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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Ok seriously, cave is awesome. Keep it in the rotation.

Speaking of Cave, the download link on page 1 goes to pl_cave_b6, not pl_cave_b4_2.

I assume it's a newer version of the same map.

vvv New sig. vvv

That train will never stop haunting me, I swear.

Also, Bahamut, if it hasn't been suggested already, I'd say just go with the Rainwave radio stream. Even if it's not playing ocremixes all the time, I'd say it's better than nothing, and pretty relevant to the site. :P


I've never been able to listen to music and play at the same time...I dunno. It's just something I can't do anymore. /shrugs

Also: I love your new sig Xerol.

(I was getting my ass handed to me earlier tonight, so for anyone who was there...may I please have it back?)

if you are a sniper and they are too close to snipe but too far to kukri than you should just focus on escaping

There is no such thing as "too close to snipe," it just makes it easier to see their head.

And I'll get around to a reserved slot. Probably when I head off to college.

There is no such thing as "too close to snipe," it just makes it easier to see their head.

And I'll get around to a reserved slot. Probably when I head off to college.

well on your way to ultimate success in school!


I was glad to see lazytown on the rotation yesterday, I really like that map. For radio stations I still vouch for some dj.fm stuff, We're consistently getting a bigger crowd on steel, I think we got over 14 people last time.


So I guess if I actually playing more often I should get a reserved slot, eh? I have a bad habit of reminding myself to log on for TF2 around 7:00 and forgetting by 9:00...


Heh, Lazytown is fun times...pretty buggy though, as the spawn areas and overtime aren't working properly.

BTW, there's no link to it in the first post, so I had to spend like 30 minutes downloading it from the server. :(


It would be much easier to keep track of if you kept the last donation date and how much was donated in the list of reserved slot holders. Or at least tell me when I donated because I've completely forgot.

Is there some sort of app for steam that keeps the radio in TF2? Rather, I know there is one, but how do I get it?

I don't want to keep opening the radio in VLC...

Not that I know of - it keeps it in TF2 only if the link to the stream is not a playlist file and it's embedded in the webpage. That's why I labeled the links I added that used a playlist file "pls file". The ones that came with the plugin initially I left there, and those use an embedded player in a webpage so those are fine.

Not that I know of - it keeps it in TF2 only if the link to the stream is not a playlist file and it's embedded in the webpage. That's why I labeled the links I added that used a playlist file "pls file". The ones that came with the plugin initially I left there, and those use an embedded player in a webpage so those are fine.

I get a 404 and then VLC opens up.

Whatever, I just wanted to try it, and when I did, didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

Not that I know of - it keeps it in TF2 only if the link to the stream is not a playlist file and it's embedded in the webpage. That's why I labeled the links I added that used a playlist file "pls file". The ones that came with the plugin initially I left there, and those use an embedded player in a webpage so those are fine.

My favourite setup is the one [-Q-] clan uses, here's what it is...

you type music in the text box and this pops up IN GAME


It appears to be some version of the server startup screen or something (can you make html pages for the server? Because if you can this would be easy.) You pick your music, then this pops up (in this case I chose trance)


Now the music plays and you can close the window, it streams straight through WMP, which allows you to always change volume etc. and you never need to leave the game, You can just type music again, it closes the previous music and lets you pick new stuff. If it is at all possible, this would be the most preferable method for music, and as far as I can tell, it doesn't even need a mod. It's very hassle-free and has always just worked for me. Is it possible for us to do this instead?

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