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I bought my copy a while ago...

It's still wrapped.

Along with Persona 3, Rogue Galaxy and a couple others.

You know, if some unforseen natural disaster befalls you sometime very soon, you might die a tragic death, not knowing the awesomeness which lies within the packaging.

Do yourself a favor... Open the packaging. Play the games. Live your (gamer) life. Do it for the children...

Everything else can wait.


ok i am probably only one who is disappointed by this game ,it is not bad but to me it is simply boring, i dont know i just have a felling i have seen it all as i play i usually love this kind of games,(zelda,onimusha....)but i dont find this game so engaging as for example when i played wind waker which is very similar to okami both in gameplay but in graphical style too,wind waker is a bit more cartoonish but i kinda liked it more,okami has some nice effects and artistic approach but i dont really like to see in game big (like a tree or a big grass) 2D sprite rotating with you when turning a camera ,most people dont notice this things i shouldn't too aether but i am used to look every detail in games,it has bright moments like painting with a brush,but that kinda just replaces swinging a sword,not a bad idea although i expected more in terms of gameplay itself,i am going to finish it it is a good game with some unique features good sountrack and some memorable characters but i expected more....

ok i am probably only one who is disappointed by this game ,it is not bad but to me it is simply boring, i dont know i just have a felling i have seen it all as i play i usually love this kind of games,(zelda,onimusha....)but i dont find this game so engaging as for example when i played wind waker which is very similar to okami both in gameplay but in graphical style too,wind waker is a bit more cartoonish but i kinda liked it more,okami has some nice effects and artistic approach but i dont really like to see in game big (like a tree or a big grass) 2D sprite rotating with you when turning a camera ,most people dont notice this things i shouldn't too aether but i am used to look every detail in games,it has bright moments like painting with a brush,but that kinda just replaces swinging a sword,not a bad idea although i expected more in terms of gameplay itself,i am going to finish it it is a good game with some unique features good sountrack and some memorable characters but i expected more....

I felt one of Okami's strongest aspects had been it's story and how if one allows him/herself to become immersed, the game becomes much more grander than it really is in a very good way. As I've played through the game the first time on the PS2, all the major and even some of the minor characters were likable/tolerant. I seriously can not think of one character I would hate in Okami, except for the motherfucking spiders that cockblock you during the shruken sequence; they're easy but still... Even the main monsters were enjoyable to me as they had their own quirks in how they tried to kill me.

The boss fights were not terribly difficult with cheap tactics, but I can't say I ever felt bored when I fought them. There's something about using a huge fire blast engulfing the screen and see it take a nice chuck of health on a boss. From the first boss fight up to the last one felt satisfying; especially the last one since I wailed on it harder than any other before. The fight against the Twin Demons is incredible as well as against Ninetails (though that fight was rather comical at times for me)

In the end it just boils down to perspective and whether one can immerse themselves into the game.


I played through it to 100% completion on the PS2 in 2006, and it was an incredibly immersive experience. I was very careful to do classwork before playing Okami because the hours seemed to disappear very quickly. I recently got the Wii one, and while it's still fun, I don't know if I'll stick with it. I had so much difficulty with Waka in the forest because of the controls, the nunchuck dodge doesn't always work, and in general I felt that the painting could have been better. It's still a great game, but I felt the PS2 version was superior.

As a side note, on the day Twilight Princess finally came out for GCN, the shipment at my GameStop was a little late, so I had this group of about twenty people eating pizza and basically camping out outside and inside the store during December. I casually mentioned to a few of them that if they liked Zelda games, they owe it to themselves to try Okami. One guy bought Okami on that recommendation alone, and a week later, he returned to thank me for mentioning it, as he enjoyed it more than Twilight Princess. Now I personally felt that Twilight Princess Wii > Okami (marginally, and it's probably a series bias I have), but I was glad that I was able to inspire at least one other person to play this masterpiece who otherwise would not have done so.

I bought the game a couple of months ago as well, and although I absolutely love the way the game looks, the game quickly started gathering dust. I just couldn't "feel" the story.

yeah kinda same here...:?


This thread makes me sad because I only own older generation consoles. At the moment, I am probably saving up for something but I have no idea what exactly. Will this game play on Gamecube? I know the answer is no, but it's all I got... aside from my other latest console, a Dreamcast. I'm just missing out on so many games! :(

...The recompense for using Blood on the Asphalt in SS2THD was each remixer got two free Capcom games? Really? My god, Capcom is taking that deal and laughing all the way to the bank.

I personally laugh at any implication Capcom's HD Remix somehow wouldn't generate anywhere near the profit that it would had it not used fan arrangements that are derivative renditions of their own property in the first place.

I personally laugh at any implication Capcom's HD Remix somehow wouldn't generate anywhere near the profit that it would had it not used fan arrangements that are derivative renditions of their own property in the first place.

That's not my implication. My implication is that you guys got the



The games belong to them, the music, it belongs to them as well.

They basically were nice enough to not only use the music and reward the artists, they also somewhat showed that they accepted this type of art. I think two games and the knowledge that your music made it into a game is nice. In fact, it will look nice on a resume when you thin about it.


yeah dont get the Wii version, it's vastly inferior. the filters are whack compared to the vibrant PS2 version, but most of all, the Wii version HAS NO prologue scene or CREDITS.

so when u beat this amazing game, you'll have no credits to show for it (yes they're important cause there's a little scene after it, the credits themselves are awesome. and of course, having a prologue is better than not having one)

in conclusion: You want the PS2 version.


I'm sorry, I just couldn't get into that game whatsoever. The controls were too frustrating for me on the wii version. I couldn't stand that Isuun (the little guy that looks like a flea), this game just didn't set right for me.

Don't get me wrong, I love the art style, the scenery, and the music, it's absolutely gorgeous, but the controls are a lot to be desired for.

That's just my opinion, don't let me stop you from enjoying it. I know I'm bound to get flamed for what I said, but hey, at least I said why I don't like the game...

:roll: Wow.

...What? Reflector...Beads...Glaives...

Am I missing something? Maybe you're thinking of the paint slash, cherry bomb, and fire technique? Those hardly count as separate weapons. >_>


Glaives are tough. There's a very fine difference between between charging one hit and pulling off successive hits that's tough to nail. Honestly, I prefer the good old Reflectors to anything else. The timing never changes and one full combo is usually effective in nailing any enemy, at least to the point where you can use brush techniques to do major damage. The life beads simply don't do that for me.

I think the game is good. It's certainly not perfect, even in terms of art direction and atmosphere, but it's good. Issun sure is an awful character, though--so annoying.

Side note: what's this about no prologue scene or credits? I haven't completed the game to question the lack of credits, but I'm absolutely certain I saw some form of prologue when I started the game.


As I understand it (and this may be wrong), the credits were taken out because they contained the logo for Clover Studios which Capcom no longer has the rights to use---apparently Ready At Dawn couldn't, or just didn't want to, remove the logo and so the whole credits got the boot. I've never heard of the prologue being cut, but I've never played the PS2 version to compare. However, the Wii version opens with a telling of the battle between Nagi and Orochi that definitely looks very prologue-ish to me.


Then what the hell did I watch after starting my file for the first time?

well there's definitely no credits which is dumb. and it's ironic how they took out the credits cuz of the logo of the clover studies but they have the logo of IGN on the front cover? the team responsible for porting this great PS2 title are a complete joke.


I think that the whole "no credits" issue is one of those things that's more of a "cause" than an actual problem with the game. I mean, if they took out an extra scene or feature along with the credits, then I can somewhat see the point.

But credits? C'mon. Yes, it's crappy that the original people who developed the game don't get the recognition and it's completely for a B.S. reason but realistically... was anyone going to sit there and read 3 minutes worth of Japanese names after completing a game, even in the unlikely scenario that you might even know some of those people? Does anyone really care who the lead battle programmer or the 5th texture artist is?

Yeah, I know, it's the principle. But jeez, making a big deal about it as if it were a missing feature is kinda ridiulous.

I'd quicker blast the game's blur problems or questionable control than bitch about missing credits...

PS2 version > Wii version, imo. Stick-waggling attack was fail in Twilight Princess, and it's fail in Okami.

not being able to naturally draw with a wiimote is fail.

it goes both ways.

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