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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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Well, yesterday was an eventful day for me in TF2, having ping up to 800, making me a damn good Medic because no one could kill me. Then realizing the power of the health sapping syringe gun, which made me a damn good Medic because I killed lots of people, probably the only time I've have a KDR above 1 with a Medic. That gun is dynamite.


Almost *too* dynamite. It's not broken considering how difficult the syringe gun is to use compared to most primary weapons, but it makes Medics that are really good with it damn near unkillable if they go into attack mode. ...Like a certain medic we know. :P

Seriously though, you reamed everyone with that gun. It was a SIGHT to see. Great job. XD


In case anyone was wondering, I was going to return to the TF2 server, but then Mass Effect (for the PC) arrived on my doorstep.

Needless to say, I've effectively fallen off the face of the Earth for the past week. Even my clan was wondering wtf happened to me. :D


We've known Pyro were next for almost a month, because part of the Medic updates was the setup for the Pyro updates - people looking through the code found it almost immediately.

But yeah, glad to see my favorite class getting a boost. Though I have to admit, the only reason I usually end up as Pyro is because no one else is playing him.

We've known Pyro were next for almost a month, because part of the Medic updates was the setup for the Pyro updates - people looking through the code found it almost immediately.

But yeah, glad to see my favorite class getting a boost. Though I have to admit, the only reason I usually end up as Pyro is because no one else is playing him.

You must not have ever played with me.

We've known Pyro were next for almost a month, because part of the Medic updates was the setup for the Pyro updates - people looking through the code found it almost immediately.

But yeah, glad to see my favorite class getting a boost. Though I have to admit, the only reason I usually end up as Pyro is because no one else is playing him.

Yeah, DarkeSword is King Firestarter of the Universe in the server. XD

Yeah, DarkeSword is King Firestarter of the Universe in the server. XD

I've played with the God of Fiery Death. His name is DarkeSword, and he wields a mean flame thrower/shotgun combo.

You must not have ever played with me.

When Darkesword finished, Muter said: "Well you're pretty good ol' son.

"But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done."

Usually I don't play with pyros, I mean, and I certainly don't play on the OCR server often - just too few people. I've seen you play Pyro, though - you aren't bad, I'd say about even with me (though many times my use is to the party, not to the points... I usually spearhead attacks, light seven or eight people on fire, and die while my team finishes up behind me, but I don't get points for my kills, just a lot of assists).

When Darkesword finished, Muter said: "Well you're pretty good ol' son.

"But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done."

Usually I don't play with pyros, I mean, and I certainly don't play on the OCR server often - just too few people. I've seen you play Pyro, though - you aren't bad, I'd say about even with me (though many times my use is to the party, not to the points... I usually spearhead attacks, light seven or eight people on fire, and die while my team finishes up behind me, but I don't get points for my kills, just a lot of assists).

Yeah I'm not saying I'm good or anything. I'm just saying that I play Pyro a lot.

And kill assists are pretty much the essence of the Pyro. xD


Bah, forget 'em. It's much more fun to play with your friends and fellow forumgoers anyway. Besides, don't worry if you get destroyed. It is just a game, after all. Fun's the biggest thing.

I just wish I could've stayed longer tonight. Oh well. Tomorrow, most likely. Gotta get more OCR people on. It's important.


Sorry I haven't been on recently. I'm in the process of moving, and I know I won't have internet until tomorrow at the earliest, but I still have to move/set up my computer. I MISS YOU ALL LIKE I MISS MY WEIGHTED COMPANION CUBE!!


Might I suggest throwing Goldrush into the rotation again soon? A few of my friends have requested it (Maxout, JP, Feliks) and would like that. Is it possible to do like a Dustbowl-Dustbowl-Goldrush rotation?

Might I suggest throwing Goldrush into the rotation again soon? A few of my friends have requested it (Maxout, JP, Feliks) and would like that. Is it possible to do like a Dustbowl-Dustbowl-Goldrush rotation?

It's possible I think. Or I can put in a rock the vote (just enter rtv in chat to all) or mandatory voting towards the end of a map. I'm also thinking of extending map time to 1 1/2 hours too since sometimes even 50 minutes is too short for good team back-and-forth action.

I need to download an FTP client first though, which will probably happen sometime this week as I'm nearing a break time in OCR-related work.

Sorry I haven't been on recently. I'm in the process of moving, and I know I won't have internet until tomorrow at the earliest, but I still have to move/set up my computer. I MISS YOU ALL LIKE I MISS MY WEIGHTED COMPANION CUBE!!

But Valve was selling companion cube plushies, so if you were paying attention you should never have to miss your cube. ;)

But Valve was selling companion cube plushies, so if you were paying attention you should never have to miss your cube. ;)

Yes, this is true. However, it is not the same. When a dog gets runs over by traffic, can you just buy another dog? Yes! Is it the same dog that you loved and cared for all these years? Sadly, no.

I realize I can find a "replacement" plushie companion cube, but I miss MY companion cube. The one who helped me escape the Aperture Science Labs, and the one who sacrificed itself so that I could live and move on. Still thinking of you, my beloved weighted companion cube! :cry:

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