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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I wish I knew why the server would periodically crash. It crashed last night after ctf_turbine when we had a nearly full server (20/24). When it came back, we had 3/24.

Turbine is the last map in the mapcycle. I wonder if that has anything to do with the crashes.

Edit: I'm moving ctf_turbine up two so that pl_goldrush is the last map. We'll see if it still crashes at the end of the mapcycle.

Hydro does suck, because there are only two possible outcomes: one team gets rolled hard, or the round ends in stalemate, thereby initiating sudden death, which is stupid.

Don't like arena either then, do you?

Hydro can be fun. Depends on the night, and the people on the server.


As I've mentioned in previous pages, I used to love Hydro, but now that there are so many better stages, it's crap. It has MAJOR issues that should have been addressed by the TF2 dev team about 12 months ago. Such as not having a setup time on the last "defend" section.

The server was pretty full the other day. I got really optimistic about the future of OCR TF2 until I remembered that tomorrow is Monday and everyone in the country goes back to school. Drat.

The server was pretty full the other day. I got really optimistic about the future of OCR TF2 until I remembered that tomorrow is Monday and everyone in the country goes back to school. Drat.

2 more weeks for me :3


I like the gold coloring and the text looks a little better, but I've always just assumed that this was going to be an embroidered patch, am I right? Because if it's embroidered, then all of those fancy color changes and such wouldn't work. What're those things that look like deku nuts on either sides of the text?


My three big issues would be I would recommend making the bat wider in general for the Scout, either make the Dynamite more pronounced for Demoman or change it entirely to a Stickybomb, and give the Soldier a rocket for his symbol. The shovel is awesome as a weapon, but it's not what most people recognize him for.


What did everyone think of last night's single-class rounds in Halls of Death? The All-Scout round was hilarious, but the All-Soldier round we did after that was amazing! Props to anyone on RED during that round; I can't figure out how you guys managed to dodge so many rockets and cap the intel 4 times. Or how anyone stayed alive long enough to kill me with a shovel. :(

Really wanted to go through all nine classes, but the map changed. I'd like to do a ROSTER-ROTATION night sometime; set the map to Halls of Death and then go through every class.

What did everyone think of last night's single-class rounds in Halls of Death? The All-Scout round was hilarious, but the All-Soldier round we did after that was amazing! Props to anyone on RED during that round; I can't figure out how you guys managed to dodge so many rockets and cap the intel 4 times. Or how anyone stayed alive long enough to kill me with a shovel. :(

Really wanted to go through all nine classes, but the map changed. I'd like to do a ROSTER-ROTATION night sometime; set the map to Halls of Death and then go through every class.

That could be a fun thing to do on OCR only night. We should give it a shot on Saturday.


So, I finally experienced the server crash in game late at night...I suspect that there's a conflict with a plugin. I'll probably look into it more in the next few days.

In addition, I ordered a new gameserver for us to use on Gameservers, so we will be switching to that (it's half the cost) in a month or so.


I've been trying to find people to play with for the last three days around the times of 4-7 p.m. EST, but nobody's on. Both TF2 and L4D are low on OCR players around those times. Instead, I've been going to 30 player Warpath-only servers with decent success.

I STILL wish I could play Warpath with 30 OCR regulars, but unfortunately, it seems that the days of massive TF2 are behind us. It seems people have better things to do (including myself) like school, work, L4D, or any of the other games people bought during the STEAM sale.

I've had a ton of fun over the last year playing TF2 with OCR people. You've all helped me become a "PC gamer" rather than just a Nintendo fanboy. I hope we all have a lot more fun gaming sessions in the future, and in the short-term, I hope I can find times around 11 p.m. when everyone else is on and I can join in.

What did everyone think of last night's single-class rounds in Halls of Death? The All-Scout round was hilarious, but the All-Soldier round we did after that was amazing! Props to anyone on RED during that round; I can't figure out how you guys managed to dodge so many rockets and cap the intel 4 times. Or how anyone stayed alive long enough to kill me with a shovel. :(

Really wanted to go through all nine classes, but the map changed. I'd like to do a ROSTER-ROTATION night sometime; set the map to Halls of Death and then go through every class.

I thought setting half the Scouts on fire through the spawn door was funny. :D


There was a boatload of people on after I got home from work but before I finished dinner (19 to be exact).

However, I told someone I was going to get on after eating, and that person must have warned them about how great a spy I am, 'cause when I finished eating, it was down to 4 people!

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