Powerlord Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I saw your post a few pages back. You didn't make it out to be a big problem. I'm computer illiterate, so I don't understand the technical aspects of running a server. I just figured with a STOCK map server, implementing a very small set of stock maps wouldn't be an issue. I didn't know there were bugs and what have you.I'm just angry about the serious lack of communication in and about the community in the last month. There have been A LOT of problems lately, and everyone always says they're due to someone else's part. It seems to have something to do with trying to run two servers from the same tf2 install. The server is configured to use mapcycle_server1.txt as its map cycle. This appears to work for a while, but then it goes off and does something completely random. rtv is supposed to draw from the current map cycle file, too. nominate draws from maplist.txt, shared between the two servers. This did get messed up yesterday (I think I uploaded an old version over the new one), but I fixed it this morning and restarted the server.
Sauzer Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Why are you here Eulogic? You don't even play tf2 with us. Aye he does - I seen 'em.
DarkeSword Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Have you never played an online FPS before? It's a wonder the server isn't filled with 11-year-olds screaming about raping everyone else's mothers.Not to mention that it is absurd that you could possibly construe "omg its a girl rape her!!!!" as any kind of personal slight. Doesn't matter. It has no place on our servers. Rambo, if you see something like that happen, don't hesitate to ban someone for it. Nobody will accuse you of any kind of conflict of interest, and if they do, they're playing on the wrong server.
Eulogic Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Understandable, and from what Rambo told me in IRC, apparently the offensive behavior went on further than he mentioned in the thread. If my wife played video games and were put in a similar situation, I can imagine feeling the same way. Nevertheless, I hope you can understand where I am coming from as well. It's not particularly fun having to bite one's tongue for fear of insulting someone, and banning someone for a few lines of non-serious chat is not a particularly good way to grow the community. In my opinion (and it is not my server, of course, so you are free to disregard this), it is better to roll our eyes and sigh at such immature statement rather to inflate to this level. At the very least, warnings and tempbans should be given before permanent actions. Even if you don't like what they have to say, these are other people out there who deserve consideration (even if they appear to give none themselves), not bots.
D-Lux Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 FWIW, I find a verbal warning is enough to separate the pubs who care about following the rules from those who don't. After that, it's race to kick/ban them before they leave. I'd also like to request an admin meeting sometime soon. It's the only way to get us all on the same page.
Bahamut Posted November 9, 2009 Author Posted November 9, 2009 If there's to be a meeting, it'd have to be in the first half of the week, as I'm not sure when I'll be stuck grading exams Wednesday on.
Brushfire Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 As long as the meeting is before 2100 East Coast Time, I can attend anyday, so count me in.
Powerlord Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I'm generally available during the evenings on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This week, I have Wednesday off of work (government holiday: Veterans Day), too, but still have class in the evening.
Bahamut Posted November 9, 2009 Author Posted November 9, 2009 We could shoot for Tuesday or Friday I think. Let's try Tuesday and see what happens?
bonzai! Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I didn't know if I should say anything about this, so I'm happy to see there are people talking about it... I'm well aware of the idiots on the internet, and I'm a veteran when it comes to dealing with sexism on the internet; I can usually brush it off. But when I'm in the OCR server, I guess I don't expect this kind of stuff. And if the random pubby joins and starts with sexist comments, I hope that someone says or does something. Yes, you could say today's comments of "OMG GIRL, LET'S RAPE HER BEFORE SHE LEAVES" were mild, but it still concerned me that nothing was really done or said. I've had someone say to me in the OCR server that I was "nothing more than a warm wet hole to fuck," and nothing was done that time either. So I guess I'm saying that I'm holding the OCR server, its admins and the community up to a higher standard than to be expected of the internet, and I'm hopeful that I can rely on more people than my boyfriend to support me if this kind of thing happens again.
ParanoidDrone Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I'm a veteran when it comes to dealing with sexism on the internet For some reason this line made me smile. I'm not sure why. I have nothing productive to contribute to the matter since I wasn't there to witness it.
A Random Tiger Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Moreover, there were a few individuals in the server earlier, right before we switched maps to a custom, who were being inappropriately crude. There were plenty of regulars on but no one said a thing. It started when Bonzai used her mic and one of the players typed out "ITS A GIRL" followed by "QUICK RAPE HER". I'm supposed to be an admin. I have the power to, and felt inclined to just insta-ban them. But not a single person, said anything. And some might say I have a conflict of interest in the matter. Anyway. Eventually we just both left. Which appears to be the appropriate action more and more when something stupid is happening in the OCR server. That's what used to separate ours from others. I figured that we were all just ignoring it. And I mean, if you didn't say anything either, can't really complain about other people not doing it ;P
Eulogic Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I think most of us are tired of the "ther r no girls on the internetlol!!!" and "get back in the kitchn!!!!!!!" bullshit, of which these comments (although cruder) are in the same vein. I think that most of us have gone through immature periods of our lives (or even isolated incidents of immaturity) where we have made similar insensitive jokes. This is, unfortunately, exacerbated by the fact that this type of behavior is the status quo of many of the largest Internet communities. Although OCR is its own entity, we do not exist in a vacuum. People expect others on the Internet to behave a certain way (and receive comments a certain way as well). As D-Lux said, rather than banning them immediately, a warning should suffice for weeding out those who are willing to be civil and those who are not. bonzai!, what was said to you was crass, offensive, and stupid, regardless of whether or not it was intended as any of these things. That said, I don't know that I would have interjected on your behalf (though I certainly wouldn't have spoken against you). For one, I do not frequently talk when I play TF2. Secondly, I try not to get involved in the arguments that do not involve me, especially on the Internet. And finally, responding to arguments like this in anger typically only fuels the fire. As I said, I do not have access to a complete account of what happened, but I hope that you will not assume that those who did not speak agreed with or supported what was said against you. Silence does not always mean consent.
Bahamut Posted November 9, 2009 Author Posted November 9, 2009 I didn't know if I should say anything about this, so I'm happy to see there are people talking about it...I'm well aware of the idiots on the internet, and I'm a veteran when it comes to dealing with sexism on the internet; I can usually brush it off. But when I'm in the OCR server, I guess I don't expect this kind of stuff. And if the random pubby joins and starts with sexist comments, I hope that someone says or does something. Yes, you could say today's comments of "OMG GIRL, LET'S RAPE HER BEFORE SHE LEAVES" were mild, but it still concerned me that nothing was really done or said. I've had someone say to me in the OCR server that I was "nothing more than a warm wet hole to fuck," and nothing was done that time either. So I guess I'm saying that I'm holding the OCR server, its admins and the community up to a higher standard than to be expected of the internet, and I'm hopeful that I can rely on more people than my boyfriend to support me if this kind of thing happens again. Honestly, as DarkeSword said, Rambo could've just banned him and it would've been just fine - there's no valid defense for that.
Kiyobi Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I want to poke fun at the virg- *ahem* kids that pretty much smacked on Bonzai there, but I have no freaking idea what happened. Kinda reminds me of this one time when a girl joined our team and I was like "oshi- it's a girl". Didn't say anything else, just "hai" and all that good ol' team communication over the mic. Then she got autobalanced and I'm like "NUUU I DIDN'T EVEN GET HER NUMBER D8". I'm glad she knew I was joking, she friended me shortly after. Uh, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's the freakin' internet. If it's negative, you're probably better off ignoring it. Or putting a spin on it so it becomes an actual joke you can laugh at.
Rambo Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Doesn't matter. It has no place on our servers.Rambo, if you see something like that happen, don't hesitate to ban someone for it. Nobody will accuse you of any kind of conflict of interest, and if they do, they're playing on the wrong server. Thanks Darke. The parts in bold are particularly relieving to hear. Honestly, as DarkeSword said, Rambo could've just banned him and it would've been just fine - there's no valid defense for that. Thank you, too. (I read over everything you said in IRC) I can make myself available on tuesday for a meeting. The sooner I know a time the better though.
Secret Agent Man Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Yeah, that would've garnered at least a kick from me. Persistent comments lead to a ban. "This is the Internet" is not a valid defense for retarded comments like that. Drama aside, is the scrim still on for tonight?
Brushfire Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Sexism is a form of racism. I wouldn't think twice if you were defending your lady's honor, or any woman's honor for that matter. Whatime and where are we meeting Tuesday?
Vivi22 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Even if you don't like what they have to say, these are other people out there who deserve consideration (even if they appear to give none themselves), not bots. My only question for you is why do these people deserve to be treated respectfully when they aren't treating other players with respect? It's right in the rules that respect is of the utmost importance on the server, and I don't think an instant temporary ban at the very least is undeserved if people are going to say crap like that to people. You say it's no fun to have to hold your tongue on a server, but I say it's no fun to be harassed while trying to play a game you like with a community that by and large is respectful and fun to play with. In lighter news, I'm looking forward to the scrim tonight. I'll be able to make it from 7-8 for sure. Might be able to come back on latr in the evening as well.
DarkeSword Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 On the topic of respecting others, it doesn't just apply to respecting our women players. I have muted and temp-banned players for excessive profanity and excessive trash-talking; there was one fellow a few weeks ago who felt the need to call anyone he killed a "bitch" every time he killed them. When asked to tone it down, he got pissy and self-righteous, as most people who behave that way are wont to do. I also don't like it when players needlessly rag on younger players who talk on the mic; I feel like that's just bullying. I realize that younger players can be annoying sometimes (there's a recent player that I've muted once or twice), but other times they just want to have fun, play the game and take part in the conversation. If a younger player asks "how do I get <item>?" don't be a jerk and say stupid stuff like "hit F10!" or any of that other nonsense. Be nice, help out. OCR's server is pretty much the only server I play on, mainly because I like playing with people I know, but also because our server is generally a friendly server. As an admin, I'm kind of lenient when it comes to gameplay issues like stacking and scrambling, but bad behavior/poor conduct is something that really bugs me.
Eulogic Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 My only question for you is why do these people deserve to be treated respectfully when they aren't treating other players with respect? People should always be treated with respect. You should not place a final judgment on someone based entirely on a first impression, no matter how bad that impression is. Sexism is a form of racism. Well, it's not, but it is certainly just as bad. Also, I agree wholeheartedly with what DS said.
FireSlash Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Yes, you could say today's comments of "OMG GIRL, LET'S RAPE HER BEFORE SHE LEAVES" were mild, but it still concerned me that nothing was really done or said. I've had someone say to me in the OCR server that I was "nothing more than a warm wet hole to fuck," and nothing was done that time either. I wasn't around for the latter (That'd be a insta ban) but the former was, to my understanding, a joke given context, all caps, and I thnk it even had the stupid !11!!1!s on it. Given that nobody said anything about it, I assumed everyone took it that way. I'd have gladly sorted him out. Rambo could have as well. I back up what DS said here, and it goes for anyone. It's often hard to tell when one's humor steps over the line, but as long as we keep an open dialog as to where that line is, and respect it, then all is well. As for the server issue, I was looking into it as well, it seemed to start behaving if I modified the mapcycle file; but I'm sure it spirals out of control again after a map or two. The rtv list also seems to pull randomly from the maplist instead of the mapcycle. Beyond that I'm not sure what the root cause is.
A Random Tiger Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 The random maps in the RTV list does provide for a good laugh though. We played a map Borax last night that actually seemed pretty decent,
FireSlash Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 The random maps in the RTV list does provide for a good laugh though.We played a map Borax last night that actually seemed pretty decent, was that before or after Black Mesa won the vote? Oh, for the admin meeting, I'm good between 7 EST to whenever. I start becoming incoherent around 1:30am though.
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