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Yeah ill go in on it too.


I'm 5'10" and 185. My goal is somewhat of a different fitness track then the others here. My goal relates to the activities that i normally do: fencing, renaissance swordsmanship (for my show job at the ren fest), and biking. My goals for fencing would be the following three:

- Sucessfully complete a bout with using at least 10 successful techniques

- Learn how to effectively use the 2 and 3 parry

- Improve Lunging distance

My goals for the renaissance swordsmanship would be:

- Being able to effectively use a 30ish lb bastard sword

- Work on the speed of attacks

And Biking would be to just bike for about 1-2 hours every day.


For the Fencing parts my exercises are basically to practice the techniques against a dummy target for about 1 hour... and then do some endurance exercises (if any of you have any tips for that please message me!). For the Lunging distance I plan on doing some simple stretches to improve my horrible flexibility.

For the Renaissance swordsmanship, i would again work on the endurance exercises as well and basic resistance exercises (need to be able to do a 45 min skit 5 times a day at the same progress). Also some sparring with a person or a dummy target would improve the overall handling of the sword.

So thats about what i would do for my goals... If any of you have any resistance, endurance or other exercises that would help me obtain these goals i would really appreciate them! Thanks!


Welcome, Mechasonic4ever! Be sure you check in on the weekends with how your plan is going!

DragonAvenger, I wish I still had my old DDR pads. Unfortunately, I'm on the third floor of my apartment, so my downstairs neighbors wouldn't appreciate me stomping out Sakura on Heavy above their heads. :(

Awesome. Welcome newcomer!

Hey Steben, how much are you running these days?

Not enough! Heh.

At my last check-in, I was running between 20-25 minutes a day, plus some warm-up and cool-down walking/jogging. This week's been disappointing, however. I couldn't run between Friday and Sunday due to working for the BSA at a leadership training camp, so I kind of slacked off until Monday.

Actually, funny story, I was 16 minutes or so into my run on Monday, when I got a call from my roommate on my cell, which I probably shouldn't have answered. But I did, and he told me that our apartment was robbed in Auburn. Whoops! So I didn't finish that run, although I did jog a bit once I was done calling various people to take care of business, to get back to my house faster. I drove back to AU that night.

Today I only got about 14 minutes in until I called it a day... running in the early afternoon was a poor choice in timing, in Alabama's signature early-summer 90-degree humid weather. I'll try and get out earlier or later tomorrow.

Anyway, I don't run very fast, but for me, who's never done organized sports or anything, going a mile or two straight without breaking is actually a Huge Improvement. Four years ago, when working on my Personal Fitness merit badge for the Boy Scouts (required for the highest rank of Eagle), I definitely couldn't complete much more than half a mile without having to stop and walk for a bit. So in that context, it's not bad.

Nonetheless, I set a goal in my last checkin to try and work up to half an hour of running by the end of the month, so I've got some work to do over the next ten days.


Check in week 2:

I havent been going to the gym much mainly because of the crazy schedule I had at work last week, I only went twice.

Hopefully I'll get a better schedule this week.... which I doubt because the new kid just got himself fired yesterday, so I'll have to cover many days that he worked.

I really want to loose weight though, so I'll keep going.

Nonetheless, I set a goal in my last checkin to try and work up to half an hour of running by the end of the month, so I've got some work to do over the next ten days.

Well, I ran 30 minutes today!

Um. Well, I ran for 16 minutes, 7 minutes, and for 7 minutes again, with walking breathers in between. I'm gonna work up to doing it all straight over the next week. Wish me luck!


Did a bit of tumbling and trampoline in the morning. Also did 6 or 7 reps of a ring strength set in a dream machine; back lever, roll up to cross, press to maltese, press to invert, lower back to maltese, lower to back lever and repeat. (A ring machine is a set of rings connected through a pulley to a spotting belt, so you're essentially doing each exercise with 50% of your full weight.

In the afternoon, did an hour or so of tumbling. Worked on double fronts, arabian doubles, and Thomases (a Thomas is 1.5 flips backwards with 1.5 twists -- it lands in a dive roll). These are the three highest difficulty skills in my routine (the other passes are all sequences of lower-difficulty elements -- which I'll hopefully be working on on friday). Landed all three on floor, the first time I've done all thre ein the same workout in several months.

Did some minimal strength work; 10 muscle-ups, one 10-second stretch band assisted cross, and some rotator cuff pulls.

Check in week 2:

I havent been going to the gym much mainly because of the crazy schedule I had at work last week, I only went twice.

Hopefully I'll get a better schedule this week.... which I doubt because the new kid just got himself fired yesterday, so I'll have to cover many days that he worked.

I really want to loose weight though, so I'll keep going.

Did you ever decide to go row with a club or not? not to push you either way but i was curious if you followed through.



25 Sit-ups on Steep Incline

25 "L-Sit"esque Leg Lifts

25 Sit-ups on Steep Incline

25 "L-Sit"esque Leg Lifts

Then only climbed 167 floors on the StairMaster


25 reps incline bench press @ bar weight

12 reps incline bench press @ 95 lbs.

10 reps incline bench press @ 135 lbs.

8 reps incline bench press @ 135 lbs.

(Surprised this is much harder than the flat bench press I guess since this uses shoulders more and my shoulders are not as developed)

Climbed 34 floors on the StairMaster (to make up for falling short of 200 Floors on Wednesday)

15 reps machine shoulder press (side grip) @ 30 lbs.

10 reps machine shoulder press (side grip) @ 40 lbs.

8 reps machine shoulder press (side grip) @ 50 lbs.

15 reps machine shoulder press (front grip) @ 30 lbs.

10 reps machine shoulder press (front grip) @ 40 lbs.

8 reps machine shoulder press (front grip) @ 50 lbs.

Then ran 5 miles at a faster pace than usual. Completed in about 45 minutes with no slowdowns or breaks.

Cooldown with slow walking for about 5 minutes.



So, the friend I intro'd to Crossfit last week has now done 4 CF workouts. Been brutal, but he's been very good about maintaining workout intensity despite fatigue (and despite not working out for months, apparently). So far had him do a workout scaled to 21-15-9 135-lb deadlift and pushups, next squat/pushup/situp tabatas (8 rounds each) with a couple minute break and 25 box jumps, then 5 rounds of 15 wallballs and 15 burpees, and finally 5 rounds of 500 meter sprints with exactly 2 minute break inbetween rounds. Each of these workouts were spaced every other day, and chose these specific workouts because the movements weren't too complex (not going to start someone right off with snatches :P). Got another buddy who does the usual gym junkie stuff to join in on the wallballs/burpees workout, and while unsuprisingly it kicked his ass, I was able to help keep him motivated to finish it.

Anyway, I've been following the WOD posting as per usual, and Monday and Tuesday were ridiculous. Monday (as always, after usual warmups) was 75 pushups, 50 95-lb sumo deadlift high pulls, 50 ring dips, 30 45-lb weighted pullups, and 25 handstand pushups. Never done that many SDLHPs with that weight before, so while I still got through them in short order it really tired out my biceps and shoulders. I also fatigued on ring dips faster that usual, only belting out 20 in a row before I dropped down, and then only sets of 10 with about 5 breaths in between to finish. Anyway, coming up to the weighted pullups, I only did 30 lbs and even then I had to partition way more than I was happy with. Started with them on rings, but after 10 total I decided to just do them on the bar. I had only done handstand pushups one time before, and did them against a wall. Was only able to do 3-5 at a time before having to drop down and start over, but was still happy I did them. Took me just over 30 minutes to do, most of that time being on weighted PUs and handstand pushups.

Tuesday was 3 rounds: 1k row and 25 burpees; 750m row and 50 burpees, and; 500m row and 75 burpees. Because I didn't feel doing burpees in a crowd of cardio machines, I followed the official substition of 1 sumo deadlift high pull per 10m row (doing 100, 75, and 50 SDLHPs respectively). I've gotta say, that was more strenuous than rowing, and found it pretty enjoyable. I had done 90 burpees the night before (when I was training the two friends, as written above...I can't just sit there and coach and not join in! :P), so just getting through the first 25 was tough, but didn't break up the set. The other two, though, I broke up after 10 or 15 reps. Anyway, it was great...totally flat on my back after, which took me approx. 25 minutes.

Today was one of the only two max effort WODs I particularly enjoy - 5 rounds of 3-rep max deadlift (touch and go on floor) and handstand pushups. I may not have pushed myself enough with the DLs, doing 235, 245, 245, 265, and 265. Handstand pushups were better today, and ended up doing 8, 8, 8, 7, and 6 (all against a wall). Tried to get forehead to ground on each rep, though I know several times I didn't go down quite that far. I'm looking forward to getting stronger and whatnot so I can do them without needing the wall. Anyway, finished off with 20 ring pushups (first time with those, and I liked them).

Since I haven't gotten a decent training ride in for a week, I'll be taking tomorrow off and going for a good 5-hour ride. Weather permitting, I'll also be taking another 5-hour ride on Sunday afternoon.


Went in for a vault workout this morning. Spent the entire morning working on a double-twisting tsukahara, a new vault for me (I'll see if I can post a video tomorrow)

Didn't do much of anything else today; my wrist which has been hurting a little bit for months has gotten a LOT worse in the past few days. I'm going to get x-rays tomorrow.


Geez. Hearing about all this successful excercizing makes me feel lousy. I don't think I've done a thing this week, even though I wake myself up at six every morning. I can't stay awake and the only movements I've been through is work. 'Course, lifting 50 pounds or more of garbage several times a day might do something for me, it's just not enough.

I'm pretty downhearted, but I'm still going. My summer schedule is starting on Tuesday, so I'll be lifting desks up onto my shoulders every day for about three weeks straight. Should be some pretty good strength training, at least. Wish me luck, guys, I really need it.

Geez. Hearing about all this successful excercizing makes me feel lousy. I don't think I've done a thing this week, even though I wake myself up at six every morning. I can't stay awake and the only movements I've been through is work. 'Course, lifting 50 pounds or more of garbage several times a day might do something for me, it's just not enough.

I'm pretty downhearted, but I'm still going. My summer schedule is starting on Tuesday, so I'll be lifting desks up onto my shoulders every day for about three weeks straight. Should be some pretty good strength training, at least. Wish me luck, guys, I really need it.

Try not to feel too bad about not working out enough. I've been busy since the weekend and have only really gotten in two good workouts since last Friday. Part of my problem was not having time, but I've also had trouble getting into a regular schedule with everything. I'm kind of all over the place. Oh well, I'll be getting back on track now since things are letting up.


'Ran for 20 minutes, walked for a bit, and then ran for 10 minutes. It's not as good as my 25-minute run on the 12th, but I stopped before I needed to in order to catch a breath before finishing out the full half-hour.

I'm feeling good on reaching my half-hour goal by the end of the month.

Oh snap, it's the weekend. I'll have to add my check-in shortly.


Week 3 Check-in:

Monday May 19

- Ran 16ish minutes, until my roommate called and informed me that my apartment in Auburn was robbed. That, uh, was distracting, so I didn't finish.

Tuesday May 20

- Ran 14 minutes at 3pm, in the heat of the day. Gonna try and avoid that.

Wednesday May 21

- Ran 30 minutes, walking for a bit after 16 and 23 minutes

Friday May 23

- Ran 30 minutes, walking for a bit after 20 minutes

A pretty lame week, overall. Of course, I lost a weekend due to obligations working for a National Youth Leadership Training camp, but there was no excuse for skipping Thursday.

As for food, I'm still eating better, and a little less, but I'm not counting calories explicitly. Not sure if I want to go back to that... honestly, it's a huge pain, but I know I ate less when I had a solid number in my head that I knew I had to keep low.

I think I'm gonna go out and buy a scale... I'm curious to see how my weight's changed over the past few weeks.


Definitely not a good day today.

I did not get jack shit done today. 6 or 7 handstand pusho-ups on parallel bars, one 10-second stretch band-assisted cross, and that's it. My wrist was hurting too much for me to do any more. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get it looked at until monday, so it may be several until I can fully dive back into training again.

Also, I caved in to my cravings and bought to packages of Oreos, despite the fact that I'm trying to limit myself to one package a month.

I guess I can still do some core work, endurance, and flexibility, but I think it's pretty likely I won't be able to do any hardcore upper-body strength until I get this wrist thing figured out. And the hard core upper-body strength is the fun stuff :(

(Admittedly, though, I could use more work on core strength, flexibility, and endurance, so perhaps this is a good thing)



Arnold Shoulder Presses: 12 reps @ 20 lbs per arm

Lateral Raises: 12 reps @ 20 lbs per arm

Front Raises: 12 reps @ 20 lbs per arm

Iso Lateral High Rows: 20 reps @ 90 lbs, 12 reps @ 140 lbs, 10 reps @ 180 lbs, 8 reps @ 230 lbs, 10 reps @ 180 lbs

Bent Over Lateral Raises: 12 reps @ 10 lbs per arm

Many planche hold attempts.

Climbed ~225 Floors on the StairMaster.

I have been here updating everyday so I don't think I need to write an elaborate check-up. Everything is going well and I can see a lot of trimming up happening already and my running and all that has improved a lot so far. I hope I can keep up this 5 miles / 200 floors thing everyday after resistance training. It's really tiring!



Sweet Jebuz! My strength is increasing exponentially with each session, and its scaring the fudge out of me.

I went climbing on tuesday, I was struggling to lift off the ground on a particularly hard V1 climb, while my friends insist that it was probably too hard. Towards the end of Friday's session, I thought I'd give it a whirl for a laugh, and not only did I make the first move, I got to the second last hold.

As if that didn't mess with my brain, I spent about half an hour checking out some moves on the 35% overhang wall, and ended up climbing a V2 on the thing. This shouldn't happen!

When I started climbing for the first time, it took me about a year to get from V0 to V2, and I just did it in 3 freaking days. wtf!?

My arms were so pumped, that just after doing the V2, I physically couldn't twist my forearm. I also woke up this morning barely able to move or sit up, which is awesome. I love intense climbing sessions, you're so satisfyingly fucked up after a good one!


Weekly check-in!

Okay, like I stated before, I haven't been doing all that great. However, I just got back from a fifteen minute speed-walk. I think I'll be concentrating more on that for now, it's a much more realistic goal for me: to prepare myself over the summer to start running.

I'm thinking that if this thread remains open even after the summer, I'd still participate. Sharing my fitness goals with you guys has been a pleasure and a useful experience. So, here's to speed-walking for at least 20 minutes by July.


Check in: Yeah I've been doing basic things for now... some weight training so i can lift the broadsword with more ease. Did many hours of stretching to increase lunging distance. I was using the broadsword and working on basic parries and such with a sparring partner. It was rough for the first few hours but got progressively easier as the day went on. Got some bad scrapes so im out of it today but tomorrow ill do the fencing techniques and work on those... Well thats about all for this time...

(Also i like the DDR idea and probably will start doing that lol)


My week was still the same as before, DDR 2-3 a week times during the day and 100 crunches before I go to bed. According to the scale I've already lost 9-10 lbs, so I'm not doing too bad.

I don't usually get to do DDR on the weekends but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do a session tonight before the hockey game.

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