djpretzel Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Solid Krono Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 Hmm, a pretty good first submission. What I like about this song is how the guitar fits so well, or at least I think so. It seems to fit the song to me. As I submit this review I am listening to the song now, and another thing I like about is how, again, it flows very smoothly considering that normally the guitar would seriously clash with the flute, but here, I don’t know, it just feels right some how. It may not be right for you, but I definitely say give it a try, and congrats to Marc Star for a good first submission. Keep it up! Quote
Bahamut Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 While the mix doesn't do anything special, just hearing all of these different instruments in this remix makes me go "whoa, nice placement." If there was a little more of Marc's own spin on it, I would probably go "sweet stuff!" Gj on first submission though, and I hope you remix some other pieces! Quote
Romeos Protege Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 I really think this is a totally awesome peice dude. Great job. I like the feel of the song and the various instruments. I love square songs as a whole and this is one of the better mixes i've heard in a while. Please keep them coming. MORE MORE MORE. Quote
sgx Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 Wow. I love this. The beginning is SOO quality. Just...dreamy. The guitars in this sound perfect, and the drums are nice and not in the way. This song is smoooth. Only thing: fadeout ending! I hate em! You're obviously talented, so you can make a real ending, can't you? Quote
Samuru Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 I loved the entire piece, though it's true it was a little repititive. I thought this was one of the best Cross Intro's out of everyone else, but still an awesome job for your first go at OC. Keep'em comin. Quote
MarcstaR Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 Hey, I just want to thank everyone for listening to my remix. Thanks Especially for giving it pretty good reviews. I didn't want to be too daring on my first remix here, but I'll do something different for the next one. Thanks again!!!!! Quote
DarkeSword Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 While I agree that this piece doesn't break any new ground, its just SO WELL DONE and TIGHTLY ARRANGED that I love it. The comping piano at :50 is the clincher for me; I dig that funky marcato sound. You keep things changing slightly, so that while you're still using the same phrases, it doesn't get boring. Great job. But the ending man...fade-outs?! WEAK. Great stuff. Quote
Solanalos Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 The intro has me guessing but by the time the ocarina/flute comes in, I'm convinced its a happy rendition and I don't think I could take an ending (endings seem over the top for upbeat songs), it just wouldn't loop well for me to listen to over and over again Quote
TJ13 Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 Woah...this was sweet I felt like getting up and dancing to it. The sheer sound of all the instruments intertwined was stupendous. great remix! Quote
Epsilon Posted February 4, 2003 Posted February 4, 2003 Its repetition isn't a bad aspect, its actually what makes the song so nice (along with the variation of instruments), its something I could listen to hours upon hours, but then again i loved everything about CC's sound track Quote
neostormx Posted February 4, 2003 Posted February 4, 2003 I really like the rythm used for this overdone tune. And thats one really good guitar. My only gripe is lack of enphasis on the bass, maybe its just me, but i felt like the bass was a bit low. Probably just me. I was also looking for more sustain on the piano. In either case, I think this is still a very likable vibe in total. For the record, i didn't think it was repeatative at all. Quote
Noon Posted February 4, 2003 Posted February 4, 2003 I'm a big sucker for tunes that'll stick in my head--I love the melody that joins the gathering of goodness around :32 into it. I realize what I am writing right now doesn't do a whole lot in the way of trying to suggest things to make it better so....ummmm.. I agree with some of the other posts that the fade out ending doesn't seem to fit with the song well. Could you have tried slowing things up a bit towards the end? I understand that songs that fadeout at the end sort of give the impression that it could go on and indefinitely (just like the overrall excellentness of Chrono Cross, by the way) Good work, I like this one a lot. Quote
TheWired Posted February 4, 2003 Posted February 4, 2003 I can hardly express how genius this tune is. Simplistic, powerfull, organized. I love the beat on it. On the constructive side, the guitars are a TAD too loud for my liking, it can make them sound slightly cacophonic. But aside from this, you get my vote on this 9/10 Quote
Mog Posted February 5, 2003 Posted February 5, 2003 Haha, I know this sounds crazy, but I just downloaded this song today and heard it once or twice. So I'm in the shower, and I just can't get the tune out of my head! So here I am, 30 minutes later after figuring out which of the 85 remixes in my collection it is, and register on these boards to say, "wow, that is some teriffic work! keep it up " wow, that is some ter... I spoiled it didn't I? Hehe, keep up the great work, and keep me up 'til 1 AM Quote
SnorlaX Posted February 5, 2003 Posted February 5, 2003 This is an excellent remix...I just can't get it out of my head...Awesome job! Quote
Jason Covenant Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Well let's see. Sorry but like all the other songs I have reviewed for this site I will have to put it to the flame. | 7 | Concept: Well the concept was there defintely. Not at all difficult to recognize. Some sort of dreamy guitar driven piece. No problem with that. Could have been alot stronger. The supporting instruments just weren't there. I could hear background only by turning up the volume significantly and straining my ears. | 6.5 | Repetition/Timing: Kept it nice and short. You didn't really seem to do much with the piece so I just call it a piece as opposed to a song. Nothing wrong with that. It was awefully shortlived and when it began to loop on my Windows media player I mistook the intro for a midsong transition heh. | 6.5 | Synths/Samples: Well nothing terribly wrong with the sounds chosen. Looks like you have tremendous clicking ability when thumbing throught that soundbank. It was pretty ez to tell you didn't mix anything yourself. Sometimes when you can't find the exact sound you want you have to make it yourself. That flute for an example. Nothing wrong with an ocarina it just didn't work. I think a nice shaku sort of flute sound would have been awesome. Oh and btw. The sounds seemed very muffled almost muddy. You could have put some more focus in quality with exception to that guitar. That guitar was amazing. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you told me it was a real guitar. If that was a sample I want one. | 4 | Structure: Unbelievably plain. There is a difference between brutally, catchy simplicity and unimaginitivity. No real great effort was made here to create something elaborate or brilliantly simplistic. There were a few things out of place as well not to mention. | 4 | Transitions: Very simple nothing all that special to set you apart in style. Everything just jumped from one thing to another. However the intro was nicely done. I just wish you could have done more with that ending as opposed to just letting it fade out. | 5.6 | Overall: Average. Plain nothing spectacular. The idea was nice just not sufficiently built upon. It seemed "Incomplete" if you will. I apologize for putting you through the fire marcstar but hey that's the only way to get better. I have a friend that has been reviewing my songs for years and his rating sytem is as follows: Highest ....\/.... Hammer to face Car to face. Ripped off of N'Sync and contra Sounds best when off Direct cause for apocolypse ..../\.... Lowest Last week I showed him a song that I was very proud of and he began to cry. I had expected his hammer to face rating but instead he said he loved it and was thouroghly amazed. He even listened to the whole thing. Heh. So you see it's the only way to get better. Too bad it's an original or I would submit it to OCR. Not bad for a first time submission. Quote
MarcstaR Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 I appreciate the constructive criticism, but i think its a pretty good job for the 40minutes it took me to make this song. I could write a whole symphonic medoly on the square toons but i don't have the time because im busy finishing my fourth year as a composition student in college. But whenever I have the time I will keep throwing these remixes at you. Prophecy I would love to hear some of your pieces sometimes maybe I can help you out or something. Btw, its a bamboo flute not an ocarina. Thank you everyone for all of your support again. Quote
Jason Covenant Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 I appreciate the constructive criticism, but i think its a pretty good job for the 40minutes it took me to make this song. I could write a whole symphonic medoly on the square toons but i don't have the time because im busy finishing my fourth year as a composition student in college. But whenever I have the time I will keep throwing these remixes at you. Prophecy I would love to hear some of your pieces sometimes maybe I can help you out or something. Btw, its a bamboo flute not an ocarina. Thank you everyone for all of your support again. Uh no thanks. I've been mixing for ten years I know the ropes. I think more now as opposed to learning how it's more developing style. I have 226 originals, 14 remixes and 6 megamixes that I have done.(I just counted them all yesterday). I still think a shaku would sounded nice. I have a nice preset I made that sounds surprisingly realistic that I can resample and send to you if you wish. If you would like to hear some of my music go to and search under artist prophecy. My suggestions for songs to listen to would be death, Ode to dolphins, and err Arrakis even though that particular piece needs to be remastered. I would link them here but I think that would kind of rude being that this is a review thread. Goodluck on later songs. Hope you can spend more than 40 minutes so that I can hear your best work. Quote
Romeos Protege Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Wow I when I heard that last reply to this song I was pretty shocked. I would have thought surely that someone with high recognition and respect only would have made such a reply. But I also thought to myself that music has no definite form or pattern, it's whatever is pleasent to the ear and something that many different people can enjoy. Over looking this I went to and listened to this guy prophecy's choice of songs on that site only to find that it wasn't great to me at all. I guess in it's constant feel of gloominess and trance it has its own quality (if u choose to like that same feel over and over). Even then, none of it made me go wow. (I will acknowledge that you do seem like you have talent) Only for the simple fact that I expected someone to judge the way they did to be pretty damn perfect. Oh well, I guess thats something to learn. Once again this song is very great. It demonstrated versatility and simplicity. I definitely advise you like an uptempo dancish type of song. Very Good Job Marc. As marc star said himself he didn't want to over do it for his first track. I wouldn't understand that being the first time submitting and pretty new to things. Lets hear his next works and see what he does next. I just find it kind of odd to judge when you don't have it all together yourself. This applies to anyform of life. Quote
Jason Covenant Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Wow I when I heard that last reply to this song I was pretty shocked. I would have thought surely that someone with high recognition and respect only would have made such a reply. But I also thought to myself that music has no definite form or pattern, it's whatever is pleasent to the ear and something that many different people can enjoy. Over looking this I went to and listened to this guy prophecy's choice of songs on that site only to find that it wasn't great to me at all. I guess in it's constant feel of gloominess and trance it has its own quality (if u choose to like that same feel over and over). Even then, none of it made me go wow. (I will acknowledge that you do seem like you have talent) Only for the simple fact that I expected someone to judge the way they did to be pretty damn perfect. Oh well, I guess thats something to learn.Once again this song is very great. It demonstrated versatility and simplicity. I definitely advise you like an uptempo dancish type of song. Very Good Job Marc. As marc star said himself he didn't want to over do it for his first track. I wouldn't understand that being the first time submitting and pretty new to things. Lets hear his next works and see what he does next. I just find it kind of odd to judge when you don't have it all together yourself. This applies to anyform of life. I can't win can I. Well let's see it's interesting you think that all my songs are gloomy. You must have only listened to one heh. The first one. Listen to dreamz of paradise then come back and tell me my work is all gloomy. Gee I bet you hate COTMM too. Oh and no one's perfect those songs are were put up there by me for requests made by ppl on this site. And you have very distorted understanding of music. Music has only one rule and that's that a song accomplishes a particular aspect or expresses an emotion. Things such as transitions and dropouts etc are only there to make this ezier. They are completely necessary if you are perfect. No one is of courseso basically everyone has to use them. OH and PS don't try to belittle me as being someone that doesn't know shit OMFG. Just cause I'm new to this site doesn't mean I'm new to music Second of all you've made me look like an ass. I never attacked Marcstar for christs sake! Has anyone ever heard of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism for the love of god. Geez he knows it everyone else knows it. For the overal I liked his song omg. Gee high recognition and respect my ass. OMFG. So what If I don't have 4000 posts? WTF. Just cause someone may be new to one website doesn't make them new to music. Stop sucking up and grow up. I was not attacking marcstar. I Try to review all new songs on this site this same way. At least I didn't just good or nice work. Then there's no lesson to learn. I wouldn't know anything about mixing if I didn't have friends to tear it up for me all the time. Quote
Jason Covenant Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Goodluck on later songs. Hope you can spend more than 40 minutes so that I can hear your best work. How my god look at that horrible attack on Marcstar! Prophecy How could you!? If anyone actually believe the romeo guy then plz click this link. I do requests for ppl on my thread and I have a few songs posted. Oh and ps Mr romeo. Plz let's try to keep this to reviewing MarcStar's song instead of let's all attack Prophecy's work claiming that I attacked Marcstar's work you Hypocrit. Cause now I've been forced onto the defensive and I don't really like posting my own songs on other ppl's reviews. I just hope MarcStar can forgive me for defending myself. Heck he might even like these songs. Quote
Senescence Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 MarcStar, if you ask me this is a pretty decent mix. I love the way that it starts with the fade in. The only thing I can say is that I dont like the fade out in the end. As for Prophecy and Romeos Protege, you may want to stop fighting about this because as everyone knows, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the ear. I can see both of your points, and there is no need for flaming. This isnt an open invitation to flame me for saying that you are both wrong, because I feel that you both have made valid points. Prophecy, you have been doing this sort of thing for many years, and you should know whats excellent quality and what is decent. My guess is by your rating that this is decent. MarcStar even said that he only spent about 40 minutes on this mix. I think it kicks a considerable amount of ass for only having 40 minutes spent on it. However Romeos Protege thinks that this is an excellent song, and truth be told, when I downloaded it a few days ago I thought the exact same thing. However upon listening to it more and more I have realized that it lacks a little bit of polish. If you have the extra time, you should go back and add a defiant ending to it, and maybe use some better samples...just a little better. Still though, this is a sweet song, and I would love to see you take the time to perfect it. Quote
Jason Covenant Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 MarcStar, if you ask me this is a pretty decent mix. I love the way that it starts with the fade in. The only thing I can say is that I dont like the fade out in the end. As for Prophecy and Romeos Protege, you may want to stop fighting about this because as everyone knows, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the ear. I can see both of your points, and there is no need for flaming. This isnt an open invitation to flame me for saying that you are both wrong, because I feel that you both have made valid points. Prophecy, you have been doing this sort of thing for many years, and you should know whats excellent quality and what is decent. My guess is by your rating that this is decent. MarcStar even said that he only spent about 40 minutes on this mix. I think it kicks a considerable amount of ass for only having 40 minutes spent on it. However Romeos Protege thinks that this is an excellent song, and truth be told, when I downloaded it a few days ago I thought the exact same thing. However upon listening to it more and more I have realized that it lacks a little bit of polish. If you have the extra time, you should go back and add a defiant ending to it, and maybe use some better samples...just a little better. Still though, this is a sweet song, and I would love to see you take the time to perfect it. Amen! Finally someone agrees with me. Oh and BTW 40 minutes is alot longer than you think. I rarely spend more than 30 minutes on a song. As long as you have a precise idea what you are doing it should never take very long. This is true with virtually every remix. Quote
Kajed Berd Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 I wish this mix were a little longer...It was THAT good It shoulda been like a 4 minute piece, but I gotta say one thing I didn't like...The weird electric piano at around 80 seconds...I didn't like that...OTHERWISE AWESOME!! ~Berd~ Quote
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