Vivi22 Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Well damn.. I was gonna start going to the gym today, which is located at my work just 2 minutes down the road, but nature ruined my plans.We had about 7" of rain the other day which caused a big sinkhole on the main street just outside of my neighborhood. The sinkhole is in the perfect spot where it takes a long way to go around just to get to the other side. My work is now 15 mins away instead of 2, and with gas prices I can't afford that drive 2-3 times a week right now. I'll just have to stick to my DDR routine, which right now is working as I've lost approx 6-7 pounds already. (Pics for those interested - - It's pretty crazy..) Maybe there's a reason I'm not aware of, but would you be able to simply run or walk to the gym? I'd think if it's that close a drive that you'd be able to make it in a decent amount of time on foot even while avoiding a sink hole and get a good warm up in the process. Anyway, that sinkhole is crazy. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Maybe there's a reason I'm not aware of, but would you be able to simply run or walk to the gym? I'd think if it's that close a drive that you'd be able to make it in a decent amount of time on foot even while avoiding a sink hole and get a good warm up in the process.Anyway, that sinkhole is crazy. Well normally I would be able to, but right now they've already brought in machinery to start working on it, the whole area is taped off. The sidewalk/street is the only way to go in that direction, unfortunately :/. The sinkhole is really in the worst possible spot, lol. (Plus, I'd feel real uneasy walking over the little bit of ground left where a sinkhole just occured.) Quote
Random Hajile Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Here's my check in for last week, sorry I'm late: Monday - Drank two sodas, ate some salads and some rice with some sort of meat. Played Ultimate Frisbee for two hours. Push ups and situps at night. Tuesday - About the same, except I had some cocoa puffs for breakfast. <.< Wednesday - 1 soda, screwed up with wendy's spicy chicken sandwich. Didn't eat the fries. Push ups and situps at night. Thursday - A big soda, screwed up with Pizza, but didn't have any breakfast. Friday - Salads balanced with some coffee and some rice with chicken. Played large game of ultimate frisbee followed by football. Next two days were spent studying and recovering from football bruises. Saturday - I don't remember what I ate tbh. Sunday - Ate out with BBQ and Hotdogs, had two cups of soda, went on a 3 hour hike in the mountains. Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 What kind of soda's are you drinking? Carbonated drinks erode your bones by stripping calcium away. Edit: Thanks Vivi for the link and reminding me to get me some ring training going on! Quote
The Derrit Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Is there any way to find a pair of less expensive rings? I'd love to own some of my own but $80 is a lot for me. On a side note, my team all moved into a house for the last part of the season, and there's a sweet bar setup on the staircase that I've been using for L static holds to complement planchework. Quote
MechaFone Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 What kind of soda's are you drinking? Carbonated drinks erode your bones by stripping calcium away. I did not know that. I knew that drinking soda while trying to lose weight/excercise in general was not a good idea, now I know why. While I'm on the subject, is it the same with diet drinks? I can't even touch regular Pepsi or Coke without Diet on the lable. The taste is just so much crisper and fresh Diet. Is that okay, or do I need to start thinking of something else? What kind of drink and/or soda would be appropriate in my efforts to slim? Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Well I mean firstly, carbonated stuff is bad for the bones. The extra sugar in soda is also another bad thing to put on top of it. You're better off with water, juice, or sports drinks (while you're exercising). The occasional soda is okay, but man, pounding several cans of soda frequently at a time just isn't good for you. Caffeine is also a diuretic so you'll have to urinate more frequently which can lead to dehydration. Quote
Vivi22 Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Is there any way to find a pair of less expensive rings? I'd love to own some of my own but $80 is a lot for me. I seem to remember once seeing a cheaper set of rings out there. I think they were about $50, but I can't seem to find the site right now. I didn't go for a run or bike ride yesterday, but I went climbing last night for about 45-50 minutes. I spent most of that on the wall, and usually trying climbing paths that were extremely challenging or even impossible for me to do. I'm not that sore today, but my upper body is feeling pretty dead. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 I seem to remember once seeing a cheaper set of rings out there. I think they were about $50, but I can't seem to find the site right now. I accomplished one of my goals this morning: to be able to press from a cross to a maltese. I'm starting to put together a rings routine, and here's what I have so far: -Pull to inverted hang -Swing down, back uprise to L-cross -Press to maltese -Pullout to support -Press to inverted cross -Swing down, back uprise to straddle planche The inverted cross is still not what it could be, but my malteses are feeling great. I'll be heading back in this afternoon to work on it more. EDIT: My goal on rings (not for the end of the summer, but for the national qualifier next April): -Backward roll to cross -Press to maltese -Press to inverted cross -Swing down, back uprise planche -Press to inverted cross -Piked Yamawaki (it's basically a double front flip while holding onto the rings) -Tucked Yamawaki -Back uprise to handstand -Back giant -Full twisting double layout The two presses to inverted cross (one from maltese, one from planche) are the things I expect to give me the most trouble. And I'm not sure about the Yamawakis -- I've never really trained that skill before, so I'm still not sure how hard it will be for me to get it Quote
Katsurugi Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Hey guys, I guess I should probably make it "official" that I want to get in better shape by sharing it with you all. I am 5'9" and approximately 135 lbs(?) I haven't checked my weight in a while, but that's a rough estimate which should be correct. My problem is that I'm skinny and I've just lost of a lot of muscle mass over the years. I think that my diet is fine how it is. Of course it can be better, but overall, I'm not eating anything that will put me harms way. With the summer coming up and me being stuck at school at the same time, I figure that the gym is way accessible and I should take advantage of that. GOAL: bench 90 lbs reps run 5 miles in an hour (both to be completed by the end of the summer) PLAN: Bench, inclined bench and run just about every other day. Work on other muscle groups, (abs, back, biceps) in regiment Currently, I am benching about 55 lbs, 4x12, for both normal and inclined. As for running, I am consistently running 2 miles in about 15 minutes, if not a minute or two longer. Usually, I find that I am too conservative with my weight lifting and don't increase it when I should. It takes a long while for me to feel "comfortable" with a weight. It's not that I can't push more, I'm just afraid of hurting myself. Quote
noTuX Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Well, I'm still hanging in there. I'm working my abs alot harder than before (that bicycle exercise works great), but it still seems like I'm not making enough progress. My abs just hurt all the time and they don't really look any better to me. My girlfriend says she can tell a difference, but I can't. As for my legs, I think I making really good progress. My thighs are getting much bigger (to the point where I have trouble putting on my boxers). I just need to work more on cardio and endurance. Quote
Penfold Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 My friend bought a pair of these: quality and easy to set up in all kinds of places. We took them to a nearby playground and looped them over the monkey bars. Same as I got (again thanks to Geoffrey Taucer for the link). Aren't they awesome? A friend has been wanted an intro to Crossfit for a while, so to accommodate I didn't do a noon workout, but will go right after work. WOD today is single rep max effort deadlift, but given that a 3-rep max deadlift came up within the last week or so(max 275 x3 reps without failure) and that a max effort day is a shitty introduction to what is most often a metcon system, I'll be recycling a WOD from last week - 21, 15, 9 reps 225lb deadlift and ring dips for time. While of course I'll be doing the workout as prescribed, I don't know how this guy does in deadlifts, so I'll be having him take it a little easy (most likely somewhere closer to 135-165). We'll see how the ring dips go, so those may need to be fudged a little as well. If I had more time, I'd also wanna play with some ring pushups, but I gotta get downtown right after the workout's finished for a volunteer training thing for the Seattle International Film Festival (first time voluneering!). Katsurugi - Just to clarify, when you're counting the bench press weight, is that with or without counting 45-lb bar? Glad to hear everybody has been doing well so far! Keep it up, guys! Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Well, I'm still hanging in there. I'm working my abs alot harder than before (that bicycle exercise works great), but it still seems like I'm not making enough progress. My abs just hurt all the time and they don't really look any better to me. My girlfriend says she can tell a difference, but I can't.As for my legs, I think I making really good progress. My thighs are getting much bigger (to the point where I have trouble putting on my boxers). I just need to work more on cardio and endurance. Abs don't show up unless you trim the waistline. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Had a bit more of a workout in the afternoon/evening. Did a bit more cross work. Also joined my girls for their strength and flexibility work. Quote
Katsurugi Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Katsurugi - Just to clarify, when you're counting the bench press weight, is that with or without counting 45-lb bar? Without the bar. I have to use this machine for benches that doesn't have you push an extra weight. I don't like it compared to the traditional bench press. I don't exactly know what I don't like about it yet. There is one on another floor of the basement, but I need someone to spot me and there's hardly anyone at the gym in general when I go... lose/lose situation. Had a bit more of a workout in the afternoon/evening. Did a bit more cross work. Also joined my girls for their strength and flexibility work. haha, taucer joined the girls. jk. jk. They would kick my ass in flexibility work. I'm like an old rubber band with the crusty stuff when you stretch it out. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 haha, taucer joined the girls. jk. jk. They would kick my ass in flexibility work. I'm like an old rubber band with the crusty stuff when you stretch it out. I think they'd beat a lot of people in strength work, too. At least two of them can do muscle-ups. (one of them did a muscle-up on a bar at a meet a couple years ago; she was trying to do a kip, didn't quite make it, then just did a muscle-up and continued her routine from there. The look on the judge's face was priceless. Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 A question about getting those training rings... I was wondering if it matters how far apart the rings are? I want to use them on a playground or at my gym but I don't know how wide apart I can get the rings. If they are too close it just seems like they might not be as effective... or does that not matter? Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 A question about getting those training rings... I was wondering if it matters how far apart the rings are? I want to use them on a playground or at my gym but I don't know how wide apart I can get the rings. If they are too close it just seems like they might not be as effective... or does that not matter? I should know what regulation ring width is, but I don't. They may come with instructions. If not, I'd aim to have them about shoulder width. Quote
Katsurugi Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 No matter how good you are at rings, I doubt any of you will be as good as this guy. Also, best dismount ever. EVER... and I mean it. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 No matter how good you are at rings, I doubt any of you will be as good as this guy. Also, best dismount ever. EVER... and I mean it. Haha, I've seen that. His muscle-up is absolutely beautiful. The Olympic cross (the sideways-turned iron cross) is pretty cool too. It's a shame that's not a recognized skill anymore. And, of course, the dismount was win. Here's a vid of the guy predicted by most to be the 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist on rings: Quote
Steben Posted May 16, 2008 Author Posted May 16, 2008 Weekly Checkin Friday May 9- 2 egg whites (40), 1 egg yolk (60), shredded cheddar cheese (70), 3 pieces toast (150), mushrooms (10), 330 calories - Banana, 100 calories - Lean Pocket, 280 calories - Big graduation celebratory dinner, guessing... 1000 calories? - fruit bar, 130 calories Total: 1840 calories Saturday May 10 - Graduated, didn't keep up with stuff Sunday May 11 - Couldn't keep up with food. - Ran 23 minutes, walked at least 15 more. Monday May 12 - Ran 25 minutes, walked at least 5 more. Tuesday May 13 - Ran 21 minutes (with a 2 minute break in the middle) Wednesday May 14 - Ran 23 minutes Thursday May 15 - Nada Long story short, not a great week. Being at home with my family is evidently not conducive for my fitness plan... different food's available, I don't have a track or gym to work out at, etc. I haven't bothered counting calories since I got home, but I've been eating less, but more frequently... rather than two or three big meals, I've been trying to do three or four smaller ones per day. I'll be out of town starting this afternoon, and won't get back until Sunday. I will run on Sunday through Wednesday, and then I'll be back at my college at least until my next check-in, so I can go do some weights and such. I'm adding a sort of mini goal to my plan... I want to run for half and hour straight by the end of May. That'll give me something to shoot for. EDIT: I've moved Patrick Burns and OA to an inactive list, since I haven't heard from them since before the last check-in. If you guys are still alive and working on a fitness plan, let me know and I'll move you back to the main list. Quote
Random Hajile Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Okay, here's my weekly checkin: Monday - Rice, Salads and Water for most of the day. Did my push-up situp regimen. Tuesday - Nothing much done, had two finals that day and slept alot. Don't even remember what I ate. Wednesday - Went for an early morning run, then slept till my last final. Splurged on BK and a large drink. Felt bad afterword. My dad wanted fast food and I couldn't resist! Thursday - Back home and in the groove. Went for a 15 minute early morning jog, followed by an upped fitness regimen. For breakfast, I ate a custom texas egg sandwich and water and milk. Ate some fried calamari for dinner, but drank water and non-sweetened iced-tea with it. Also ate a cheese, chicken and mayo sandwich. I didn't want the mayo, but they couldn't take it off. Today - Ate some cheerios and milk for breakfast. Not sure what I'm doing for dinner yet. Maybe an omlette?! Quote
LuckyXIII Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Weekly check-in: Sunday Weighed in at 201 lbs. Started a DDR routine - burned 300+ calories. Monday Increased daily DDR routine to 400 calories - did 405. Started old weight routine - switched it up a bit to maximize efficiency. Did 50 crunches. Tuesday DDR knocked off 449 calories. Wednesday 400 calories exactly New weight routine - felt a lot better about it this go-round and was able to add FLY's and rows and knocked out 100 crunches. Thursday DDR - 416 calories Friday Weighed in at 199 lbs - 2 pound weight loss for the week! DDR - 406 calories Hit the weights, went through all the exercises, 100 crunches. My diet has been two eggs, toast and OJ for breakfast. Lunch has been some beef, pita bread and hummus, and salad. Dinner has been chicken sandwiches at work (Barnes & Noble) with those awesome chocolate chunk cookies - I did not have a cookie tonight. The goal for next week is to up the caloric burning to a 500 minimum on DDR and to increase my max in the weight routine. May add 25-50 crunches to it, too. And going to try going with no sweets until the end of the week. Quote
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