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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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Quick note: MP3 is LOSSY and FLAC is LOSSLESS. Don't confuse the terms.

ah! i typed whatever came to my mind and posted. good catch! edited.

That's a dumb argument. FLAC is lossless and very easily burnable/convertable.

nooooooo that's what i was hoping to avoid with this subject, don't call him dumb. we all had to learn at some point, it really just comes down to how interested you are in the subject. i'm sure now that he is informed he won't post those statements again. it's all for the greater good... (Hot Fuzz reference)


Fair enough - thanks, folks! I did get .FLAC to work with VLC - I still don't hear much of a difference (there is something to it, but I dunno what it is and the test was hardly blind), but if it works for you, more power to ya!

Not gonna lie, though - finding .FLAC torrents ruins my torrent hunts. I also realized that this is totally off-topic and I ought to have made a new thread for it - mea culpa. Thanks again for the clearing-upping!

Fair enough - thanks, folks! I did get .FLAC to work with VLC - I still don't hear much of a difference (there is something to it, but I dunno what it is and the test was hardly blind), but if it works for you, more power to ya!

Not gonna lie, though - finding .FLAC torrents ruins my torrent hunts. I also realized that this is totally off-topic and I ought to have made a new thread for it - mea culpa. Thanks again for the clearing-upping!

You can also listen to .FLAC via players like Winamp and Foobar2000 as well.

Generally, most people cannot tell the difference between a lossless file and a 192 kbps mp3. I'm not sure whether I can (haven't done a test).


February doesn't have a 30th day...it never has :P

I wonder if they might be going for a release to coincide with a specific launch date? Although DKC2 was released on the 15th of december so they kinda missed that one....

this part is always the worst

the project dangles near-completed in front of your face, but you just can't have any :-(

project release date: 2 years from now

You'll probably have some nice Teen Agent to listen to before DKC2 comes out. ;) Probably for the best anyways so that TA doesn't bump DKC2 to second spot on the site if it were to be released after it... but yeah... I hope you enjoy it, hehe.

yea, right

It's a legitimate concern, at least from my perspective. The last time we had a major album release (Xenogears) it was bumped off of the front page spot only a week after it was released by a much smaller project (Castlevania.) No offense meant to Joshua Morse, but if I were avaris and spent years upon years planning out a large scale project, I would be a little disappointed if it only saw a week on the front page. Ideally, every project would get its time in the limelight, but when you've got several projects that want to be released very close to each other, I think it's fairest to allow the largest project to be released last and therefore have the most "airtime" on the OCR front page.


Projected release date: April 1st, or the second Tuesday of next week. Questions? Concerns? Geoffrey Taucer can be reached at 555-5555 ext. 55.

This is a great example of how, even with very well-run projects, things can be delayed past a projected release. There's really nothing that can be done to prevent these kinds of things short of kicking off members or releasing with less of what you wanted, but neither of those really benefit the project trading off for releasing early/on time. This will most definitely be kickass when it comes out, and the people who might have caused the delay are definitely worth the wait: they have busy lives and lots of talent.

Go, Jake! Go, Dave! Serious Monkey Business is getting super-serious now.


In their defense, djp and the team have a ton of work to do when releasing an album this big as well as continuing their regular stuff, they've got to make all the mixpost pages, write up all the paragraphs, convert the files to mp3s and flacs, prepare torrents, upload each individual mp3 to the mirrors too, multiple mirrors. I bet that stuff takes a buttload of time. I wouldn't be surprised if they had already started on it a while ago. ;)

It's a legitimate concern, at least from my perspective. The last time we had a major album release (Xenogears) it was bumped off of the front page spot only a week after it was released by a much smaller project (Castlevania.) No offense meant to Joshua Morse, but if I were avaris and spent years upon years planning out a large scale project, I would be a little disappointed if it only saw a week on the front page. Ideally, every project would get its time in the limelight, but when you've got several projects that want to be released very close to each other, I think it's fairest to allow the largest project to be released last and therefore have the most "airtime" on the OCR front page.

I personally don't mind - I'm sure DKC 2 won't have a problem promotion-wise.


While it certainly is true that a lot of people have to put in a lot of effort to complete the album even after all the tracks are done, I will say with complete honesty that I most likely would've donated money towards the project had I been able to see more progress and better commitment to a due date.

What was in the first post?

Be forewarned: we're gonna be assholes about the due dates. If you miss a due date, your track is again open and goes to the first person to send me a WIP I like. If you miss a due date, but then manage to get me an updated WIP before somebody else does, you get your claim back, but if somebody else beats you to it, tough shit.

I'm sorry but if I'm putting money towards something I'd like to see progress on it. But here we are with no teaser images of a cd cover or a website layout or anything other than some preview tracks for some online radio programs. And yes, we don't really have any right or reason to complain about getting this music for free but everyone who donated money has a damn good reason to keep bugging you about these things. I can assure you that if you were to post a definite, for sure, 100% set in stone release date or your money back, you'd get every dollar you asked for to finance the album, website, promotional printings, etc....Heck, if it's under triple digits I'd pay for the rest myself. But - no release date, no $, so I will wait. Sorry for the rant but I've been following this project since it was just rumors and every time I get the urge to donate I hear about more delays and people not getting stuff done and I decide not to. This was something I've been meaning to say since you missed the "before 2010" release date.

************NEW SUBJECT*********

Taucer's original post was 3-01-08....any chance 3-1 might be the magic day?

While it certainly is true that a lot of people have to put in a lot of effort to complete the album even after all the tracks are done, I will say with complete honesty that I most likely would've donated money towards the project had I been able to see more progress and better commitment to a due date.

What was in the first post?

I'm sorry but if I'm putting money towards something I'd like to see progress on it. But here we are with no teaser images of a cd cover or a website layout or anything other than some preview tracks for some online radio programs. And yes, we don't really have any right or reason to complain about getting this music for free but everyone who donated money has a damn good reason to keep bugging you about these things. I can assure you that if you were to post a definite, for sure, 100% set in stone release date or your money back, you'd get every dollar you asked for to finance the album, website, promotional printings, etc....Heck, if it's under triple digits I'd pay for the rest myself. But - no release date, no $, so I will wait. Sorry for the rant but I've been following this project since it was just rumors and every time I get the urge to donate I hear about more delays and people not getting stuff done and I decide not to. This was something I've been meaning to say since you missed the "before 2010" release date.

What exactly is the point of this post? "I was thinking about donating but I decided not to donate because you guys keep waiting for the last two tracks."

Seems kind of catty.


1.) There was teaser art posted a few pages back, and it was excellent. I've personally been working with the artist to coordinate on the back cover art too, and he's working hard to make things perfect.

2.) Bahamut's already got the money he needs to finance the album, so I don't know what you're on about there, either. People were more than happy to finance the album with or without a firm release date at the ready.

3.) The release date issue has been frustrating, yes. But in the long run, having the absolute best music possible will last us longer than we would have gained if Taucer had cut djp and found someone who could have got the songs done quicker. Once the project is out, I think the extra wait will have been worth it. (this is conjecture, but if you've listened to djp and virt's stuff, it's generally worth the wait for!)

I personally don't mind - I'm sure DKC 2 won't have a problem promotion-wise.

Oh ok. My only concern was whether the TA ad would bump down the DKC2 ad. I wasn't worried about the promotion, I know it'll be way over the top for DKC2, I was just worried about bumping your ad to the second spot if it released after DKC2. :-)

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