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-worthless plug n' play game


You have completed a great game.

You have prooved the justice of our culture.

Now go rest our heroes!"

-end screen in NES Ghostbusters. Go watch the Angry Video Game Nerd react to this screen on screwattack.com XD


"So I locked on a heat seeker on him and BOOM! Turned him into kitty litter!"

-Maniac, Wing Commander III

"I knew as I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned..."

-Atrus, Myst

"Gimmie dem duckets!!"

-CJ, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


-Jerec, Jedi Knight

"Serve the Emperor above all others"

-Secret order of the Emperor, Tie Fighter

"I know not what fires burn in his mind, but they smoke of madness to me"

????, Betrayal at Krondor


"Never trust a bartender with bad grammar." -- Kyle Katarn, Jedi Outcast

"I sense a disturbance in the Force."

"You always sense a disturbance in the Force."

-- Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn, Jedi Academy

"They always lock the door. You’d think they’d have learned by now. Doesn’t look like there’s a key – that would be too easy. The console to unlock the door is probably hidden in some room twelve floors up or something... how does that make sense?" -- Kyle Katarn, Jedi Academy


"It's Roman night tonight. But you gotta bring a helmet. No helmet, no entry. There's gonna be wrestling and swordfights, and then we all cry 'I'm Spartacus!' Then there's more wrestling."

- Effeminate bartender of the Salt Sea City bar in Big Mutha Truckers.

"Yeah, right, like you have anything better to do."

- When you try and quit in Wolfenstein.

"Chickenshit, huh? Next time I'm at the mall, I'll bring ya back a spine!"

- When you get a crap score in the original GTA.

"He plans to collect all his savings to purchase a very large gold brick. Nobody knows why."

- Someone's biography in Space Channel 5.


- Metal Slug 2 parental advisory screen,


Hmm... I'll go for memorable quotes from Metal Gear Solid, since the next week or so is all about MGS4...

"A surveillance camera?!" - SOLID SNAKE

"I am neither enemy nor friend. I am back from a world where such words are meaningless." - CYBORG NINJA (aka GRAY FOX)

"Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAKE!!!" - Any number of people


Henshin a go go, baby! - Viewtiful Joe

'Til then, ta ta! - VJ


Let's attack aggressively! - Contra III

Would you kindly ______ ? - Bioshock

Weeeeeeeee - Glados from Portal

Yeah! We're Sonic HEROES! - obvious

I'll post any more I think of. I can't think of any more right now.


I have a few lesser known ones-

"Oh crap."

-Butz/Bartz from FFV (uttered upon witnessing the wind crystal shatter)

"Leg's Go Megaman!"

-Lan from Battle network 3 (these games are famous for translation problems)

"You fool. Frogs haven't belly buttons!"

-Frog, Chrono Trigger

Assorted ones from the Monkey Island series-

"Hmm, a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle. What possible use could that have."

Guybrush: “At least I’ve learnt something from all of this.”

Elaine: “What’s that?”

Guybrush: “Never pay more than 20 bucks for a game.”

Guybrush: “What do you know about lifting voodoo curses?”

Murray: “Oh *sure*. I know a lot about lifting curses. That’s why I’m a disembodied talking skull, hanging on a spike, in the middle of a swamp!”

Guybrush: “You sound bitter.”

Murray: “I’m sorry, it’s been a rough day.”

“That’s the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen!”

Guybrush: If I gave you your arm back, what would you do with it?

Murray: I’d terrorize the South Seas! I’d torture the living! I’d demolish the…er… What I meant to say was, I’d use it to pet kittens.

Guybrush: Nope. You blew it.

Murray: Drat.

Yes, swinging a rubber chicken with a metal pully in the middle can be dangerous.... BUT IT'S NOT A SWORD!!!!!!


Sorry if it's been said, but absolutely anything from Far Cry.


"I've got a bullet with your name on it!"

"I am gonna shoot you in the FACE!"

Jack Carver:

"I've GOT to get out of here" (His tone of voice is priceless).

"I have no idea who you are or what's going on, but I trust you."

Crysis was a bit better, they'll get there with practice I suppose.


Benny: "Is someone there? Hello?! ... must've been rats..."

Thief: The Dark Project in response to almost seeing/hearing Garrett

JC Denton: "You can have my pistol - that'll keep you safe."

Deus Ex when requested to hand over a weapon for protection. Other options include shotties or knives. Given the calibre of what it was going to be used against (and who would be using it), all are useless and the fool is likely to get himself killed.


I've been playing House of the Dead 2 for the Wii a lot, so I've been saying these lines a lot

"I dont wanna die!..." - first guy to die

"G's bloodstains...." - Harry (i think)

"Sir Gggoooooollllddd!!" - First Boss

"Friends of the AMS. This is Goldman. or Dogs of the AMS." - Goldman

"Thanks, my friends went inside... I told them not to go!" - some moron


Gears Of War: Marcus and Baird's having a fight

Cole: "Ahh, ain't that cute"

Dom: "Yeah, like two assholes on their first date"

Mario Hotel quote:All toaster toast toast

Monkey Island (legendary game)

Guybrush Threepwood: How can you see without eyeballs?

Murray: How can you walk around without a brain? Some things no one can answer.

Guybrush: “At least I’ve learnt something from all of this.”

Elaine: “What’s that?”

Guybrush: “Never pay more than 20 bucks for a game

Guybrush: “Then, if you kill me everyone will forget you.”

LeChuck: “Forget me? I’m the dead zombie pirate LeChuck! None will forget me!”

Guybrush: “Do you remember Bobbin Threadbare?”

LeChuck: “Er… no.”

Guybrush: “Exactly.

“Look behind you, a Three-Headed Monkey!”

Guybrush: If I gave you your arm back, what would you do with it?

Murray: I’d terrorize the South Seas! I’d torture the living! I’d demolish the…er… What I meant to say was, I’d use it to pet kittens.

Guybrush: Nope. You blew it.

Murray: Drat.\

I've got balls of steel - Duke Nukem

Snake:Colonel this is snake ,can you hear me?

super/ paper mario

Thank you Mario, but the princess is in another castle

"Some men dance on dance floors...some men dance in celebration...some men dance on turtles heads. I AM THAT MAN!"

resident evil

"I see that the President has equipped his daughter with ballistics, too."

star fox (i always laugh when i hear this one:lmassoff:)

"Do a barrel roll"




I am;

The Great Mighty Poo;

And I'm going to throw;

My shit at you;

A huge supply of tish;

Comes from my chocolate starfish;

How about some scat;

You little twat."

"Your movements are like that of a pregnant cow!"

-Random bandit in oblivion

man i could go on till tomorrow


Obey! Conform! Abstain! Ignore! Deny! Refrain! Cease! Appease! Shun! ... Avoid new sensations. Avoid all sensations! Avoid any sensation! Avoid unnecessary pleasantries! Avoid necessary pleasantries! Avoid libation! Avoid fermentation! Avoid all these in combinations. Save often! Floss regularly! Floss meaningfully! Floss athletically! And above all, never forget: who is the Boss of you? Me! I am the Boss of you!

-Grand Inquisitor, Zork Grand Inquisitor

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