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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Although another factor is that I'm thinking banning Vahn wouldn't be too good for ZUZ/OCR relations, potentially resulting in ZUZ leaving the server, Bahamut and Zyko getting kicked off their clan, etc.

favoritism is gaytarded


Permaban is definitely too harsh, no way around it.


But you can't just not punish him simply 'cause he's part of ZUZ. That's a whole bunch of shit being opened up, right there.


Speaking of bans, rules, and the like:

Does the opening server page say that porn sprays are not allowed? Because if it isn't, it definitely should. (Especially gay sex porn sprays). Someone was doing it last night, but I wasn't sure about the rules. I would have opened up a votekick if I knew who it was though. If I knew that was on the front page, though, I'd insta-kick.

Speaking of bans, rules, and the like:

Does the opening server page say that porn sprays are not allowed? Because if it isn't, it definitely should. (Especially gay sex porn sprays). Someone was doing it last night, but I wasn't sure about the rules. I would have opened up a votekick if I knew who it was though. If I knew that was on the front page, though, I'd insta-kick.

i brought this up a while ago

if the motd says nothing about porn sprays and it most definitely should

i dont think there is a way to know who did it without seeing them spray it though...

Although another factor is that I'm thinking banning Vahn wouldn't be too good for ZUZ/OCR relations, potentially resulting in ZUZ leaving the server, Bahamut and Zyko getting kicked off their clan, etc.

Who cares? This is our server and if they want to play on our server, they should play by the rules. Our rules say no stick spawn camping. Period. You don't play by the rules, you don't play on our server; it shouldn't matter who you are.

Funny how you're all only noticing this NOW. I complained about him sticky spawn camping months ago and nobody did anything about it then except to tell me to "stop whining."

Even funnier: last time I checked, I'm still an admin, but I'm looking for consensus on this before I act on my impulses to hop on there (for once) and ban a regular.

Hmm, I'd go for that.

The MOTD does say, "No pornographic sprays"

and yes admins have a way of finding out who sprayed them...i banned someone recently for using a porn spray.

Out of curiosity, is that what the Identify command in the admin menu does? I've been wondering what that was for for a while.


For porn sprays, it's a simple matter of spraying over said porn spray and then recording a demo.

When you notice it again, watch said demo and watch said spot. Eventually, the sprayer will spray the spray there.

(And just for good measure, spray spray spray.)


I've seen it on other servers where if you point your reticle over the spray while standing close enough to the surface it was sprayed on it will tell you who sprayed it. Does anybody else know about this and know of a way to impliment it? This would help greatly with identifying these porn sprayers.

I'm guessing that identify it gives you the user's particular id, steam_id, and so forth.

Or it could block your next opponent's attack.


Anyway. Yeah, I support finding out who sprays the pornographic sprays. As before, people who don't pay attention to the posted rules in the server drive me nuts.


Anyway. Yeah, I support finding out who sprays the pornographic sprays. As before, people who don't pay attention to the posted rules in the server drive me nuts.

Since the server runs Sourcemod, we can use the Spray Tracer plugin to do that.

*pokes Bahamut*


Anyway. Yeah, I support finding out who sprays the pornographic sprays. As before, people who don't pay attention to the posted rules in the server drive me nuts.

Well, I'm pretty sure they pay attention to the rules, and then break them on purpose.


@ Zephyr: Not so sure.

To be honest, I don't think I've read over the MOTD or the rules or whatever else is on there. I just don't act like a douche, usually, and most people seem fine with that.

My point is that most people don't read the MOTD, especially not people who randomly join...they just wanna play some TF2.


Oh, Zephyr. You make so much more sense than I give you credit for. :-)


I was talking specifically about the porn sprays though. Most people don't think that it's alright to use those. As for sticky camping or something though, then they would have to read the MOTD


So, I installed the Spray Tracer addon. I'm not sure which admins have access to it, though. I haven't checked the admin flags.

I did tweak its settings a bit, though... it only tells admins when sprays are being traced now.

There is one strange issue, though: Admins apparently see a purple and black checkerboard overlaid on certain textures, such as the one through the window in Red's first base in cp_dustbowl.

Trace Spray commands appear in the Server Commands part of the Admin menu.

We're not using the one that just show's you who sprayed it when you aim at it?

Got a link to it?

Late Edit: Actually, this one might do that, too. I noticed some text pop up when I moved the cursor over some sprays earlier.

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