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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I will probably fail clefairy's challenge since finding a full server playing db_heights for two rounds is kind of impossible since everyone always realizes about one round in how awful it is

As we've not gotten word back about your condition, the one-week timer hasn't started yet. :P Relax.

Speaking of which, dear server admins:

Sir Alexander, I challenge you.

The challenge is as follows; record a demo of two entire rounds of dbheights, one on attack and one on defense. Critique the map in full, using whatever supplements you deem appropriate. Youtube annotations, voiceover, I don't care. The server you play on must be near or at full capacity for the duration. I will make allowances for ragequits/computer problems if necessary.

You have one week. If you do not deliver in time, or your response is not to my satisfaction, I am automatically declared the victor. In this case, I will have conclusively proved for everyone who reads this thread to see that your arguments hold precisely as much weight as "Bleck does not like customs. THE ****ING END."

Should you succeed, I will trade you my medal, or my stainless pot, for any of your useless dupes. Pending Valve's implementation of the trading system, of course.

I will accept your challenge on one condition

if my critique is deemed appropriate, I want the admins' word that db_heights will never be playable on the server again

ALSO I think it would be better if we organized a night on the OCR server for this to happen

Support? Yea? Nay?


I've considered donating for the reserved slot. Maybe next month, maybe. I just know as soon as I get into reserved slot the server is going to go into 24/7 Gold Rush mode and I won't get a chance to use it.

If you didn't notice already, I don't like Gold Rush. The classes I play(at this point, Pyro and Scout) really don't succeed in the area of chokepoint spam. And that's what Gold Rush is. Maybe I need to play Demoman more?

I've considered donating for the reserved slot. Maybe next month, maybe. I just know as soon as I get into reserved slot the server is going to go into 24/7 Gold Rush mode and I won't get a chance to use it.

If you didn't notice already, I don't like Gold Rush. The classes I play(at this point, Pyro and Scout) really don't succeed in the area of chokepoint spam. And that's what Gold Rush is. Maybe I need to play Demoman more?

You don't need to donate to get a reserved slot any more.

That and I already added you when I added some others yesterday.


I read about that team building destroying bug on the steam forums a while ago. I'm pretty sure it involved a script that killed you and put you on the spectator team at the same time, but you would respawn anyway, and be able to kill anyone. Just so you know what to look for.

Also, I haven't seen any of these custom maps to know whether they're at all good or not. Are they uploaded to the server, at least? I'd like to nominate one one of these days, maybe see it at least once. Also, someone might want to update the front page about the reserved slots, at least. Apparently there's still some confusion about that.

You don't need to donate to get a reserved slot any more.

That and I already added you when I added some others yesterday.

Well, I know you don't have to donate for slots. But the server does not pay for itself. I know some of you guys are in good shape with money, but all the same, it almost seems like you discourage donations.

I know I've asked a few times. I did get an answer, but the time was not good for me to be spending money, and I forgot. :P

I come back to hearing about a demoman TKing glitch?

Is it serious enough to stay away from the game for a bit or not?

It's not THAT bad. I've seen one or two instances of it, and all of them have ended in bans.


Ok a lot of folks on the server have been asking about the fabled "CLAN OCR TEAM FORTRESS 2 FLAG AVAILABLE FOR WALL OR WAVER TYPE PLAY," and I have decided to get to work on it.


As you know this was the original design of the Patch:


Now I want to expand on it a bit, by adding so thing that could make it into some sort of crest or seal.

What would the community want on this.

Flags will be a devestating 3 X 5, and shouldn't cost more than 20 bux.

I still havent gotten the quote yet from the flag company, but it should be relatively cheap for each flag.


You don't need to donate to get a reserved slot any more.

That and I already added you when I added some others yesterday.

omg i lov u guys. Maybe, just maybe, when I have some extra cash lying around I'll donate a little anyway. Depends on how much Gold Rush we play in the next few months.

Remember, if my post doesn't contain Gold Rush hate it doesn't really count.

Also, I haven't seen any of these custom maps to know whether they're at all good or not. Are they uploaded to the server, at least? I'd like to nominate one one of these days, maybe see it at least once.

er... which custom maps are we talking about again?

We have quite a few custom maps uploaded to the server. Too many according to atmuh.

P.S. I tried creating a new allmaps 7zip file recently, but it combined with some other programs was sending the mirror's CPU usage skyrocketing.

Actually, I should rearrange the nominate menu so that the maps that come with the game are listed first... right now they appear in alphabetical order.

Also, someone might want to update the front page about the reserved slots, at least. Apparently there's still some confusion about that.

Unfortunately, only Bahamut or one of the OCR forum admins/moderators can do that. If I had access to edit it, I would have updated it long ago.

Also, we were supposed to move to some new servers at some point, but that never materialized.

Ok a lot of folks on the server have been asking about the fabled "



Uh, if you made that, as is, I would totally buy one. However, I do think the yellow is a bit much. The Red and blue are obviously important, but they do make it tough to mix colors. Then again, it's a perfectly acceptable combination for a traditional flag.

But it's bad-ass! 3x5? I'll have to grab a ten foot pole and wave it as a banner at MAGFest.


Apparently the letter on the official TF2 website is congratulating the people who made the guard dog images, and it's not an official update. Thus Teamfortress.com not having the update posted on there themselves.

Or so I heard.

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