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OCR00975 - Final Fantasy IX "Black Magic Synthesis"


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I thought this was great when 'Maniac let me check it out as a WIP, and the finished product is even tighter, so congratulations on SysteManiac getting his second mix accepted and posted up. If it had been on the main page maybe 30 minutes earlier, around 2 AM as opposed to 2:30 AM, I could have congratulated 'Maniac right over the phone while he called into my radio show, but I hope this here's a close substitute. Dat's sum :nicework:. In no time, "Belmont Lounge" should be on the horizon.

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.......... im speachless this is the best remix of FF9 ive heard thus far. hehe, i love the old school sound to it, and the clatu verata victo, that was taken from the evil dead movie rox, all they needed is they .......... uhhmm *cough cough cough * line in there, ive only seen the third movie unfortunatly,

this one is going directly into my playlist.

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The very beginning caught me by suprise, but I have to say I love this remix, and I agree with the person above. This IS the best FF9 remix I've heard on OCR so far, and I love the oldschool sound as well. It brings back some fond memories of FF9 and the older FFs in the series. I also love how the song stays true to the original. *Sigh* Don't you just love nostalgia? Anyway, really great stuff here.. I'd recommend it to anyone! :wink:

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Theres only a few choice words that can go along with this remix, Breathtaking, Outstanding, Perfect. If music exactly like this was placed in the final fantasy IX game, Sales would have jumped at least 100,000 of more units sold. SysteManiac your giving Mr Uematsu a run for his money. Keep up the good work

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In the seconds of hearing this song I was hooked. I'm not even done fully listening to it and I love it. I always thought the original black mage village song wasn't that bad considering the mood, but I love the spin SysteManiac put on it. :D

at 2:31, I love how the music goes orchestral with the voices, piano and bells and just goes straight back into that industrial feel.

The multiple themes are always great. as has been noted with such songs Knights Come Marching Home and the like, if the right remixer comes along, a multiple theme remix is always a treat for the ears.

4:13 is also a treat. The entire song is amazing. THe sound clips coulda probably been left outta this song, but its musical creativity. Every artist has to have something like that I guess.

But I just agree, this is my favorite FF9 remix on this site and probably one of my top list favorites from this site. Props to Sytematic for this fantastic remix.

This song doesn't just kick ass. It blows it away, Hadoken style y0!

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The multiple themes are always great. as has been noted with such songs Knights Come Marching Home and the like, if the right remixer comes along, a multiple theme remix is always a treat for the ears.

It's not a medley, it's just the Black Mage Village song. I did a lot of reconstruction on the chord structure, but yea, it's all still the same song :).

Thanks for all the comments y'all. When I redo this one down the road, i'll be sure to take out the voice clips. Well, most of them, anyway ;).


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Hmmm, musta been my ears playing tricks on me then.

I coulda sworn I heard that same tune from when Vivi was in Alexandria at the beginning of the game.

Then again, I have only listened to it once so far. :lol:

Speaking of which, I must be off to listen to it again. I'm sure for the next few days this tune will be listened to dozens of dozens of times.

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Well, actually, one of my favorite things about Final Fantasy IX was Uematsu's use of character themes. Vivi's theme is pretty much the same as Black Mage Village, and for good reason. It provides a musical bridge between Vivi and his brethren. If you listen to them both, Vivi's changes up at the end of the main melody. But yea, I based this off of a midi I made of Black Mage Village a few years ago. A self-contained midi-rip, if you will ;).


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There's a lot of creativity in this thang. Very inventive use of pretty much everything. You can tell a lot of time was spent polishing this. I didn't like the Klaatu Verada Nicto samples, however. I have mixed feelings on the amount of volume cut effects used. Sometimes it just seems overboard and like you're showing off, but then again, I really like messing shit up like that and it goes with the overall theme I think. Those wacky effects (was that some foldback distortion) at the end were really cool! Rar. Nice job.

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Wow!!! This mix is both nasty and over the top. Looks like AE has some competition here! I'm not sure if SysteManiac will win against AE (if they even battle), but I know he'll put up a good fight for sure. I love the amount of effects used very good use of flam and distortion. The huge bassy beat and snare really stick out. I love it!! I also like the classical bit with the choir. It gives us a break from the monotony. By the way, at 2'57" was that the original Nintendo's bass sample used in the back? It sounds good.

And yes, the samples weren't a fav, but I got over it.

8/10 :) If you are a huge fan of Vivi, and love his theme song, download this or miss out on a great mixture.

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Wow man... this is one great tune... I thought the "Klaatu Barada Nikto" samples from The Day the Earth Stood Still were an especially nice touch... every direction that the song went in was done so well... and the ending is one of the most unique and coolest I think I've heard on OCReMix...

Great job!

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I'm glad i requested this. i had the opportunity to hear the newest version at every stage of its development. I hope some of my feedback helped to make this what it is now.

SysteManiac is deffinitely one of my favorite remixers on this site. he has some others that hes worked on and hasnt submitted yet....im sure they will get posted as soon as djp hears them.

awsome song. i love the direction he took it. its a veritable splatteration of audible ecclectiosity!

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Ooh! I like the main melody - from the other reviews, I'm guessing it's Vivi's theme. Reminds me of Conquest of Paradise: 1492 by Vangelis. Harmonic minor = mad propz. ;)

Noisy industrial, but lots of interesting, complex effects. I love the bass at 0:16 and would have liked to see more of it. A lot of effort was obviously put into it. Not quite my cup of tea - I prefer more anthemic pieces - but the melodic parts were the shizz. :nicework:

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Wow. Just sheer wow. Took me 15 minutes to download this on dial-up and my jaw hit the floor when I began to listen. I was pulled in immediately with the remixed original song ... then blown away by the sudden spiralling and booming effects and shoved back in as the song begins again!

Heck, I put two other songs on my win amp, began to listen to them, selected all and deleted, and put this one BACK on for a third shot! And then I put it on repeat!! I check the time not to see how much of it is over, but to see how much is left to savor and then let the repeat continue.

*Bows to the remixer* Nice.

And I love the voices. They were a surprise that brings me back to the music when my mind wanders while crunching HTML. :D

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