Jaybell Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 Whelp, from watching some youtube videos of TF2 I've figured out that my computer isn't showing certain things, like fire or the medic's healing ray thing. This makes playing as pyro or medic kind of a pain. Is there any way to fix this or am I just gonna have to deal with it?
Sensai Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 Back from camp and my next trip to Honduras got cancelled (apparently there's a revolution going on? Haven't had internet for about a week). How're things? I tried reading through the like 10 pages or so since I left, but couldn't do it. Too much stuff going on.
Bahamut Posted July 6, 2009 Author Posted July 6, 2009 Yeah, the President of Honduras got deposed for trying to pursue increasing electoral limits on the presidency to be more than 1 term, and they appointed a new president in his stead. However, the rest of the world refuses to recognize the new one as the president. Edit: In short, smaller admin list, refreshed mapcycle, and custom skins & models allowed.
CapitanAwesome Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 Whelp, from watching some youtube videos of TF2 I've figured out that my computer isn't showing certain things, like fire or the medic's healing ray thing. This makes playing as pyro or medic kind of a pain. Is there any way to fix this or am I just gonna have to deal with it? You could try installing a custom fire or medibeam model, that may fix it. The two I found that work best are these, from FPSBanana: Medibeam: http://www.fpsbanana.com/sprites/1829 Fire: http://www.fpsbanana.com/sprites/2502 Hope that helps!
FireSlash Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 I've set my server back up, just add 'fireslash.net' to your favorites (or just connect to it); it's easier to remember than an IP Right now it's fairly vanilla, but feel free to use it for whatever. PM me if you want a map added or admin rights; I'm offering it as more of a sandbox for the community right now.
Brushfire Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Hello everyone. Thank for helpin me celebrate my birthday on the server. I got some interesting screens for your general amusment. It is amazing hat people will do if you promise them some birthday cake. This was dubbed the spray wall. Everyone grouped together for a nice big hug. We all had a good time at Gravel Pit, Utah. Over at Well, Wyoming, we decided to take a train. Yup, great birthday indeed. Thank for the good times guys.
Powerlord Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 wtf? ctf_well? I didn't think anyone liked that map. Hmm, I should modify ctf_well to make a pl_well...
DarkeSword Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 No, you should make plr_well. EDIT: Guys, there's a new HL2/SourceSDK mod out called NeoTokyo, which is kind of like a cyberpunky GitS style FPS. I want to try it out with a couple of OCR folks; Fireslash will be setting up a server for us to play around in tonight, so if anyone else wants to hop-in and try it out, feel free. Just don't be a douche or anything. xD
Brushfire Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Just don't be a douche or anything. xD Looks like it is time to douche it up. WAIT NO POOR CHOICE OF WORDS!!!
DarkeSword Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Curses, foiled! No Linux binaries of NeoTokyo for FireSlash's server! Anyone have a Windows server?
Kiyobi Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Man, that Neotokyo mod looks epicly awesome and sexy, but my hard drive cries for space. DX
Powerlord Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I would have played tonight, but I got sucked in by Tales of Monkey Island episode 1.
Bahamut Posted July 8, 2009 Author Posted July 8, 2009 I missed out on the NeoTokyo action, but I was playing a lot of BlazBlue tonight.
Brushfire Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I ended up banning three people today. I think it may have been justified. Maybe not. But for the love God. Please don't be a douche on the internet. It's little fucksticks like you that are ruining this place for us. That is all. BlazBlue still sucks.
shpladoink Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 So now that many of you have gotten to play it, what do you think of 1fort? also give your opinion on this addition to the sniper tower that may or may not be implemented: also brushfire stop whining gee golly goshes
DarkeSword Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I ended up banning three people today.I think it may have been justified. Maybe not. But for the love God. Please don't be a douche on the internet. It's little fucksticks like you that are ruining this place for us. That is all. BlazBlue still sucks. You know, I ended up serverside muting a couple of guys last night, specifically SpectreShot. I'm not really sure I understand the point of constantly screaming how awesome you are into the mic, or badmouthing your own team, but I'm getting kind of tired of it. Also, to the general server population, don't use the mic to just scream "FUCK!" (or variations of that) really loud when someone kills you or something doesn't go your way. Yes, you're an engineer and your sentry got destroyed. Yes, you're a sniper and yes you got backstabbed. Yes, you're a spy and you got set on fire. Yes, the FaN distrupts your momentum when you're trying to run. Deal with it. If you want to cuss and yell, fine, just do it without pressing your voicechat button. And please, if you're going to set up music for playing over the mic, make sure it's not excessively loud. I generally don't mind too much if someone wants to play some music during setup rounds, but it's really annoying if it's crackling or if it's so loud that people aren't able to continue talking over it. I will say, however, that I'm impressed with some of the players last night. We had a guy playing who sounded kind of young and he seemed new to the game and was asking a lot of questions. Rather than bagging on the kid for being a kid (like a lot of morons like to do), people were helping him out and explaining the game to him. That's the kind of thing I like to see on the server, so thank you to those guys who made playing a pleasant experience for a newbie. __ Anyway, Wes, we didn't end up playing NeoTokyo last night. I'm personally waiting for the linux binaries so that FireSlash can install the server on his box, because I would rather play a new game that seemingly relies a lot on teamwork and communication with people that I'm comfortable playing with and on a server that we have a degree of control over (so that we're able to just explore the game and figure stuff out).
Toadofsky Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 You know, I ended up serverside muting a couple of guys last night, specifically SpectreShot. I'm not really sure I understand the point of constantly screaming how awesome you are into the mic, or badmouthing your own team, but I'm getting kind of tired of it. Also, to the general server population, don't use the mic to just scream "FUCK!" (or variations of that) really loud when someone kills you or something doesn't go your way. I will say, however, that I'm impressed with some of the players last night. We had a guy playing who sounded kind of young and he seemed new to the game and was asking a lot of questions. Rather than bagging on the kid for being a kid (like a lot of morons like to do), people were helping him out and explaining the game to him. That's the kind of thing I like to see on the server, so thank you to those guys who made playing a pleasant experience for a newbie. I quit XBOX live because of that, and will not be renewing my subscription when the time comes. I can't stand playing games with obnoxious people over the net. Good to hear that SOME are being hospitable on the net.
Dhsu Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I tried NeoTokyo last night and had a pretty terrible time. It seems pretty generic honestly, in terms of both gameplay and general look and feel. I dunno though, maybe it gets better when you learn the nuances of using squads and stuff.
EdgeCrusher Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Haha, about time someone did a little something about spectre. Seems like he has Tiddlywinkitis, as in he loves to hear his own voice.
Hemophiliac Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 i'm constantly muting people as well, one of the most common mutes for me is SpectreShot.
Powerlord Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 i'm constantly muting people as well, one of the most common mutes for me is SpectreShot. With SpectreShot, I've gotten far enough along the chain before (warning*, server mute, then kick) that the next action would have been a ban. *Actually, Brushfire did the warning.
EdgeCrusher Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I say go for it. I never hear anything positive about his playing, and most people always mute him. Of course I tried to be nice and tell him he's being annoying, but he was a dick about it. So he's had a lot of chances.
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