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With regard to the downloadable content that is forthcoming, I agree that it should have been in the game to begin with. There's an interesting episode of "Bonus Round" on Gametrailers.com where they talk about the future of the industry and the downloadable content is mentioned. Using it, a game that starts at $40 costs $60 or even more by the time the "full game" is compiled. I may get the Protoman pack, but as a rule, I don't support miscellaneous downloadable content that should have been included in a game to begin with. Even without that stuff, Mega Man 9 is fine on its own.

On another note, how many of you downloaded MM9 the second it was made available at 12:00 today? It took about 0:30 to download, and I'm wondering how many 'copies' were sold by 12:01.

On another note, how many of you downloaded MM9 the second it was made available at 9:00 today? It took about 0:30 to download, and I'm wondering how many 'copies' were sold by 9:01.

Fixed for Pacific Time :P.

And yeah, that's pretty much what I did as well haha (more or less...got it by 9:05).

On the topic of DLC, I don't see anything in that list that would particularly appeal to me anyway, so it's rather moot from my perspective.


If all that DLC is for real, one could argue you are actually getting a good deal. If you're me, you don't give a shit about any of that stuff except maybe the Protoman download. I get exactly what content I want, instead of being charged the entire price for a bunch of crap I don't care about. Sort of the same reason I wish I could get ala carte television programming.

Remember, we used to pay $50-60 for a full Mega Man game. $12 for a Mega Man game with Protoman is a bargain.

where the hell were you buying your megaman games

the 80s/early 90s

About the DLC, at least I'll finally be able to get rid of those leftover points

Also, for those that care about such things, I compiled a list of the in game achievements.

  1. WALTZ: Clear the game in 120 minutes or less.
  2. TANGO: Clear the game in 90 minutes or less.
  3. JITTERBUG: Clear the game in 60 minutes or less
  4. BUST A MOVE: Don't miss with the mega buster and clear the game
  5. HEADBANGING: Defeat a boss without your helmet
  6. BUNNY HOP: Clear any stage jumping 50 times or less
  7. MR. TRIGGER HAPPY: Clear the game with more than 500 Mega Buster shots
  8. DOUBLE TROUBLE: Visit all stages twice and clear the game
  9. MR. PERFECT: Clear the game without getting damaged
  10. INVINCIBLE: Clear the game without dying
  11. ALMOST INVINCIBLE: Clear the game without continuing
  12. NO COFFEE BREAK: Clear the game without using any energy tanks or mystery tanks
  13. AIR SHOES: Clear the game without falling into any holes
  14. MEGA DIET: Clear the game without picking up more than 8 energy pellets
  15. ENCORE: Clear 4 stages using the same special weapon
  16. PEACEKEEPER: Clear the game by defeating the fewest number of enemies possible
  17. CONSERVATIONIST: Clear the game by using the least amount of weapon energy possible
  18. FAREWELL TO ARMS: Clear 4 stages without using any special weapon
  19. GAMERS DAY: Clear the game 5 times in 1 day
  20. DAILY DOSE: Clear the game once a day for 3 days
  21. WHOMP WILY: Clear the game once
  22. TRULY ADDICTED!: Clear the game for the 10th time
  23. TRULY HARDCORE!: Clear the game for the 30th time
  24. CONQUEROR: Defeat your 100th enemy
  25. VANQUISHER: Defeat your 500th enemy
  26. DESTROYER: Defeat your 1000th enemy
  27. WORLD WARRIOR: Defeat every type of enemy
  28. TRUSTY SIDEARM: Defeat the 8 bosses with the mega buster
  29. PACK RAT: Collect 999 screws
  30. VALUED CUSTOMER: Purchase all items
  31. SHOP A HOLIC: Purchase 30 items or more
  32. LAST MAN STANDING: Defeat all bosses with only one pixel of energy left
  33. SURVIVOR: Defeat one boss with only one pixel of energy left
  34. HARD ROCK: Reach a boss' room without getting damaged
  35. HEAVY METAL: Reach a boss' room without shooting
  36. SPEED METAL: Reach a boss' room without stopping once
  37. FANTASTIC 9: Accumulate 9 lives
  38. FULLY UNLOADED: Hit a boss with all special weapons before destroying it
  39. BLUE BOMBER: Defeat a boss without getting damaged
  40. ECO FIGHTER: Defeat a boss with only the mega buster
  41. MARATHON FIGHT: Fight a boss for 10 minutes
  42. QUICK DRAW G: Defeat Galaxy Man in 10 seconds or less
  43. QUICK DRAW C: Defeat Concrete Man in 10 seconds or less
  44. QUICK DRAW S: Defeat Splash Woman in 10 seconds or less
  45. QUICK DRAW H: Defeat Hornet Man in 10 seconds or less
  46. QUICK DRAW J: Defeat Jewel Man in 10 seconds or less
  47. QUICK DRAW P: Defeat Plug Man in 10 seconds or less
  48. QUICK DRAW T: Defeat Tornado Man in 10 seconds or less
  49. QUICK DRAW M: Defeat Magma Man in 10 seconds or less
  50. QUICK DRAW X: Defeat the final boss in 180 seconds or less

I'm waiting to see if the Xbox 360 version is as good. Then I'll decide between it and the Wii version tomorrow...

It doesn't come out until next week, Oct. 1st.

also, from the IGN review:

While we're on the subject of 360 though, we need to make a note that each of the versions of Mega Man 9 will look slightly different, since Wii's build looks to be a direct NES port of sorts, with the HD versions having a slightly smoother, but also higher contrast -- not as "NES-like" -- presentation. You're going to get the same experience on every version overall, but those that want to sit down and critique the truly minimal differences between the builds will find that the emulation between the three versions is going to differ ever so slightly. The Wii version has more of the 8-bit look overall to it, but that also means there are harder edges, and a more pronounced "blocky" look. Is that a good thing, or bad? In the end, it's going to be personal preference, but as die-hard fans who grew up with the Blue Bomber, we prefer the Wii emulation, as it's truest to form.
It doesn't come out until next week, Oct. 1st.

Aw frick!!!

Eh, that's okay, I guess. I'm this close to beating Majora's Mask, and Gamefly just sent me The Force Unleashed.

While we're on the subject of 360 though, we need to make a note that each of the versions of Mega Man 9 will look slightly different, since Wii's build looks to be a direct NES port of sorts, with the HD versions having a slightly smoother, but also higher contrast -- not as "NES-like" -- presentation. You're going to get the same experience on every version overall, but those that want to sit down and critique the truly minimal differences between the builds will find that the emulation between the three versions is going to differ ever so slightly. The Wii version has more of the 8-bit look overall to it, but that also means there are harder edges, and a more pronounced "blocky" look. Is that a good thing, or bad? In the end, it's going to be personal preference, but as die-hard fans who grew up with the Blue Bomber, we prefer the Wii emulation, as it's truest to form.

Aw bull crap! That just might force me onto the Wii version. I think the same thing happened with Sonic 1 and 2, and I couldn't stand how they looked on the 360.

WOW! I can't believe what I saw under graphics...


What were they thinking? :<

This is why current game reviews suck dick. Quantitatively breaking everything down ensures gaming will never get the criticism (like literary criticism) that it so desperately needs if it is to ever be a true art form.

This is why current game reviews suck dick. Quantitatively breaking everything down ensures gaming will never get the criticism (like literary criticism) that it so desperately needs if it is to ever be a true art form.

oh come on who else thinks this is hilarious

the graphics are bad

The developer did the 8-bit graphics for a purpose.

This is why current game reviews suck dick. Quantitatively breaking everything down ensures gaming will never get the criticism (like literary criticism) that it so desperately needs if it is to ever be a true art form.

Really, I would have given the graphics at least a 6 if not 7.

Apparently, Mega Man 9 sold 60,000 copies in a single day, outselling the lifetime sales data of most WiiWare titles and Virtual Console titles.

I had a sense this would happen...


Hope Mega Man 9 continues to sell great! :-)

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