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He wanted to share something cool, and maybe get some feedback.

But the lot of you can't seem to understand that without million dollar budgets, most movies would look like what he's doing.

He don't need no praise, but all of you seem to need to step on people's heads to feel tall.

Hey, don't get me wrong. I never outright said anything overly negative about the film except for the fact that Twisted Metal is a questionnable choice with no budget and only film student resources for car chases etc.

Look at my previous posts-I was genuinely interested in knowing the full plot of the film and such forth only to get no answer, and I thought my post was trying to divert attention away from the very vague Sweet-tooth/Joker paralell he'd gotten fixated on.

Also, the lack of budget is not what bothers me, I go to the student film festival at my uni every year and despite what some people here have said, you don't need much of a budget to have a decent standard of acting.

A lot of very successful european/arthouse films have a near non existant budget anyway, so I don't know how much stock I put in 'no budget=bad quality film'. Wes Anderson for instance is one of my favourite directors, and his films are built largely on character interaction, awkward dialogue and a creatively indie soundtrack. I'm not saying I'm expecting the same level I would of a cinema film, I'm just saying that it is possible to get a vision across without depending too much on a massive budget. Not easy, per se, but definitely possible. I do expect if nothing else, PocketMan's film has at it's core a certain enthusiasm for Twisted Metal that you do not come across every day.

But then he went off on a side tangent, getting indignant with me on a few points, saying he hated his movie and such forth which makes me wonder why he posted it in the first place, unless he was just saying it because he'd had enough of the people unreasonably ragging on him; not really meaning it.

As I've said before, it's not pleasant to deal with a bunch of sharp toothed internet critics, but he only posted the trailer-he should be confident enough that the finished product would shut them up, or at least satisfied enough with it himself.

Since he obviously had intentions to post the film originally, got discouraged by the less than pleasant feedback at the lowest points, I feel that his saying "he never expected praise" etc is just an overly defensive final retreat, and it's sad to see someone reduced to that rather than just being able to post his full film and be a bigger man than the unreasonable critics, trying to learn from the constructive ones or worst case scenario, just call it a day and stop jumping to the defense of every less than positive post.

I'd rather see him post his film and rise above the haters or not post it and leave the thread with a little dignity as I said before. I'm not trying to belittle him to seem big, I read this thread without even posting until it became painful to read and I thought I might reasonably intervene, but failed to do so.

Hey, don't get me wrong. I never outright said anything overly negative about the film except for the fact that Twisted Metal is a questionnable choice with no budget and only film student resources for car chases etc.

Look at my previous posts-I was genuinely interested in knowing the full plot of the film and such forth only to get no answer, and I thought my post was trying to divert attention away from the very vague Sweet-tooth/Joker paralell he'd gotten fixated on.

Also, the lack of budget is not what bothers me, I go to the student film festival at my uni every year and despite what some people here have said, you don't need much of a budget to have a decent standard of acting.

A lot of very successful european/arthouse films have a near non existant budget anyway, so I don't know how much stock I put in 'no budget=bad quality film'. Wes Anderson for instance is one of my favourite directors, and his films are built largely on character interaction, awkward dialogue and a creatively indie soundtrack. I'm not saying I'm expecting the same level I would of a cinema film, I'm just saying that it is possible to get a vision across without depending too much on a massive budget. Not easy, per se, but definitely possible. I do expect if nothing else, PocketMan's film has at it's core a certain enthusiasm for Twisted Metal that you do not come across every day.

But then he went off on a side tangent, getting indignant with me on a few points, saying he hated his movie and such forth which makes me wonder why he posted it in the first place, unless he was just saying it because he'd had enough of the people unreasonably ragging on him; not really meaning it.

As I've said before, it's not pleasant to deal with a bunch of sharp toothed internet critics, but he only posted the trailer-he should be confident enough that the finished product would shut them up, or at least satisfied enough with it himself.

Since he obviously had intentions to post the film originally, got discouraged by the less than pleasant feedback at the lowest points, I feel that his saying "he never expected praise" etc is just an overly defensive final retreat, and it's sad to see someone reduced to that rather than just being able to post his full film and be a bigger man than the unreasonable critics, trying to learn from the constructive ones or worst case scenario, just call it a day and stop jumping to the defense of every less than positive post.

I'd rather see him post his film and rise above the haters or not post it and leave the thread with a little dignity as I said before. I'm not trying to belittle him to seem big, I read this thread without even posting until it became painful to read and I thought I might reasonably intervene, but failed to do so.

if you read what you just wrote it can be summed up into a few sentences. i lost my place reading this a few times cause you wrote exactly the same thing a few times.

and leaving this thread with a little dignity? Wtf? nah, i'll leave with it all. and you guys can sit here and oh i don't know, jack off or something.

if you wanna see the movie PM me. when i get it uploaded i'll send you the link.

if you read what you just wrote it can be summed up into a few sentences. i lost my place reading this a few times cause you wrote exactly the same thing a few times.

and leaving this thread with a little dignity? Wtf? nah, i'll leave with it all. and you guys can sit here and oh i don't know, jack off or something.

if you wanna see the movie PM me. when i get it uploaded i'll send you the link.

Does that translate to "I couldn't be bothered to read all of what you wrote"? *shrug* Apologies for being elaborate, but I don't know where you think I'm repeating myself. I know walls of text aren't everyone's thing.

I'm really not aiming to be remotely offensive, so I still don't get why you always respond with such animosity, but whatever. You obviously didn't read, or chose to ignore anything positive in my reply. I suspected as such when you never answered my questions about the plot the first time round.

If you're not going to respond to the questions about the movie from me or others, don't want to post the movie and are keeping up the attitude of telling everyone to go screw themselves you should probably get a mod to lock this thread on your final note of people who are interested PMing for the link.

ok, that didn't help at all.

ya it is going to sit on my shelf. we made it cause we like the game. no other reason. so i don't care who sees it. really.

oh and i'm very glad you think i'm immature. thank you.

You know what? Enough of you. Several people have TRIED to

be civil and tell you need some help here. Everyone is wrong, and we don't see your genius, at least that's the impression you give to even the nicest compliment you've had on this page. You are ridiculously blinded by pride, and you make shitty movies. Please put down the camera, and never try to be artistic again. Also, delete your account on OCR. You are useless, and no one likes you. Your conversations are inane. Actually, stay here and be our bitch if you'd like, you are at least amusing to us for your ignorance. Maybe we can make a video of it. We don't need 1000 bucks to show how dumb you are.

You know what? Enough of you. Several people have TRIED to

be civil and tell you need some help here. Everyone is wrong, and we don't see your genius, at least that's the impression you give to even the nicest compliment you've had on this page. You are ridiculously blinded by pride, and you make shitty movies. Please put down the camera, and never try to be artistic again. Also, delete your account on OCR. You are useless, and no one likes you. Your conversations are inane. Actually, stay here and be our bitch if you'd like, you are at least amusing to us for your ignorance. Maybe we can make a video of it. We don't need 1000 bucks to show how dumb you are.

fuck you. i can't believe you would say that. no one likes me huh? have you looked in the projects forum? oh you probably never go there.

why don't you leave you prick?

better yet, go fuck your mom.

He wanted to share something cool, and maybe get some feedback.

But the lot of you can't seem to understand that without million dollar budgets, most movies would look like what he's doing.

He don't need no praise, but all of you seem to need to step on people's heads to feel tall.

I think what he wanted was people to kiss his ass and make him feel tall. He wasn't shooting for praise, he was shooting for fans. And he had some at the beginning of this thread, and then he himself started fighting with trolls over a rather foolish point. I understand perfectly why his movie will look the way it does. That is not my beef. My beef is his handling of anything that wasn't straight compliment, and his pretentious attitude about how we all are so undeserving of seeing his most excellent film. I actually wanted to see it, but at this point I've lost most of my interest. People like him always disappoint, and by all indications based on the trailer and the preview, this will be a bunch of teenagers pretending to be serious and failing miserably. Look up the Legend of Zelda movie on google video, great example of what I'm talking about. The only difference between this and the Zelda movie is that they knew they were goofing around. Says so right at the bottom.

I see no reason to give this guy support, because the director's attitude is just as much of the movie making process as anything else. I aspire to be a director in my own right, and I've met with several of varying fame. They have all told me some of the same things, and he's failed most of them. The only one he seems to get is the "have fun doing it" rule, but that a good movie does not make. He also needs to be mature in his handling of both actors and fans, be able to understand that he is an independent film director and not someone famous yet, have a good attitude about his film no matter the obstacles, and most important of all, always search for ways to improve. It's clear to me that he only feels good about this movie because he is refusing to accept all of the other tenants. By acting overly defensive and immature, it tells me he knows more is wrong with this film than has been admitted. Like I said before, it sounds to me like he needs to take a couple years, practice with some short films, and really think about what making movies is about. Otherwise, we'll just have another Uwe Boll on our hands. And one of him is quite enough for me.


Ouch its getting dangerously near to breaking point here. Give this guy a break ya'all. I'm with Faulken on this one, your bouts of discouragement has forced him to shun his intention to release the full version. Give him room to breathe so that he can perhaps reconsider releasing it here. Criticisms aside, I too am looking forward to the genuine article. The movie is done, the flaming is done, now at least let the actual viewing of the movie reach its end as well. That then should be the conclusion of this hate-filled thread with a lockdown by the site admin.

no one likes me huh? have you looked in the projects forum?

HAHAHAHA you mean the same project forum where you pretty much abandoned directing a somewhat promising remixing project? From what I've seen your posts haven't been much more than a waste of bandwidth.


I don't post too often around here but I browse these forums almost every day to get an idea of what the current climate of each thread. When this little film was announced I thought it would be a fun watch and actually anticipated its release but the entire attitude thrown around by the person repping the movie here pretty much soured the entire thing (on top of the fact that it was never even posted in the first place).

The internet is a place where tons and tons of words are thrown around by a bunch of people who want to be something great so they talk a big game to flex their egos. Either put up or shut up.

fuck you. i can't believe you would say that. no one likes me huh? have you looked in the projects forum? oh you probably never go there.

why don't you leave you prick?

better yet, go fuck your mom.

Very civil.



Seriously, reading this thread has been a ride.

I'm a film major myself and I'll watch the film when you post it, but I'll keep the (constructive) comments/criticism to myself until tempers have settled.

Very civil.


Well, he does have a point. I am a prick, but only when given a reason to be. Blasting someone for not kissing their ass on command is a good way to get me started!

Pocketman, post this Masterpiece of yours! I give you my word that if I was wrong in any way, shape, form, or fashion, I will retract any and all negative statements made by me to this point. Do you accept?

Jacta alea est!

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