good friend google and he told me to adjust some settings, which I already did. This is how everything is configured right now:

  \ said:

Wii Settings:


Router Settings (Draytek Vigor 2500):

Port Forwarding to: IP:

Open Ports: TCP: 80, 443, 28910, 29900, 29901, 29920

UDP: all (1 to 65535)

This is my first WiFi-enabled game and I just want to play online now...

Did I do something wrong? Is there some setting I have overlooked?

I don't have a friend with SSBB, so I can't test friend matches...

In case somebody wants to help me, here's my SSBB friend code:


Please help, fellow brawlers!

  NinjaN said:
So it's the typical "good idea done bad" thing?

Well, this sucks...

How do friend matches work?

I'd like to test these, too...

you need friends for that

  Atma said:
you need friends for that

Well, I know that, of course...

As I've written above, I don't have any friends - with SSBB, that is.

So the real question was:

Is somebody here willing to do a short friends match with me?

*looks over to Atma*

  Atma said:
ive gotten out at 20% with bowser

The Falco you where playing messed up, otherwise you'd go a while longer

Just wanted to let that out so people don't think they can break out so quick


ok ive been up for like 18 hours ive had enough im going to sleep

after playing my sonic vs gt arek and now jam i have accepted i can beat people that arent really good every time as sonic but can win a single game vs someone really good

or maybe i should play more than once every two weeks

anyways good games jam ill beat you as sonic one day i will i will

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