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OCR00937 - Ultima Online "Create Your Fantasy"


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Hmm... I really like the chorus, great intro, and overall a solid piece, but the piano near the beginning just has way too much reverb and it sounds kind of muddy. Great sound overall, but the reverb (used to great effect) is sometimes a negative factor in this song.

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It sounds a lot like the Ultima 6: Gates of Creation remix by Potshot. There's more stuff on top of the sound, so it's harder hidden, but I swear, it's almost the same thing through a lot of it. It also goes a good deal faster.

This is not to say that it's a bad remix, not at all. Both remixes are great, really, really excellent.

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I know trance is supposed to sound dreamy, but this is a LOT of reverb. It sounds like the reverb is affecting pretty much everything. The beginning is especially muddy sounding. The rest of the mix is pretty decent sounding. Nothing blows me away, but nothing really sticks out as sucking (except the effect at 1:54...that just sounds silly and overused). I liked the sound that is present near the end of the mix that's on every and of the beat. Pretty good song structure too. This is a pretty good trance remix. But to me, a lot of the trance remixes sound quite similar and use a lot of the same ideas. To me, this mix can be summed up as " quality generic". If that's all GLL was going for, then he reached his goal, but I wanna hear something new and interesting in the trance genre!

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Too much reverb? How naive. First ask yourself what was GLL going for with this song? A logical assumption can be made that he wanted a certain emotional dreamy "feel" to it, then to lead into a light dance sequence followed by another more abstract sort "fx" transtion that lead into another dance sequence.

What is reverb mostly used for? It can create subtlety where there was none which is what GLL did alot of in this piece. It can can substitute for a lengthened release. It makes things blend and muddy. In this case dreamy. It can make a normally useless synth into an indespensible effect. Reverb is one of the most used and most abused stylistic form of mixing. Decades ago it was created nonsynthetically by recording with huge bands in very small rooms at high volume. Now adays it's perhaps the most common effect used in practically any chandre. To say he used too much reverb is caused by a difference in style rather than fact. Maybe you don't like dreamy mixes, or mixes this dreamy? Instead say so as oppoesed to blming it on one effect. This song could have easliy been made into dance as well. I think that's where the conflict stems from. As a fellow remixer I would have used the exact same amount if I had decided to do the same thing with the song.

| 10 | Concept:

A perfect TEN! concept is the general feeling that an artist is trying to create when he/she makes a song. In this case GLL more than nailed it.

The song had very strong feel to it.

| 7 | Repetition/Timing: Not at all over repetive but I have some beef with the timing. Several items were out of place. For example the high pad effect that starts out in 2:52 would have better been used in a precussive transition after a major dropout as opposed to the already played sequence just brough back after no definable transition other than just "Switching over" The nice bass synth that came at the very end I think should have come much earlier in the song etc.

| 7.5 | Synths/Samples: Beautiful. GLL sent me the flp for this song along time ago although I admit I never looked at it till now. He mixed everything with Simsynth and 3xocs. The choral effects were a not-so-great soundfont muchly improved by GLL. It would have sounded terrible without reverb. His precussion samples were lacking. He should have used some stronger (Not necessarily louder) smaples with some nice simple fx to make it sound a little less mechanical in the some of the dance areas.

| 9 | Structure: I am deeply impressed. I've known GLL for quite some time and structure has always been his greatest weakness. He conquored that pesky little structure demon and triumphed with this song. This is the first song he's ever made where I LIKED his structure. The only drawback is length. Too long. I feel it should have been compressed.

| 6 | Transitions: Very weak transitions rarely anything more than a simple dropout and many times it just jumped from one to another sequence line without any warning other than logical numerical assumption. Now let me get my calc out and figure out the overall.

| 7.9 | Overall: Very high score coming from me. This is the second highest one yet, my third favorite song on OCR and my favorite song coming from GLL to date. Excellent work.

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Hiya GLL! .. lets Start the music! <songplayed> Great stuff! Love the sense of emotion this song displays. the Reverb was handled very well I think. Also of note were some really cool synths. Certainly worth a download for anyone remotely interested in trance/techno.

0:01 - Cool.. Diggin' it. I actually like the reverb thus far.

0:30 - Sounds really cool. I love how the medly feels really open and really emotional, kind've powerful in that respect.

0:58 - Awesome synth work here.

1:18 - Very good work. I think you could mix the beat up a bit here, but it works.

1:55 - Not quite sure if that was needed.

2:10 - Again, I honestly love the ammount of Reverb shown off here, I doubt the same mood could be achieved without it.

2:44 - Cool stuff, but.. you need to mix it up a bit more, your playing the same stuff over at some points.

2:51 - Welcome'd change..and this part is Very well done, it feels very strong, sounds very good, and feels emotional.

3:44 - Good stuff, certainly a welcomed change to the main melody.

4:10 - This is where things start getting a tiny bit muddled..but you drop it quickly, watch that with large ammounts of reverb, GLL.

4:40 - Pretty good ending, Not one of my favorites, but it works. so I'm satisfied.

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Too much reverb? How naive. First ask yourself what was GLL going for with this song? A logical assumption can be made that he wanted a certain emotional dreamy "feel" to it, then to lead into a light dance sequence followed by another more abstract sort "fx" transtion that lead into another dance sequence.

What is reverb mostly used for? It can create subtlety where there was none which is what GLL did alot of in this piece. It can can substitute for a lengthened release. It makes things blend and muddy. In this case dreamy. It can make a normally useless synth into an indespensible effect. Reverb is one of the most used and most abused stylistic form of mixing. Decades ago it was created nonsynthetically by recording with huge bands in very small rooms at high volume. Now adays it's perhaps the most common effect used in practically any chandre. To say he used too much reverb is caused by a difference in style rather than fact. Maybe you don't like dreamy mixes, or mixes this dreamy? Instead say so as oppoesed to blming it on one effect. This song could have easliy been made into dance as well. I think that's where the conflict stems from. As a fellow remixer I would have used the exact same amount if I had decided to do the same thing with the song.

What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

IMO, it's too much. It sounds muddy in a not good way to me. You don't need to get all angry and corrective about my opinion. If you like it, good for you. I don't. Sorry.

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Too much reverb? How naive. First ask yourself what was GLL going for with this song? A logical assumption can be made that he wanted a certain emotional dreamy "feel" to it, then to lead into a light dance sequence followed by another more abstract sort "fx" transtion that lead into another dance sequence.

What is reverb mostly used for? It can create subtlety where there was none which is what GLL did alot of in this piece. It can can substitute for a lengthened release. It makes things blend and muddy. In this case dreamy. It can make a normally useless synth into an indespensible effect. Reverb is one of the most used and most abused stylistic form of mixing. Decades ago it was created nonsynthetically by recording with huge bands in very small rooms at high volume. Now adays it's perhaps the most common effect used in practically any chandre. To say he used too much reverb is caused by a difference in style rather than fact. Maybe you don't like dreamy mixes, or mixes this dreamy? Instead say so as oppoesed to blming it on one effect. This song could have easliy been made into dance as well. I think that's where the conflict stems from. As a fellow remixer I would have used the exact same amount if I had decided to do the same thing with the song.

What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

IMO, it's too much. It sounds muddy in a not good way to me. You don't need to get all angry and corrective about my opinion. If you like it, good for you. I don't. Sorry.


I already heard it from 4 of the judges. Why don't you form an opinion that's original.

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Maybe you don't like dreamy mixes, or mixes this dreamy? Instead say so as opposed to blaming it on one effect. This song could have easliy been made into dance as well. I think that's where the conflict stems from. As a fellow remixer I would have used the exact same amount if I had decided to do the same thing with the song.

I said this. I'm sorry SGX if there was a misunderstanding but If you look at what I said I requested that people state their opinions as opinions as opposed to trying to make a factual right or wrong assumption over something so stylistic. I have no problem with you agreeing with people just explain WHY you feel a particular way. If you look at the other posts above your they basically all say "Too much reverb!" and nothing else in specific.

My question is: why? Why is there too much reverb? Does it deterimentally affect the song? Or is it because YOU would have used less in a simliar song or wouldn't have done a song like that all together? This is an opinion of course since technically facts don't even exist. If everyone just cut's and pastes whatever the first guy said........ well you know.

Personally, SGX, I don't think you did it to follow anyone. It was your own right to have that opinion. But it seemed an aweful lot like another bandwagon sort of thing. You know what I mean? Sorry about the misunderstanding. Seriously re-read my post, particularly the closing statements. I'm sorry If I offended you. It just seemed like certain reviewers were trying to impose a fictional fact created by a nice little bandwagon where everyone seems to have an identical opinion.

GLL, SGX, Let's not let this turn into conlict over opinions on one EFFECT for christ sakes.

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I haven't read what the judges said, so it's not like I'm 'collaborating', sucking up, or just repeating their reviews or something. Now, since other people said they don't like the amount of reverb used and I also think that, I should just go ahead and change my opinion to make sure that I'm not following the crowd or something? I'm sorry if my opinion is not "unique". It's not like I enjoy pointing out things I don't think are good in a remix. I'd rather give all praise, but only if there was nothing that stuck out as bad to me in the mix. I honestly did not like how the reverb was used, so I stated my opinion in this very thread where we are supposed to state our opinions about a mix. It's not a big deal.

EDIT: Just read Prophecy's post. I'll ellaborate as much as I can about this whole reverb dealio.

Mostly in the beginning it bugs me. I can't really hear what the piano is doing. It feels like I'm hearing more reverb than the original instrument that is making the reverb sometimes. I hear a muddyness in this song that I don't really like. It kinda sounds like I'm listening on crappy speakers or something. Some sounds that I think should be intense-sounding are a bit watered down by the reverb. It's tough to explain and it's not a huge detriment. Sorry if this whole reverb thing got blown up larger than it should be. It's not much of a problem. I like the mix.

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I haven't read what the judges said, so it's not like I'm 'collaborating', sucking up, or just repeating their reviews or something. Now, since other people said they don't like the amount of reverb used and I also think that, I should just go ahead and change my opinion to make sure that I'm not following the crowd or something? I'm sorry if my opinion is not "unique". It's not like I enjoy pointing out things I don't think are good in a remix. I'd rather give all praise, but only if there was nothing that stuck out as bad to me in the mix. I honestly did not like how the reverb was used, so I stated my opinion in this very thread where we are supposed to state our opinions about a mix. It's not a big deal.

EDIT: Just read Prophecy's post. I'll ellaborate as much as I can about this whole reverb dealio.

Mostly in the beginning it bugs me. I can't really hear what the piano is doing. It feels like I'm hearing more reverb than the original instrument that is making the reverb sometimes. I hear a muddyness in this song that I don't really like. It kinda sounds like I'm listening on crappy speakers or something. Some sounds that I think should be intense-sounding are a bit watered down by the reverb. It's tough to explain and it's not a huge detriment. Sorry if this whole reverb thing got blown up larger than it should be. It's not much of a problem. I like the mix.

sorry, I don't usually reply to my own song reviews. The huge deal about the reverb just really bothered me. Now that you're more specific, I'm a lot happier. I was listening to this song today on my cd player and I was kind of taken aback by how unbalanced things sounded, particularly the piano. I will try to work harder on keeping things balanced (and reasonable fx added) on my future remixes. I still think it has been one of my most innovative remixes to date. I'm still happy with it overall (although I may produce a remastered version sometime in the future).

and Vortex, I believe it's the Create a character theme from UO (SgtRama would know better; he remixed this same theme and plays the game quite frequently to my knowledge).

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It sounds a lot like the Ultima 6: Gates of Creation remix by Potshot. There's more stuff on top of the sound, so it's harder hidden, but I swear, it's almost the same thing through a lot of it. It also goes a good deal faster.

This is not to say that it's a bad remix, not at all. Both remixes are great, really, really excellent.

Welllllll, it actually IS, but it isn't. More directly it's the same song as the one Suzumebachi remixed. WHICH, as you MOST LIKELY don't know, isn't a coincedence. But ya'see, when all of us were remixing "Create1" in #ocremix, no one knew it was from anywhere other then UO, because I had been the only one that ever had any Ultima appearence, and 6 wasn't one of them. But yes, they are the same song, and there's about umpteen million others. OCRE, injury, me, GLL, Carby, Suzu, PxFury, there was alot of'em

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Hey GLL, I rarely post reviews, and usually don't d/l music from games that I haven't played, but I've loved all your stuff so far and thought I'd give this one a chance. I was definitely not disapointed.

The only criticsm I can think of is that some of elements in the begining sound like they're a little distant and possibly drowned out by the kinda ambient background part...I don't know jack about music so sorry if that's reverb-related. I think it might just be a volume issue.

Anyway, other than that very minor issue I think this is a great mix that really keeps things changing and interesting beyond the standard elements of trance. You have a really distinctive style that I happen to love. I still listen to Link Goes Clubbing almost daily...that kinda meandering lead is incredible, I'm not quite sure how to describe it. So anyway, great job on the UO mix, and keep up the great work, I haven't been disappointed by anything you've come out with.

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Hey GLL, Great stuff here. I'm keeping this on my OCRFav's playlist and never letting it go. Sorry about the whole reverb thing but that's just your style of trance, and everyone has their own thing. Personally, I don't think it's that bad. Of course, it sounds different on different speakers so maybe some of us can't realize it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has to be one of my favorite trance remixes on this site so far. It is more innovative than most "techno" remixes here. I'm pretty tired of downloading songs that have been labeled trance and finding happy horsedoodoo. This mix succeeds in taking me to another place, which to me is pretty much the point of trance music. GLL is making great strides towards becoming a quality trance producer.

I listened to this the other day while lifted and indeed i was taken "elsewhere".

I look forward to more mixes of this creative quality, no more 'techno' mixes that are basically a 4 to the floor kick and cheeseball synth playing a disgustingly happy melody (most good trance honestly is minor keys i think). Interestingly enough the other song on this site that i admire the beefy lead synth is also an Ultima remix, its the "gates of Creation" mix by potshot. The lead on this remix also is so thick and beautiful. Although probably unintended..the heavy reverb adds alot when layered behind it. On my system at home it makes for some great listening. It is probably a bit much to alot of people, I dont use that much personally, but i think on this song it doesnt hurt it at all. No...I wouldnt change much.

The other thing I like is that the song progresses alot more than your previous works, and also much more than other 'genre' music. In fact i would liken this more to psy or goa in that sense...anyway...to wrap up..um...

Great Mix! 9 out of 10.

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  • 1 year later...

When you left click the download button it should take you to a page with three more links. If those links don't work you can right click > save target as (if you're using Internet Explorer). If you're still having trouble I can try and send it to you via instant messanger (I can't send attachments over 1 mb in hotmail). Otherwise I'll have to find some free webspace to upload to and send you a link.

I hope you enjoy the remix.

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