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Also it's not really talked about much in that link, but there's going to be 14 levels of gems in D3 as opposed to the 5 levels in D2.


That is hella gems for hella stat control

Holy shit. X_x


I mean it's just scaled proportionally to the screen. The best I can say is to just play on Fullscreen Windowed mode. Otherwise gotta live with everything scaled down.

I'm not sure how text is rendered in game, but maybe you can submit a ticket to the Blizzard support forums asking if they could support better text scaling for smaller resolutions in a future patch.



There was a Diablo 3 thread from 2008. I thought it'd be appropriate to make a new one, focusing more on "Hey Diablo 3 is here in 13 days!" instead of "Hey Diablo 3 is here in 4 years!"

So yeah, who is getting this? :lmassoff:

I'm not the BIGGEST fan of Battle.net, but Blizzard and their staff are some amazing people and they've sold me on returning to battlenet.

Diablo 3 beta was a lot of fun for the couple hours I was able to play it.

It says my battletag is bestrader#1558

Kinda sucks it has to have a number on it but there it is.

Share your battletags and express interest in playing Diablo 3 in a multiplayer setting, or simply discuss Diablo 3 up to and beyond the release date of May 15th.


My first character will be a Monk

BAAL RUNS????????????

You mean Meph runs?

Gawd, Meph runs consumed a solid third of my childhood.

Don't forget the random uniques like Pindle that dropped amazing stuff. I remember studying those loot tables and drop rates quite a bit. Even ran a bot ("Pindlebot") to farm for me while I was in school.

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