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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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I'd like an admin setup;

But I prefer matchmaking, and the lack of achievement whores. Sounds like the new weapons kinda break the game.

It doesn't break it - the only thing that sucks is the class balance fucked up temporarily because of the mass pyros, but that will change in the next few days anyway just as it has changed after the medic pack.


People like to whine about the new weapons, but I honestly don't think it's that bad. The flare gun is a fun/hilarious weapon but I find myself sticking to the shotty. I don't really find a lot of opportunities to use the Axtinguisher. The Backburner seems to be the one that gets the most flak, but the lack of the airblast is a significant disadvantage a lot of the time.

And mass pyros is nothing a good heavy/medic combo can't take care of. :)

People like to whine about the new weapons, but I honestly don't think it's that bad. The flare gun is a fun/hilarious weapon but I find myself sticking to the shotty. I don't really find a lot of opportunities to use the Axtinguisher. The Backburner seems to be the one that gets the most flak, but the lack of the airblast is a significant disadvantage a lot of the time.

And mass pyros is nothing a good heavy/medic combo can't take care of. :)

The thing is that pyros were always used for flanking to begin with. And in my opinion they weren't so bad off. I certainly enjoyed playing pyro before the patch was out, as did alot of other people, and they were pretty effective. Now when they flank, doing the exact same thing as before, which already worked, they instantly crit and can attack for 30% longer because of the added life. That wouldn't even be SO terrible, but they're still tied for the 3rd fastest class in the game. So now they're the 3rd fastest class, with the 2nd most health, who auto crit from behind, and sometimes crit from the front. Even adjusting the speed would help, because as it stands now, unless you know exactly where the pyro is gonna go, he can circle strafe to your back and ensure crits anyway.

Also, I like the map rotation you posted Bahamut. <3


The lack of health still makes Pyros vulnerable as anything but an ambush class. Also they aren't so much "tied for third fastest" as they are simply at "normal" speed - the Scout and someone else are faster, the Heavy and Soldier are slower, and the rest are all the same speed. I'm sure Valve will nerf the Pyro some, though I'm still glad to see my favorite class getting some more attention.


175 health is not low... and 225 with the backburner is definitely not low. Basically the patch took existing pyros and, at least, gave them +50 health and autocrit from behind (if you're looking at the backburner.) The air blast for the normal flamethrower is pretty brutal too, speaking as a Demoman :(


Speaking of maps, you know you could always set up map voting and let the players decide. Though I have to say, some maps win more often than others, so rotation can be better by not having voting.

Anyways, that's just a thought. Also, I need to get more achievements. I'm slowly picking up the ones that need you to do a certain action so many times, but I need to get on 2Fort more so I can fire some guys into the water.

I love all the Pyro changes and personally I don't think any of it is really unbalanced.

I'll just be glad when all the Acheivement whores are done with all this crap so I can get back to being one of the only two pyros on the team. :P

Ditto this.


The only beef I have with the Pyro patch is the Backburner. Auto-crits from behind? Fine. The loss of the air blast is a good balance for that. But that +50 HP? Aaargh. Essentially, I agree with Rambo on this: It plays like Old Pyro, except now you can auto-crit from behind and you're considerably harder to kill to boot. The Pyro was balanced before at 175 and no air blast. I think sacrificing the big boost the primary weapon got for the auto-crits from behind is a good trade and actually gives you incentive to think about using the regular weapon from time to time, like the Shotgun/Flare Gun. As it stands, the Backburner's almost entirely preferable unless you're really good at reflecting grenades or if soldiers are stupid enough to shoot rockets dead-on at you.

The Backburner doesn't kill game balance. Not by a long shot. But it is a rather frustrating weapon to deal with because of the durability it gives Pyros.


It'll suck when the Spy achieves come out; I swear I won't play TF2 for the next two months when that happens. Spys are alright in smaller numbers, but when there's a team of them...that's just bad. *shakes head*

It'll suck when the Spy achieves come out; I swear I won't play TF2 for the next two months when that happens. Spys are alright in smaller numbers, but when there's a team of them...that's just bad. *shakes head*

There will be so much fire... I can't wait.

For all those who haven't gotten the ubersaw yet: http://www.steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=posts&id=1653&cc=US

This means the unlocks happen at 10-15-20 as well (or 10-16-22 if you count the Milestones as achievements).

Sweet. I was having some real problems with the "First No Harm" Achievement.

Got all the Pyro weapons, though. The flaregun is lots of fun, and they buffed the standard flamethrower hardcore. Sometimes it's more fun to just run around throwing people everywhere.

This is the best part about the PC version.

And this is why the game has an option to ignore people over voice chat.

Anyway, as someone who likes playing as Spy, everyone running around as Pyro is actually somewhat annoying... it's a lot easier to get hit while cloaked now, particularly on maps which are just one long narrow passage (i.e. Goldrush).

And this is why the game has an option to ignore people over voice chat.

Anyway, as someone who likes playing as Spy, everyone running around as Pyro is actually somewhat annoying... it's a lot easier to get hit while cloaked now, particularly on maps which are just one long narrow passage (i.e. Goldrush).

Spies have a pretty small chance of living now with the pyros and their wanting to complete the spy related achievements.

Also another plus about the PC version - it's easier to mute in it compared to on the 360, which I loathe doing.


Well last night was my first time playing the pyro pack and I've got to say I think it's pretty neat, that air blast thing could really be useful if I manage to get better at it. Anyways, being a big demoman fan makes me yearn for the Demo pack to come out sooner than later. I'd really like to see what else would be done for the sticky grenades.

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