SirChadlyOC Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Arena mode was kind of fun, but man, it's a real downer not to play a round. Especially when there were 4+ people spectating and only 16 playing, it's frustrating. Although, I bet it's perfect for those times when I'm multi-tasking my TF2 with other chores/duties, such as eating, shaving, laundry, etc. I noticed that in the 5 minutes I got to play Engineer on Arena Badlands (before my TF2 client crashed - AGAIN), it appears that the Engy buildings don't blow up when you die, like they do during Sudden Death. Though, I didn't get a chance to notice if my sentry was still working or if it was powered down. PRO TIP: Don't type !radio in chat if you think your TF2 might crash. This caused my Steam client to crash completely, not just TF2. The rest of my computer was unstable until I restarted. For everyone else though, I think just the OCR server crashed, not TF2. Confirm/deny? Also, I approve of the improved Kritzkrieg. I rarely saw it used before, but hopefully this will fix that. I don't think it's enough to convince me to use it, but I don't mind seeing it. Finally, OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM. NOM NOM NOM NOM. NOM.
Effef Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 it appears that the Engy buildings don't blow up when you die, like they do during Sudden Death. Though, I didn't get a chance to notice if my sentry was still working or if it was powered down. They still work I believe, and that fact is really the only thing that makes engie viable enough for use in arena. The rounds are just too fast to get any meaningful things done.
Powerlord Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Yep, the Arena mode is actually pretty fun, but sadly they're not fit for play until they release another patch. It's funny that you say that since the server is only cycling through Arena maps now without someone forcing a different map (like cp_steel).
EdgeCrusher Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I haven't got to play the offical steel yet
Bleck Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 official steel is literally the same as the original, nothing at all has been changed also the sandvich is the greatest weapon ever
Zephyr Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 The Arena maps (specifically the Green one and Granary) are AMAZINGLY fun. Too bad they crash every 30 minutes or so.@ Triad: I can safely vouch for the fact that the Sammich (which is MUCH cooler than Sanvich, or what have you) is a must have, overpowered weapon. It's won me the (arena) match a few times now, simply 'cause I could walk behind a corner and get back a ton of health. Seriously, it's broken. And I don't think that there are too many heavies on the OCR server anymore. It died down pretty quickly, actually (and thank God). @ Bahamut: When they stop a'sploding the server/computers, can we have at least the Green one on rotation? I agree with everything, sammich is amazingly useful, and you simply must admit that getting pwned while OM NOM NOMing when you're the last one alive on arena is stinkin hilarious. I'm a huge fan of arena ravine, the crashes are annoying, although it is fun to backburn their entire team at once before they time out. I'm really hoping valve fixes it soon so we can have some good arena-style fun.
atmuh Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 ok first off HI EVERYONE IVE MISSED YOU ALL SO DEARLY now that thats outa the way a couple things first off i absolutely hate (and im sure if you were on last night you know) arena the maps are too small its a quick stupid free for all that doesnt feel like tf2 at all ok and i mentioned this to ds because baha cant seem to unignore me on irc (which im sure makes him REALLY SAD) but i dont appreciate joining the server and having beatdrop putting up a voteban for me right off the bat for no reason getting banned from #ocrtf2 because an op doesnt like me i can live with but the same thing happening on the server would piss me off oh ya sensai i said a while back that i didnt like you i guess you like everyone else never know when to take me seriously (which i like) but trust me if i didnt like you id make sure you knew it
Tensei Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 It's been one day and I'm already sick of Arena (not that it's that bad, it's just that the server was on arena maps ALL THE TIME). I manually switched the map to gold rush, steel and badwater a few times but still, I'd say go with two arena maps in the rotation at most. I was actually yearning for dustbowl at the end, and that's saying something. Also welcome back atmuh
EdgeCrusher Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Id vote for map changes, but SOMEONE took it away. Anyway, I love the newbies crying about having to sit out in arena, its hilarious.
Triad Orion Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I'd rather watch in Arenas anyway. I have this nasty tendency toward the status known as "Death." It doesn't really help one's team in that kind of mode. XD
Bleck Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Ugh. Free weekend this Friday. what's wrong with free weekends?
Zephyr Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 New update is out, no significant changes, and no talk of fixing some of the main arena problems, but hopefully it did anyways.
Sensai Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 oh ya sensai i said a while back that i didnt like you i guess you like everyone else never know when to take me seriously (which i like) but trust me if i didnt like you id make sure you knew itOh no, I knew you were joking. Or at least, I thought you were...glad I was right, as it woulda been bad had I been wrong. I just bank on you being funny, in a non-serious way...which is definitely cool. Some people take this game WAY too seriously.Welcome back, regardless. Glad to see you. Anyway, I love the newbies crying about having to sit out in arena, its hilarious./'s 2 minutes at ABSOLUTE most that you're sitting out. Just deal with it and try to learn something from someone who's better at you at whatever class you're interested in (Watching [ZUZ] Vahn Paktu or whatever play Scout is amazingly interesting, IMO). FYI, I was a spy.Dammit, why can't I stop laughing at this?@ Bleck: The problem with free weekends is the fact that you get a billion and six people who are ABSOLUTE SHIT at the game running about like crazy. I mean, it's fun in that chaotic who gives a shit way, gets on your nerves after a while. Luckily, I won't be playing this weekend. @ everyone who played tonight: Had a lot of fun, thanks for the great games. See you guys tomorrow. @ Science, Libby: Thanks for helping me out with those achievements and getting me my weapons. Don't like Natascha at all, but the gloves are pretty damn cool. /end long post
Bahamut Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 At the moment, the map cycle is: pl_badwater cp_steel ctf_turbine pl_goldrush cp_granary pl_badwater ctf_2fort cp_steel cp_dustbowl pl_badwater cp_well cp_badlands Is there any adjustments people would like me to make?
Sensai Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 At the moment, the map cycle is:arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill arena_lumbermill Is there any adjustments people would like me to make? Nope...looks pretty good to me. Also, on a serious note, why am I STILL not listed as an OCR player on the first post? Makes me all kinds of sad. ((( See!? FOUR mouths sad!
Bahamut Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 Nope...looks pretty good to me.Also, on a serious note, why am I STILL not listed as an OCR player on the first post? Makes me all kinds of sad. ((( See!? FOUR mouths sad! Post what your nick & the account name are then.
Sensai Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Account name being the thing I use to log in? That would be Antrae. Nick name being what people see me in the server as? That'd be LGD|Sensai. Sensai's fine if you'd rather that, though. /shrugs and <3s
atmuh Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 what's wrong with free weekends? ya i like them buncha new faggos to shoot in the face
Schwaltzvald Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 So I take it this had already been known for a good while but just haven't been posted..? Puts a new meaning to OM NOM NOM NOM
duckyboycantfly Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 So happy to be back. Oh man, I can't wait to see TF2 the way it's meant to be played again. (and actually be able to snipe again)
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