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I am of the belief that we have just seen the end of the console war. Seriously, how is Sony gonna come back from this? It's going to be very exciting times.

Final fantasy XIV

And I'm really surprised that every is jumping to conclusions thinking that ps3 wont have any exclusives ever.


Sony still has a lot of 1st/2nd party exclusives. Conversely, the 360 still isn't quite as robust as Sony with their 1st party games. But I'd say 'forget it' with the 3rd party stuff. The 360 is running away with them. That and the PC/360 exclusives are working for them apparently. I think more marketable Japanese games will make the switch too. I didn't think Ace Combat would be the precedent.


If 360 gains hold of a lot of 3rd party titles from Japan, mostly RPGS, SRPGS and general action games like DMC4 and such... well, I won't need another console.

I still haven't seen a platform exclusive game that I really want to buy the console for.. on ANY console. Then again I care mostly for the 3rd party stuff, the strange games and.. well the multitude of games that aren't box office hits and major money makers.

I miss PS2.


I'm actually disappointed in the seemingly lack of really good drama over this. Too many people are being reasonable and level-headed, and most of the 'fanboy bitching' i've seen has been parody.

Can someone link me to some especially entertaining PS3'fo'lyfe rants?

Personally, I was prepared to skip out on this one, since a ps3 didn't appeal to me at all, but it's cool I can buy it now. :-)

I'm actually disappointed in the seemingly lack of really good drama over this. Too many people are being reasonable and level-headed, and most of the 'fanboy bitching' i've seen has been parody.

Can someone link me to some especially entertaining PS3'fo'lyfe rants?

Personally, I was prepared to skip out on this one, since a ps3 didn't appeal to me at all, but it's cool I can buy it now. :-)

Sorry, I save all of my rants for Nintendo nowadays.

*Heads over to Wiimote 1:1 thread*

I didn't think Ace Combat would be the precedent.

Neither did I, actually. I was surprised to see the jump and didn't think it would go well, but damned if I wasn't surprised. Now this? I was planning on picking up a 360 in the future, but this is just a bonus pretzel now.

Final fantasy XIV

And I'm really surprised that every is jumping to conclusions thinking that ps3 wont have any exclusives ever.

Understand the previous points made regarding sales points and such. You can rest assured that Final Fantasy is making the official jump to the 360. There will be throngs of people throwing money in SE's general direction. They can't help but take notice.

As for Sony exclusives? No doubt they have a few, but are any of them real system sellers? I'm still just waiting to see what happens. I'm still rooting for Sony to get their collective heads out of their asses and start producing system-selling gold again. If their latest press conference is any indication, I'm in for a long wait.


Final Fantasy is far from the system seller it was before. Japanese franchises in general have diminished in relevance the past few years. MGS4 so far hasn't sold as fast as it predecessors, and it's unlikely it will top them in total sales. This isn't 1998 anymore. The PS2 flourished because they had the jock demographic, but now they are in Microsoft's grasp and they won't be leaving any time soon.

Sony needs to cater to new audiences. An FF exclusive would have been a fart in the wind long term. People seem to be vastly overestimating the whole ordeal.


If anyone didnt notice FFXIII vs. is still exclusive... and from what Ive gathered FFXIII for the 360 seems like it'll be some time behind... Either way, if its going to be as good on the 360, Id likely get it just for the gamerpoints.... damn achievement whoring...

If anyone didnt notice FFXIII vs. is still exclusive... and from what Ive gathered FFXIII for the 360 seems like it'll be some time behind... Either way, if its going to be as good on the 360, Id likely get it just for the gamerpoints.... damn achievement whoring...

I honestly dont care about Acheivement points. I play my games for the shear enjoyment of them. I will buy FF13. for the fact I love Final Fantasy. ;]

If anyone didnt notice FFXIII vs. is still exclusive... and from what Ive gathered FFXIII for the 360 seems like it'll be some time behind... ..



Not only is the game coming to the console, but it will arrive on the same day and date as the PlayStation 3 edition of the game, with no timed exclusivity of any kind.
Final Fantasy is far from the system seller it was before. Japanese franchises in general have diminished in relevance the past few years. MGS4 so far hasn't sold as fast as it predecessors, and it's unlikely it will top them in total sales. This isn't 1998 anymore. The PS2 flourished because they had the jock demographic, but now they are in Microsoft's grasp and they won't be leaving any time soon.

Sony needs to cater to new audiences. An FF exclusive would have been a fart in the wind long term. People seem to be vastly overestimating the whole ordeal.

I don't think people are making a big deal about it in terms of system-selling capacity or any kind of numbers, but moreso as a demonstration of the lack of confidence that developers have in the PS3 being the best choice for them to make money. There was no question last generation that PS2 exclusivity was still a gold mine, and that's far from the case for the PS3.

Now whether that's due to this generations' high game development costs or the PS3's relatively small user base is entirely speculative.

Final Fantasy is far from the system seller it was before. Japanese franchises in general have diminished in relevance the past few years. MGS4 so far hasn't sold as fast as it predecessors, and it's unlikely it will top them in total sales. This isn't 1998 anymore. The PS2 flourished because they had the jock demographic, but now they are in Microsoft's grasp and they won't be leaving any time soon.

Sony needs to cater to new audiences. An FF exclusive would have been a fart in the wind long term. People seem to be vastly overestimating the whole ordeal.

Um. It's still a good 1.5 to 2.0 million in terms of sales. That's big money if you multiply it by $60. I don't think you can really call ANY single game as a system seller. Really, how antique is that silly idea? MGS4, FF13, Gears of War, Legend of Zelda, Mario. They're all amazing titles that may gravitate gamers, but people bought the Wii for the Wiimote, the 360 for the online/hardcore gameplay and the PS3 for being the high tech centerpiece (though that's somewhat arguable now).

But really, I do feel pretty sorry for PS3 fans who did buy the system with the promise from Sony that it'll be the one big exclusive for the system. Once Kingdom Hearts and MGS4 and other big titles jump ship, I can expect a depression-age suicide streak by the PS3 fans.

I honestly dont care about Acheivement points. I play my games for the shear enjoyment of them. I will buy FF13. for the fact I love Final Fantasy. ;]

I play cuz I love playing, but because I have both systems, I find I tend to steer toward the 360 when its out on both.

Uh, that doesn't mention versus specifically, it mentions both, but in reference to the press conference where versus wasn't mentioned.

Uh, that doesn't mention versus specifically, it mentions both, but in reference to the press conference where versus wasn't mentioned.

Did you... did you actually read the parts that he quoted, either from your post or the article he linked to? He's saying that FFXIII (NOT VS.) will arrive on 360 at the same time as PS3. It will not be "some time behind," as you suggested.


You know what, now that I finally have my own PS3 I've come to the realization that I really don't care what the fuck games go cross-platform as long as I can play them on my PS3.

'course I wasn't all that excited about XIII anyway, too much animu.

Did you... did you actually read the parts that he quoted, either from your post or the article he linked to? He's saying that FFXIII (NOT VS.) will arrive on 360 at the same time as PS3. It will not be "some time behind," as you suggested.

And I didn't dispute that point any further after reading, he quoted me talking about vs. (or maybe I read it wrong) and attempted to correct that thought with the statement.

Edit : I just assumed he was talking about vs. My bad, that sentance he quoted also had the sometime off statement.

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