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As for whether people are making GOOD game choices, well I could argue Hy Bound that it's people like YOU who are ruining gaming by playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl instead of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core. It's not like you have some awesome card that means the mother should have went with your recommendation.

Huh? Uh... huh. What?

Semantics? In MY video game discussion?

mario galaxy sucked balls and i didnt play enough of prime 3 to make a judgment on it

didnt hold my interest though

Quit flame baiting dude. Also, saying Mario Galaxy sucked balls is like saying you ate a bag of delicious beef jerky and claimed it sucked. So, that makes you not just a flame baiter, but a flame baiter who is dwelling on the borderline of idiocy.

Also, nothing is killing gaming. There were shitty games back in the day, although games generally had more style and better music.

mario galaxy sucked balls and i didnt play enough of prime 3 to make a judgment on it

didnt hold my interest though

I didn't like Mario galaxy and I don't like prime games...Am I considered evil now?


No, but thinking they suck just because they don't match your preference is kinda stupid. I'm not accusing you of this though. It's like saying some kind of music sucks just because it's not your kind of music.

There's a difference between not like something and saying "Whoa that sucks lol".

You know what I mean?


I really think devlopers are out there just for:

1. The quick buck deal.

2. Servicing the fanboys/girls with shitty games such as Final Fantasy 7 The Remake Part 3, ignoring the truth fans.

3. Lack of better gameplay, and the mindset that "Graphics are so much better than Gameplay!"

Now however, this is not to say that we still have great games out there like God of War, Prince of Persia, etc. I don't think gaming is going to hell, but I just think sometimes, devlopers need to think what they are doing to their games, including some of their beloved series such as Sonic or Final Fantasy.

If Square actually listened to the fans they would have made this years ago.

Yeah, you're right, but I was . . . how can I say it . . . giving an example. It's really more of an example of how Sqaure has a stronger mindset on remaking their games than foucusing on working on original Final Fantasy games. ]

Hell, I'll buy everyone on OC Remix a stake dinner for life if Sqaure makes an original series or a new Chrono Trigger game.


But they DID. Remember Dirge of Cerberus and those cellphone games?


Also, lol at this thread turning into "everyone hates atma's posting habits, including atma."

Yeah, you're right, but I was . . . how can I say it . . . giving an example. It's really more of an example of how Sqaure has a stronger mindset on remaking their games than foucusing on working on original Final Fantasy games. ]

Hell, I'll buy everyone on OC Remix a stake dinner for life if Sqaure makes an original series or a new Chrono Trigger game.

I think you mean Steak, and I'm holding you to that. This post is now archived.

That game is going to rock so hard.

Yeah, apparently it's pretty awesome. A friend in Japan got that just after release there, and said it was great.

Also, there are a lot of really good games for Wii, though the majority of titles released for it are quick cash-in/crap titles just like we saw on the PS2 last gen. End of discussion, now let it go people.

lack of appreciation for true beauty like the mother series

thats what is screwin gaming

no instead lets focus on a mediocre series like final fantasy and make omg popular with its horribly boring stories when compared to shit that is just deep as hell like mother

So true. There was a rumor that Nintendo never released a fully translated Famicom (NES) Mother game because they had second thoughts such as "Oh, we won't sell this game" and "Mother won't be as popular as Final Fantasy III (Famicom)".*

Mother's storyline, it's very mature, but also on the light-hearted side as well! The original Mother/Earthbound Zero will have a speical place in my heart as one of the most original RPG games of all time.

*They say the same thing about Fire Emblem that "Oh won't sell well in America". Yep. They said that about Fire Emblem. (However, they did the right thing by not importing the series to America in the 90s. Play Fire Emblem 4: The Genelogy of the Holy War.

This game came out during the height of Mortal Kombat, scapgoating video games, the ESRB, and Nintendo's "Kid Friendly" image. I swear to you if Fire Emblem 4 came out in America during the 90s, it would got a whole lot of shit. Incest, rape, child muder/children hunting and the works!)

The World Ends WIth You do seems like a good game, very original . . . wait . . . an ORIGINAL game series from Sqaure Enix?! Holy shit!

Dammit, I guess I do owe every that steak dinner. Wait, they also need to make a new Chrono Trigger game! Only THEN I shall buy every a steak dinner with fine wine!


An odd theory:

Most people think of video games as something that makes their children sit in front of the screen for hours at a time without doing anything else constructive. That being said, perhaps parents are trying to scare their children away from gaming by giving them horrible titles, and rapidly reinforce the notion that gaming is bad.

The chance of this being reality is highly unlikely. Thompson moves in mysterious ways.....

lack of appreciation for true beauty like the mother series

thats what is screwin gaming

no instead lets focus on a mediocre series like final fantasy and make omg popular with its horribly boring stories when compared to shit that is just deep as hell like mother

Well, Mother was never imported after Mother 2 (Earthbound) because EB came in when RPG's were not that popular and games like Chrono Trigger made it look outdated. So Ninty was like "We aint riskin our monies on a coin toss of a game". Yet, they still acknowledge its popularity stateside 10+ years after its release, wtf?!.....

Why Nintendo did not import Mother 3, yet added in Lucas in Brawl stateside (pissing off all Mother fans, myself included, to no end) is beyond me

I say we begin a thread were we all send a letter to Reggie Fils-Aime over at Ninty each and every month (or week) until they announce it's localization!


Money talks, crappy games win. Let it be and smile at the fact that you're not wasting money on garbage. Or actually educate the masses somehow. Either way if you're not part of the solution, yousa part of the problem :D

"The More You Know...." *

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