Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 I think we can all agree at this point that Cloud is a bitch. Zack was the real hero out of the whole FFVII cast. Incidentally, he was also the most normal out of the entire bunch. He was in short, a real man and a very likable protagonist. None of this "boo hoo! I have to find sephiroth! OH NOES I'm not who I thought I was am I a failure!?" crap. He was so badass that it took a goddamned battalion to take him down, and even then they still got lucky. Cheers to one of the better characters created in the Final Fantasy series. I felt terrible when I hit the ending. Also, Genesis isn't gone just yet. I also agree that the Final Fantasy series post FFVI have had a penchant for creating side characters infinitely more interesting than the main protagonists, and I really wished Laguna and Jecht had much more emphasis in both FFVIII and FFX respectively. Maybe it's just Laguna's upbeat personality or his penchant for getting caught in dumb adventures, or the fact that he has more character depth than Squall that he would make for much more of an endearing main protagonist. I apologize for that agonizing display of FF fanboyism. Returning to your regular programming now. Quote
Bleck Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 he has more character depth than Squall Whatever... Also yeah, I almost cried manly tears at the end of CC when the DMV gets stuck on the picture of Aerith. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 Whatever...Also yeah, I almost cried manly tears at the end of CC when the DMV gets stuck on the picture of Aerith. Hey I liked Squall, I just liked Laguna that much more. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 That's one of the reasons the ending was so powerful. Everyone so wanted to see the romance between Zack and Aerith take place. Why can't Square/Eunuchs make more main characters like Zack? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 Because Japanese teens like their characters emo, remember? Otherwise, Lighting(heroine from FFXIII) wouldn't have been modeled to be a female Cloud. Quote
jaxx Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 watching the ending of crisis core made me feel less sad about Aerith in the original. It's especially how Zack and Aerith interact in Advent Children Quote
Graycascade Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 watching the ending of crisis core made me feel less sad about Aerith in the original. It's especially how Zack and Aerith interact in Advent Children I remember originally playing FFVII and thinking "Wait, why don't you just fall for the guy instead of getting all hung-up on an old crush. I mean, this is the main character we're talking about." After playing CC, I realized the error of my ways. Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Because Japanese teens like their characters emo, remember? So very tragically true. The one thing I regret about increasingly powerful consoles with better and better graphics is that it allows character models to actually resemble the Final Fantasy character concept artwork. They've always been pale, thin, platinum blond angst machines on paper... it's just that now the technology has caught up enough to make them so in-game as well. Quote
DarkeSword Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Square/Eunuchs Why would you do this? Enix was a wonderful company. Quote
relyanCe Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Why would you do this? Enix was a wonderful company. So true DS, so true. Oh the ignorance of some people I'd rather see a FFVIII one that followed Laguna, Kiros, and Ward, but I'd probably play a FFX one too. Granted, we were lucky enough to actually play some of the highlights of Laguna's story (<Laguna> *yells at the voices in his head to shut up* <Waitress> *runs away*), but I'm sure that there's all kinds of hilarity that we didn't see between "visits". Added bonus: a FFVIII one wouldn't be forced into an ending where everyone dies. Good times! I would love a FFX prequel, mainly because it would carry the same tone and feel of the original, and the downer ending is the most important part! I mean cmon, remember the ending to the original? It was a sad game and the prequel story would fit it perfectly, as opposed to that retarded spice girls/charlie's angels crap they called a sequel... Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Hey! I liked FFX-2! Retarded though the plot may have been, the battle system was fun and the game had some sweet music. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Seconded. And though Crisis Core sounds awesome, I don't know if I can justify buying a PSP just for one game when I have a DS Lite. Then again, I always liked FFVIII better than FFVII for some...odd reason. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Seconded. And though Crisis Core sounds awesome, I don't know if I can justify buying a PSP just for one game when I have a DS Lite. Then again, I always liked FFVIII better than FFVII for some...odd reason. If you're an RPG fan, the PSP has a lot to offer. With that said, buy it only if you're financially comfortable with the purchase . Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Then again, I always liked FFVIII better than FFVII for some...odd reason. FFVIII is unique in the series in that it has a sense of just being one small part of a much larger story, one that continues both before our heroes were aware of it and after their personal stories are complete. FFVII is the story of The Planet vs. Jenova -- specifically, it's the end of that story. Jenova dies, the Planet is saved, hurray. FFVIII is the story of the sorceresses. The sorceresses existed long before the game started and continue to exist after it ends. Some of them (like Edea) are harmless, while some (like Adel) are malevolent. The SeeD exist to control the harmful sorceresses. Because sorceress power can't actually be lost, but only transferred from person to person, SeeD will always be necessary. During the course of FFVIII you defeat Adel and Ultimecia, but that doesn't mean that you "win", or that the conflict is over. It just means that things are safe... for now. Think about it. Every other Final Fantasy has a definite antagonist, a single conflict, a clear resolution. Cecil against Golbez (and Zeromus, from out of left field). The Good Guys (fuck, FFVI had a lot of PCs, and no single "main character"...) vs. Kefka. The Planet vs. Jenova (with Aeris and Sephiroth being their respective champions, though Cloud took over for Aeris after she bit the dust). Gaia vs. Terra. Spira vs. Sin/Yu Yevon. All of those had a single final battle, a win-or-die fight that ended the whole conflict. FFVIII doesn't have that. Sephiroth is dead and gone after FFVII (well, barring Advent Children ass-pulls), but when you kill a sorceress in FFVIII you just make another one somewhere else. It's an ongoing conflict, not one with a clear and final resolution. That's what makes FFVIII's setting and storyline interesting, in my view. It's certainly the best set up to have a sequel. Rather than Advent Children style "holy crap [antagonist] is back somehow!!" or X-2 style "here's a completely different situation we pulled out of nowhere, now go save the world again!" FFVIII sequels (or prequels) could deal with the same situation, the same threat, just in a different form. There'd be a continuity there that the rest of the Final Fantasy series lacks. If you're an RPG fan, the PSP has a lot to offer. Really? I'm not overly familiar with the PSP, but the only real RPGs I've heard of for it are Crisis Core and some various remakes, which I've already played elsewhere for the most part. What else has it got? Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Yeah, the only RPGs for PSP I've heard of are Crisis Core and the FFTactics remake (I can think of a lot more RPG style games on the DS). Though, have to admit that MGS: Portable Ops has some appeal to it. And y'know Jovian, I think you'd got a good point about FFVIII. It feels like, it could be part 2 of a 3 part series, or part 3 of a 5 part series or something like that. Though, I do admit that FFVII had so much hype surrounding it, that when I finally got to play it I felt that no game could really live up to all the hype and was a bit disappointed. It's no bad game by any means, I just think VIII (and actually, VI now that I think about it) happens to be better. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 I'm not overly familiar with the PSP, but the only real RPGs I've heard of for it are Crisis Core and some various remakes, which I've already played elsewhere for the most part. What else has it got? Some 'Tales of' games, or the Disgaea serie. But there's obviously more on the DS considering the Snes library remakes. Crisis Core is one of the games I anticipated the most, as was Dirge of Cerberus but that's another story. I liked it a lot but was just pissed off because basically FFVII DoC was like the test engine for Crisis. Anyway, for a handheld game it sure was visually impressive. The atmosphere and music were right on mark, even though Uematsu wasn't in control. And the story got me hooked till the end. Only drawback: the side quests... er, missions. Past some point, it just reveal the monotony of the landscape. And fighting 45 Genesis clones in one dungeon isn't going to make me want to get every invocation or piece of equipment hidden in there. The main quest is wonderful and answers most of the questions we had in mind previously. The fan-service was solid too. Crisis is one of the greatest game of the PSP, and an awesome A-Rpg overall. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Hm, well I've seen some clips of it and the graphics do look pretty good all around. The music I've heard from it didn't seem Uematsu-like (so I didn't think he did it), but I do remember some songs (like Price of Freedom) being well done. And truth be told, I actually didn't know they were still making "Tales of" or Disagea games. Quote
Brycepops Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 And truth be told, I actually didn't know they were still making "Tales of"... games. ...The hell made you think that? Vesperia and Symphonia 2 were recently released. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 I just haven't been paying attention to game releases over the past bit. Like, I don't really know that many games that have come out since 2008 started. Yeah, there's the obvious ones I'm aware of like Resident Evil 5, and Smash Bros Brawl (since I got it shortly after it came out), but I just don't follow release news like I used to. Heck, I like the Suikoden games and I didn't even know they were making/releasing one on DS until today. Sad, I know. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Tales of Vesperia isn't bad. The battle system is fun enough and the main character is well done. I haven't won it yet but I intend to go back to it eventually. Right now 'Mass Effect' is my rpg of choice. Quote
K.B. Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 What did we decide this thread is about now? I'm still shitting bricks over the threadmergeforumchange. Also, what is this 'dub', and why do I have the sudden urge for a Red Stripe? Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Ugh, as much as I wanted to enjoy CC, the way they did Zach bothered the fuck out of me. He was just like Sora, down to the hyper cheery personality. The Zach we see in FF7 is a bad ass, but in cc hes so....kiddish. The story was nice, but I seriously can't get over how they made Zach so dumb. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Was Zack really so badass in FF7? We only got to see glimpses of him, after all. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 THAT IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU THINK THAT I know he had a personality of a brick, but we could assume just by the little that we knew that he was going to be an awesome character. Also, sorry, I have a friend named ZACHARY SO I GOT USED TO SPELLING IT LIKE THAT THANKS FOR CORRECTING ME THOUGH Quote
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