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Yesterday, I was descending in Tower of Exploitation. I was cheesing my way with 2 Astaroths , using the 1[A],A combo. I got all the way down to floor 20, with just one of my Astaroths left, and about 1/5 of my life left. I earned the appropriate achievement, but Kilik killed me before I could acquire the appropriate treasure chest. And he only had a sliver of health left!



So I guess lag is pretty much entirely dependent on distance to your opponent? Because there's no lag whatsoever when I play against someone a few miles away. Being able to GI online is niiiice.

Also, did Tira have the whole bipolar thing going on in SCIII? Because it's a really cool mechanic and I'm going to make her my alt now because of it.

So how does the online play work for the 360? I haven't tried it yet since I don't have a net connection available to mine for another week or two.

Edit: Oh and please tell me why my critical finishes aren't working kthx.

Online play works great with 4 or 5 bars opponent. Not-so-great with three and unbearable otherwise. Luckily most people have realized this and stopped playing if they have below 3 bars.

Your critical finishes ain't working because you ain't doing them right :3 You have to soul crush your opponent when he's gauge is blinking red, that is doing a PHAT attack so he "staggers".. you'll notice I promise.

So I guess lag is pretty much entirely dependent on distance to your opponent? Because there's no lag whatsoever when I play against someone a few miles away. Being able to GI online is niiiice.

Also, did Tira have the whole bipolar thing going on in SCIII? Because it's a really cool mechanic and I'm going to make her my alt now because of it.

Not distance, just quality of connection. I can play someone in the states with 5-bar connection and GI like crazy and I live in Sweden :)

She did not and most people thinks she sucks because of it :D but I'm glad someone appreciates it.


I think Tira is creepy as all hell, but creepy in a "wow that's kinda cool yet totally disturbing" kinda way.

You mean right when it starts flashing or during? Because I've been hitting ABKG like crazy while it's flashing, but I didn't think there was any real timing to it.

I think Tira is creepy as all hell, but creepy in a "wow that's kinda cool yet totally disturbing" kinda way.

You mean right when it starts flashing or during? Because I've been hitting ABKG like crazy while it's flashing, but I didn't think there was any real timing to it.

nono, when it's flashing you have to hit the opponent like you would anytime and eventually he'll be staggered and you can hitt ABKG once :)

nono, when it's flashing you have to hit the opponent like you would anytime and eventually he'll be staggered and you can hitt ABKG once :)

Namely, you do a guard crush (the big blue lightening attacks) and they'll try to block it and get crushed (BIG purple explosion, and they fly backward), and bam.

It probably happens with normal attacks if they just keep blocking, but their guard gets broke a lot quicker with a guard crush.

I've only pulled it off like...twice :(


Once you practice Critical Impacts in training, it actually becomes quite simple to do. I've never pulled one off online, but I did manage to use one in Tower of Exploitation. And no, I didn't cheese my way into it with Yun-Seong! The silly AI just blocked too much.


I've seen tons of critical impacts though lately a lot of them happen for me since my Seung Mina tends to be block-then-retaliate heavy. I actually win 90% of matches with her. And really, I don't think you can compare her to the insanely fast Kilik, whom my current winning rate is basically 100% with lots of perfects (Yes, I think Kilik is beyond broken. Quite easily the top tier if you ask me. Out of 300 odd online matches or so, the biggest struggle usually came from Kilik).

And today, finally I was finished off in a finishing move by a desperate Sophitia player (who is almost impossible to fight online. Like with Rock or Setsuka). Sadly, I had the Sophitia player near death and all figured out. Except my guard broke and then the finisher by Sophitia. I will try to do some finishers in the future for the sake of the achievements and for the experience of actually doing it. I wiffed on about a hundred finisher chances and I keep forgetting the left bumper button. I'll have to keep that in mind in future games.

As for ranked games, I jumped from a dismal 15% winning rate to around 60%. And I still consider myself middle tier except I can understand the mind-game idea now. I do that instinctively in most games that doesn't involve extreme spamming by my enemy. Especially Seung Mina, I know how to make absolute fools of enemies now. Including her incredibly deceptive 4B+K.


Finally reached lvl 20 in ranked online. Kilik is an ass but I seem to have more problem with anyone with 3-bars or below, they can just spam and I can't react with impacts or defend against mixups :'(

Still I have like 72 wins 52 losses atm so I'm happy :)

I didn't know you had to guard crush to make a critical finish, I usually just hit 'em :) I've made like 10 in single player and none in multi player..

I discovered how wicked Bull Rush is, that between 6K and 4B makes sure I'm never outmashed by fast chars anymore. Just have to practice my impacts and pressure.. I'll see you online, PM for XBL-name if you're up for some casual matches.


I really want to see if it's possible to do a recreation of Fayt Leingod (from Star Ocean 3: Till the end of time) in soul calibur 4

I don't have any current gen consoles, though, or else I would have done it myself.

If anyone would like to, and post a picture, I'd really appreciate it.

reference pic:



lol at people trying to play me with Seung Mina, staying at MAX RANGE the whole time so I can't get near them, still losing, and complaining that I won with the same 3 moves. How many fucking moves does Mitsurugi have that can get IN THERE?

He disconnected, too.

C'mon people. l2 soul calibur. If this were a real tournament no one would give a shit HOW you won, just THAT you won. Disconnecting is just 5 year old BS.

lol at people trying to play me with Seung Mina, staying at MAX RANGE the whole time so I can't get near them, still losing, and complaining that I won with the same 3 moves. How many fucking moves does Mitsurugi have that can get IN THERE?

He disconnected, too.

C'mon people. l2 soul calibur. If this were a real tournament no one would give a shit HOW you won, just THAT you won. Disconnecting is just 5 year old BS.

I find a pattern like that now too. People disconnecting because they lose so badly and almost embarrassingly. I made fools out of everyone with either Yoshimitsu or Seung Mina for the first 100 or so matches. The recent 100 consisted me of beating almost everyone with Lizardman and just abusing his lizard roll. It seems like I'm the only person online abusing Lizardman and abusing his roll well. And now I'm getting the hate-messages, mic messages saying I'm cheap and even a few disconnects. Good thing most people just bit the bullet because Lizardman is just that good. I used to think Lizardman was horrible, but not anymore. He almost might be broken in his crawl stance.

I find a pattern like that now too. People disconnecting because they lose so badly and almost embarrassingly. I made fools out of everyone with either Yoshimitsu or Seung Mina for the first 100 or so matches. The recent 100 consisted me of beating almost everyone with Lizardman and just abusing his lizard roll. It seems like I'm the only person online abusing Lizardman and abusing his roll well. And now I'm getting the hate-messages, mic messages saying I'm cheap and even a few disconnects. Good thing most people just bit the bullet because Lizardman is just that good. I used to think Lizardman was horrible, but not anymore. He almost might be broken in his crawl stance.

I would be too but I don't really own the game. Lizardman is amazing now.


Lizzie is sick, he was sick in SCIII too. He used to be my main and I should probably pick him up again.. but then again I don't think his new stance is all that good, he's very vulnerable in it and the moves you can do from it isn't all that worth it. The mix-ups however makes him ace.


To be fair the main reason stuff like Seong Mi-na poking at a distance bugs me is for the same reason that playing Smash Brawl 1v1 against Falco with his laser spam/Reflector push/Dash to run away is annoying. It's less fighting and more "HAHAHAHA YOU CAN'T HURT ME"

But this is a bit different since online is pretty much "Play to win."

I'm having loads of fun with SC4's character creation than I ever thought I would have. I already made a Red Mage and Fighter from 8bit Theater, as well as Magus from Chrono Trigger and tons more. It's a complete kick.

Favorite Soul Calibur moment so far - taking my awesome Dante ala DMC to fight against a black guy in a suit with a giant pink afro and nunchuks.


Character creation is one of my favorite things.

Thus far I've created a Xena/Jeanne d'Arc Cassandra, a pirate and kitty Amy, and a buccaneer Hilde.

As far as my own stuff, I made Aya Brea and some ninja pirates. Next on the list Is Locke, Sabin, Celes, and Terra.

It's very intuitive and fun. I've spent hours on it already.

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