AlphanerdV Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 I saw it at the Midnight release (dying at work right now...need sleep.). Was it entertaining? Yes very much so. The action scenes were amazing. I thought Rorschach was great, and funny that he was played by Jackie Haley, the rebel from "Bad News Bears". Now, I have not personally read the graphic novel (something I do intend on Rectifying), but I have heard the gist and understand the premise behind pretty well. What I can tell from what has been told to me though, the changes that they made to the movie only created plot holes. Also, they try to be subtle in the movie, not to reveal details, but they were so blatant that by the end no one even cared about the reveals, because they already knew what was going on. I will explain a little in the spoilers section, lol. **SPOILER** If Rorschach accomplished what he was intending to at the end, before Dr. Manhatten stopped him, the world results would have been the same. Whether it was Manhatten or Veidt, the world still would have pulled together, because the basis was still there for cooperation. It didn't make sense for the rest of the group to cave in, and make a Martyr out of Manhatten. As cheesy as it is, the exploding squid monster would have justified their reactions a little more. *Jupiter's Daddy Issues*. They were so blatantly obvious with the comedian being her father, that when you are near the end of the movie, I could careless about them revealing it in a long drawn-out cutscene. I did love the part where Veidt is talking in the lobby with all the execs and they were playing an elevator music version of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. Quote
Sensai Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 I've often wondered whether 'penises' or 'penii' is the proper term for the plural of penis. I usually wind up just hoping that whatever it is, I'll never actually have a reason to use it in a sentence. Penises. Asked my highschool English teacher. So...penises, if you can believe a random guy's highschool English teacher. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 hahaha don't go to a movie with me then Though I do that kinda stuff mostly when it's just me and a few others that I know in the theatre. I could deal with a lack of peace if I was with other people, but to be a lone female in a crowd full of adolescent fan thanks I'll pass on that horror, or else smuggle a very large stick in with which to abuse anyone that comes remotely near me. Quote
prophetik music Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 i live in a college town (cornell and ithaca college are here, about 35k students between them) and the atmosphere was definitely different than it would have been back home in buffalo. i kinda liked it. and, YES, comedian was excellent. his attitude, all the different shots of him at different ages...absolutely excellent. Quote
AlphanerdV Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Also what's with all the people seeing the movie at midnight when they haven't read the book and don't know anything about it? I don't understand your motivations! Quote
Maco70 Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 It's penises because the -us -i ending is used for first declension Latin words, which penis is not. And I won't get to see it until sunday. =( Quote
Jaybell Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 It was a pretty good adaptation, I thought. I was worried friends we had brought along who hadn't read the comic would be confused, but they seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. I didn't like how the ending felt rushed, or how Rorschach sounded like Batman, or how a good chunk of the movie was filmed in super slo mo vision. Still, it could have been much, much worse, and it's about as good an adaptation to film as we can probably get. Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 So, wait, they had full frontal nudity? Are they even allowed to do that in a rated R movie? Quote
prophetik music Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 it wasn't the point of the movie, so yeah, they are. you saw everything in titanic, and that was only pg-13. Quote
relyanCe Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Watchmen: Rated NC-17 for flaccid atomic wang exposure. Quote
prophetik music Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 don't forget a vivid portrayal of just how much of miss jupiters bongos were from a pushup. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 don't forget a vivid portrayal of just how much of miss jupiters bongos were from a pushup. yea push up that was super padded Quote
prophetik music Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 that was the point of my statement, yes. Quote
DJMetal Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I went to see it last night. I was disappointed: Only one person in costume. To their merit, though, they were a very convincing Rorschach. Quote
FR Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I don't know what watchmen are. Should I still see this movie? Quote
Atomicfog Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I was thinking that Jackie Earle Haley, aka Rorschach, would be so perfect for the part of Cletus Kasady (Carnage) in the Spiderman movies. Quote
JJT Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 just got back. thought it was about as good an adaptation as one could hope for, all things considered. the look of the movie is perfect. startlingly true to the source (having the original artist on board helps, i suppose) i don't think synder is particularly good at getting performances out of his actors (silk spectre and night owl were pretty wooden), but the comedian was perfect. spot on. Quote
Sindra Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 Too bad they'll never touch upon that in Spider-Man Movieverse.....unless someone revamps it like the Batman franchise. Quote
Weirdboyscott Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I was worried the most about how the new ending was going to go over, but it went over much better than I could have imagined. The comic ending had more shock value, but when it's all said and done it still went over practically identically. If there was a drinking game for this movie, you'd get plastered fast if you had to drink after every wang shown. Quote
The Vagrance Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 i don't think synder is particularly good at getting performances out of his actors (silk spectre and night owl were pretty wooden), but the comedian was perfect. spot on. I actually thought that Silk Spectre was the only person who was bad, and in fact I loved Nite Owl just because he played the middle-aged mid-life crisis pretty well. Quote
SoloGamer Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I don't know what watchmen are. Should I still see this movie? I walked in knowing nothing about Watchmen and thoroughly enjoyed myself, so yeah go for it. Quote
Bleck Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I didn't think there were any problems at all with the acting Quote
Zombie Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 hands down the best movie i have ever seen. might see it again today. Quote
Upthorn Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 It's penises because the -us -i ending is used for first declension Latin words, which penis is not. No. It's not "peni" because the -us -> -i pluralization rule is used for words that end in "us", which penis is not. Also, the proper plural is "penes", but nobody would actually understand you if you used it, so "penises" is probably the better choice. I didn't like how Rorschach sounded like Batman. I haven't seen the movie, but when I read the graphic novel a few years back, I got the distinct impression that Rorschach was supposed to be based on Batman. 1940's Batman, who solved crimes via detective work, had no compunction with busting a few heads if that's what was necessary to get the rats to talk, and had serious psychological issues from being an eye-witness to the murder of his parents. (And Night Owl was clearly 1960's Batman, who solved crimes via impossibly contrived gadgets.) Though it would not have been unreasonable just to read Dick Tracy into Rorschach, instead... Quote
Weirdboyscott Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I got the distinct impression that Rorschach was supposed to be based on Batman. Surprisingly most of the Watchmen were originally based off of Charlton Comics characters, and not DC characters. DC bought out Charlton, but still.. the Charlton created characters inspired Moore to come up with the Watchmen. Rorschach - The Question Nite Owl I and II - The first two versions of the Blue Beetle Dr Manhattan - Captain Atom The Comedian - Peacemaker Ozymandias - Thunderbolt Though these origins don't throw out the idea that you can see aspects of Batman in most of these non-super powered heroes. Quote
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