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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Removing sniper crosshair

Put this in Sniper.cfg

alias s1 "crosshair 0; slot1"

alias s2 "crosshair 1; slot2"

alias s3 "crosshair 1; slot3"

bind 1 s1

bind 2 s2

bind 3 s3

crosshair 0

Put this in all the other classes .cfg

bind 1 slot1

bind 2 slot2

bind 3 slot3

crosshair 1

There will be no data in the class .cfg's

Also, when you respawn, the crosshair will be there; Switch weapons and it'll go away.

Standard sniper rifle now shoots through friendly players



Spies disguised as enemy spies now get a random mask to help complete the disguise, and their target id will be set appropriately

Spies disguised as medics now have an Ubercharge: line in their disguise target info

Spies outward facing "disguise health" now matches their disguise target when they first apply the disguise

Spies can now pick up health kits for their "disguise health", even when uninjured

Spies that disguise as a player using an unlockable now show that unlockable in hand

Spies can now use enemy teleporters

Wow. They've REALLY empowered spies. Taking teleporters is going to be scary shit. :| I wonder how telefrags work under those conditions.


Tiddly described to me why the Ambassador (<3<3, BTW) can shoot through spawn doors. Apparently, it's due to the fact that spawn doors, like players, are 'entities,' which Valve allows the Ambassador (<3<3) to shoot through.

Also, the Dead Ringer is a lot of fun. It's...pretty busted, IMO. Me and Tiddly did quite a bit of testing and found out that it pretty much withstands anything. We're talking a backstab does ~50 damage when it sets off the cloak and ~20 while you're in it. A crit rocket does ~10 to set off the cloak. Also did some more testing and found out that, as of this writing, the Ambassador does more damage if it DOESN'T mini-crit. Jeah, that's right: Ambassador hitting an arm does more damage than hitting someone's head.


@ Clefairy: No, but that's a great idea. I'm going to backup my maps folder right now. Thank you.


I wish Spy, Sniper, Scout could be limited to have 3 of them in a team at most. Especially on combat-intensive maps like dustbowl it makes me cry when one half of my team is somewhere behind enemy lines while the other half is hanging way back on their sniper perches, while I'm the only one down in the proverbial trenches getting outnumbered by soldiers, demo's and pyro's.

I wish Spy, Sniper, Scout could be limited to have 3 of them in a team at most. Especially on combat-intensive maps like dustbowl it makes me cry when one half of my team is somewhere behind enemy lines while the other half is hanging way back on their sniper perches, while I'm the only one down in the proverbial trenches getting outnumbered by soldiers, demo's and pyro's.

But 2fort would be garbage without obligatory mass sniper wars.

Well, 2fort is pretty much garbage no matter what. The sniper wars do make it a bit better though I guess.

On an ambassador related note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX1H1ykm2oU&fmt=18 overpowered much? I really want this gun now :3

If anyone wants to try this, I will be more than happy to be your medic buddy. Ridiculous.

I also hate the random unlocking weapons. I want to feel like I earned it. Instead, they should have kept the achievement-based system and added a random finder as well so that you can still have the weapons if you suck.


This is unbelievable...

Every server i try to connect to post patch has either had map errors or

Server enforcing Consistency in particles\water_dx80.pcf

Can someone give me a hand here i cant find anything on it on the steam forums...this latest patch so far is utter epic FAIL!

I also hate the random unlocking weapons.

Did we ever figure out how that worked? I know that people randomly got "you found X!" while just wandering around, but some people said that they only had it for that map, or something-or-other like that, but that may have been because of the Steam/VAC connection issues we were having last night.

If it's really just "you now have X because you just do shut up", that's incredibly lame.

If it's really just "you now have X because you just do shut up", that's incredibly lame.

that's apparently how it works yeah

[14:49:07] <garian> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQW58xRYebc what?

[14:52:59] <zircon> wiw

[14:53:00] <zircon> *wow

[14:53:05] <zircon> the ambassador is fucking broken

[14:53:43] <garian> yeah

the video is a guy completely missing shots with the ambassador on a bunch of stationary bots. so apparently the gun shoots REAL CANNONBALLS in order to hit people that are a foot or two to the side... no wonder they said that all you had to do was put wheels on it and it'd be a cannon.


It's not an official announcement, but if this response is true, the drop system may be glitching.

“As in everything else we do, we want to iterate, so this is really the first step towards our desired implementation. We also think we have bugs in the system as well, since we’re seeing some players not finding any items after a few hours of play, which is not at all how it’s tuned. We want unlockable drops to be a pretty regular occurrence for players, with the cosmetic hats being the rare finds.”

Maybe the TF2 blog will fill us in over the weekend.

It's not an official announcement, but if this response is true, the drop system may be glitching.

Maybe the TF2 blog will fill us in over the weekend.

...yeah considering their coders have completely failed i cant care about the actual problemns BECAUSE I CANT EVEN PLAY THE FRIGGIN GAME THE PATCH WONT TAKE EFFECT!

Valve for once has FAILED utterly and epicly.

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