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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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spy doesnt capitalize on luck it capitalizes on scenarios where the enemy team is either dumb enough to not spycheck/hear you uncloak or distracted on the frontlines where they are too busy fighting to check their backs.

catching a good player in a moment of stupidity is more often than not luck which is what i was basically saying

catching everyone else in a moment of stupidity isnt really luck no because there are a lot of them


If you ever want to practise spying go to a pub server where the concept of spychecking is strange and alien.

You will get plenty of training as to how to time a stab right and have plenty of fuckup room.

If you ever want to practise spying go to a pub server where the concept of spychecking is strange and alien.

You will get plenty of training as to how to time a stab right and have plenty of fuckup room.

I've been meaning to find a good n00b server and see if I can dominate the everloving fuck out of it, but it's surprisingly hard to find one without any absurd server plugins. With ping under 200.

I actually did pretty much the exact same thing with Spy until I forced myself to stay Spy for a whole round of 2Fort. But I have no real motivation to get good with Scout. -_-

Pretty much the same here, except I forced myself to play pure Spy for about 2-3 weeks straight. I was shy about playing Spy for a long time. I would be terrible with the class any time I played so I just avoided playing it. Instead I worked on other classes, such as Scout, Demo, Medic and Pyro.

But eventually I said "screw the rest of the team" and went pure Spy for about two weeks. All Spy, no exceptions. Ironically, the Sniper/Spy update happened during this time so it got really out of control towards the end with 2-3 Spies on each team nearly 100% of the time. Anyway, the "strategy" worked and while I wasn't a good Spy I at least had the basic foundation of how to.

I stopped playing Spy then (I think the Spy Update killed it for me) but I think I want to get back into it. I see no reason why I couldn't be a good Spy, I just need to master the little things.

catching a good player in a moment of stupidity is more often than not luck which is what i was basically saying

catching everyone else in a moment of stupidity isnt really luck no because there are a lot of them

no only luck if they're not fighting someone which is when you should be coming in from a high place or uncloaking behind when no one is behind the person youre targeting. of course a good spy isnt going to go for the player that is constantly doing 180s as he's traveling to the frontlines. good players cant spy check when they're engaged in battle so it doesn't matter how good they are only how lucky they get when strafing when youre coming in for the backstab but thats as lucky as someone strafing the other way when you lead with projectiles.

RED is the one you want for Scrims and Special Events™.

BLU is OCR's "normal" server.

Oh yeah, I renamed them a while back. Whoops. I thought about putting the numbers and/or descriptions back, but seriously... people seem to want certain customs back on #1 and detest a lot of customs on either server.

So, right now the main difference is that #2 has Alltalk off, a larger map selection for map votes, and the Monday-night scrims.

Anyway, new update today... sounds like waffle-fire may finally be fixed.

Oh yeah, I renamed them a while back. Whoops. I thought about putting the numbers and/or descriptions back, but seriously... people seem to want certain customs back on #1 and detest a lot of customs on either server.

i said to put #1 and #2 back in the hostnames just so no one gets confused as to which is which as far as which is primary

by primary though it can be just the same as the old server which was 95% stocks with a custom here and there


she says those sometimes in game now i dont really know the trigger i guess it has something to do with how many people ingame are steam friends


With waffle fire fixed, do we want to turn the Themes plugin back on?

We'd be using sm_themes_particles 0 to prevent any weather effects from being used (rain, snow, leaves, etc) so there shouldn't be any performance hit.

Though this does mean maps that normally have weather effects won't, even if you have those effects enabled.

Some reminders of what the Themes plugin does:





With waffle fire fixed, do we want to turn the Themes plugin back on?

We'd be using sm_themes_particles 0 to prevent any weather effects from being used (rain, snow, leaves, etc) so there shouldn't be any performance hit.

Though this does mean maps that normally have weather effects won't, even if you have those effects enabled.

Some reminders of what the Themes plugin does:





I'm not sure that I like the idea of having more stuff to download.

Also, my video card has been oversaturating certain colors since a recent nVidia drivers update, and I'd rather not make it worse. That would be aimed at Dusk specifically.

So there are some juicy Announcer files in the update, as well.
She sounds PISSED. Well, moreso than usual, if such a thing is possible.

I was chatting with someone on IRC, and they suggested something entirely plausible... these will be used for an upcoming holiday Event.

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