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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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yeah lol. sry about the triple post. computer froze and i kept hitting the post reply button : ) but anyway, let me know who the head of this project so i can contact them about the designs. also let me know what the final name of the album is going to be if you did want me to design it or collaborate with someone...

yeah lol. sry about the triple post. computer froze and i kept hitting the post reply button : ) but anyway, let me know who the head of this project so i can contact them about the designs.

That would be me and bahamut. We haven't settled on a title or anything yet.

Do you have a portfolio we can take a look at?


I don't have a portfolio on hand but I can put one of my ideas on paper and let you take a look. I'll probably focus on the kremlings since that what you guys are suggesting the name of the album to be related to them. Let me know the basics of you want on the cover and what needs to be the cover or back cover...such as the names of the pieces on the album which is probably a ways away of finalizing.


CursedByFire, there is an edit button. And I think that we should have the title be Kong in Concert II, with a secondary title possibly to follow. Heck, Kong in Concert II sounds good on its own, imo. And it ties it to the previous album even better than Kremlings in Concert, because it shows that it's a sequel of sorts. *wonders if there will ever be a DKC3 project* If you wanted to go that route, why now choose K. Rool in Concert.


or they could pick a completely different and original name altogether!

notice i said "they" not "we" because it is THEIR project

hedgehog heaven --> project chaos



I didn't mean "we" like that, I meant it generally. And there have been many possible titles.

Crocodile Concerto

Kremkrock Cacophony

Crocodile Concord

Symphony of Conquest

Zinger Symphonic (just throwing it out there still)

Conquest's End

Kremling Accord

Krocodile Swamp Songs

Just to list off the ones already said. And then there's the possibility of inserting Kong in Concert II before it. Thought I'd put 'em all in one post for quick access instead of looking through two pages.

Oh, and K. Rool in Concert

thank god...

Agreed. No offense to those who worked on HH, though. PC was just so much better... *listens to Disc 2 of Project Chaos*

And so everyone knows, I never claimed to be a part of this project. I've just been coming up with title ideas.


I really like the idea of starting off the title with "Kong in Concert II", as that clearly shows the connection between this project and the DKC one that came before it. If this becomes a trilogy, it will be very apparent to newcomers and those who have yet to check out the projects that these projects are in fact related.

As for an idea, how about Kong in Concert II: The Konquest Koncord.

Either this or KiC2: The Kong Quest Koncord.

With the first option, I like how the word Konquest kind of sounds like you're saying Kong Quest, even though you're not. But, since this is DKC2, it makes sense since the game was Diddy's Kong Quest. As for Koncord, using Koncerto would just be redundant, I feel, given that you start the title with Kong in Concert. By definition, concord means "harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord". This part works because just like Diddy and Dixie, all the other kongs want them to succeed in rescuing DK from K. Rool, as do we. And by remixing all of the songs that help chronicle and immortalize their epic quest, we are showing that agreement of interests and feelings.

Well, I don't know who decides what title will stick, but here's my idea anyway. :)


Just a request, please stop with the name ideas in this thread - we have our own favored ideas for the name, and will not go public with it until the project is out.

If you're interested in doing artwork, send a PM to Geoffrey Taucer or myself with links to the pictures or other sample artwork

This title is awesome, simply because I finished watching the grapes of wrath yesterday.

:) actually it's the title of one of my tracks

just throwing it out there for lulz

as an aside, and i know bahamut has already made it clear that they have titles in the oven, titles that do too much with the "K" dynamic are going to cheapen the project's credibility.


Alliteration is cool but it isn't that cool :)



This is only a sample. Nothing final about this lol. Made it in about an hour. Any suggestions?

Thought I would use the brambles cuz its probably the most memorable in the game, especially from the level where you're racing screech. It was one of the

levels that ticked you off lol. If you want the link http://cid-995f65834d8064f5.spaces.live.com/photos/cns!995F65834D8064F5!113/?startingImageIndex=0&commentsExpand=0&addCommentExpand=0&addCommentFocus=0&pauseSlideshow=0

The title is no way final. I just chose that name just to fit it and see how it would look. That is by no means my decision, just took something and put it on there. I can change it to whatever Bahamut and Taucer want.

I'm also working on another one with a cartoonish look to it. And I'll probably do a third one with the kremlings.


That looks cool. And the Brambles is a good choice, considering that track is the only DKC2 music in Brawl. And those stages are memorable, especially the race one. Have to go off-course to get the DK coin. And catch-up. Not to mention you're surrounded on all sides by DEATH! All in all, a great cover. I like the font choice too. How the text is all shaky; could reference Rambi running/charging or the secret ending (if you've seen that, you'll know what I'm talking about). Obviously, the title isn't finalized, but I like the font choice nonetheless.


I like the artwork, CursedByFire. If I could make one suggestion, could you add the sky and clouds as the background of the bramble artwork, like in the game? I am by no means an artist and am simply trying to give constructive criticism (then again, this is only a draft)

I too cannot wait for this project to be released.

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