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Place: Hilton Mark Center (5000 Seminary Rd./Alexandria, VA) - just southwest of Washington, D. C.!

Time: January 1st through January 4th

Website: http://www.magfest.org

So who's already looking forward to M7? For those who haven't been to, much less heard of MAGFest, it formerly was the Music and Gaming Festival. It is host to 24 hour gaming, concerts, and a host of panels and other interesting things. In addition, it is chock full of people connected to the video game music rearrangement community, as well as people who frequent OCReMix - during M6 we had an incredible number of people from the community gathered together with around 30 of us having dinner together at Fridays alone for an example. It is definitely the place to be if you want to meet many of the people involved in video game music rearrangements, as well as many others!

In addition, this also provides the perfect time for a bunch of OCRers to spend New Years Eve together for the interested.

New Years Eve Bash (details to be sorted later):



Definite Attendees:


Audio Fidelity

Avatar of Justice


BardicKnowledge & Addie

bLiNd & Jade


Chao_Evo (with friend)

Escariot & Dominique

Geoffrey Taucer







Realfolkblues, girlfriend, & crew


starla (& maybe roommate?)

Theory of Nonexistence












Majin GeoDooD





The Xyco

The Pezman

Hotel Rooming:

Bahamut's room - Bahamut, BardicKnowledge & Addie, Beatdrop (tentative), Tensei-san (tentative)

Geoffrey Taucer - Taucer, SiMV, ToN

Xerol's room - Xerol, Aaron

Looking for Hotel Roommates:

Bahamut (interested in taking as many as we can squeeze)

OA (interested in sharing with 3-4 others)

The Pezman (interested in sharing a room with anyone)

Xerol (interested in taking 1 more)

Looking for a room:





For New Years Eve:

Bahamut - looking for maybe a few others, possibly along with Bardic & his wife Addie, to spend a night in DC. Accommodations would be possibly in a nice spacious luxury hotel room downtown (maybe split might be a little under $100 a night per person). Details are still pending.


i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna go


Depends on whether I have any other friends to spend NYE with.

I still think scheduling it on the first was a stupid move. To keep the same hotel? It's been in a diffeent hotel every year thus far.


Keeping it in the same hotel simplifies SO much that the staff can concentrate on booking guests and planning everything else. Plus I'm sure everyone can appreciate not having to spend an hour getting a feel for the layout again.

Anyway, I'm 99.97% sure of going, and I'll most likely be showing up on Wednesday. Also possibly seeking one other person to split a room 3 ways with. Must be cool.


Also I'm going to definitely be looking for people to stay in my hotel room & split the bill as I know some of you are cheap bastards. Last year I recall having 6 of us in the same room, and split 6 ways, the bill only came out to around $50 for the 3 nights.

In addition, I'm hearing interest for people coming to DC earlier and spending New Years Eve there. I'm possibly interested in this as well, and I can book a luxury hotel room for some people to spend New Year's Eve with as well. With a split bill, it wouldn't be so bad (as I get bonus perks with my charge card), and it'll be a nice room so that people can relax, spend a night out on the town, & walk back to the hotel.

Depends on whether I have any other friends to spend NYE with.

I still think scheduling it on the first was a stupid move. To keep the same hotel? It's been in a diffeent hotel every year thus far.

You know, I don't like it at all either - I wanted to keep it open in case my school went to the Rose Bowl again, so that I could go watch them play and visit a good friend in LA who's a grad student in USC & who I haven't seen in 2 years. Personally, I spent too much money on concerts this year already though (over $500 in concert tickets alone and counting), so I can't go, but MAGFest is cheap enough for me.

Also as shitty as it is, I understand that Brenden is guaranteed security with being able to stay in the same hotel, and it makes it easier to get to the more important details in planning. In addition, there's no guarantee that another hotel in the area will take the event in given its history (there's a good reason it hasn't been in the same hotel every year).


I'm definitely going to be there, and those that enjoyed the JamSpace room last year can look forward to an even better JamSpace this year. Last year was our first year, and this year, we've already started to do more planning and such. I'll be starting a JamSpace thread relatively soon (Probably after Otakon... We have the same thing called Club Otaku going on there). I didn't expect to see an M7 thread this early, but I thank Wes for being one step ahead. Anyways... Yeah... RAWK! \m/

EDIT (after reading Bahamut's second post):

- We're in the same hotel because despite the fact that we caused a lot of issues, we brought a lot of business in for the hotel during an otherwise dead week.

- James, Hotel Manager (I think), who was pretty much willing to do anything for us, no longer works there, but is still willing to work with us.

- I know that at least Brendan and I are going to stop by the hotel fairly soon to talk to the hotel staff and let them know about what's going to happen.

- Hotel rooms at the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria are available from December 26th through January 11th so that anybody that wants/needs to get there earlier and/or stay later can. The same rate of $99/night applies.

- Yes, there are huge perks to keeping the same hotel like we now have the ability to negotiate some more terms now that they know us.

- RE: Date. Because of the dates that the Thurs-Sun weekends fall on, the New Years dates made MUCH more sense as it would happen to be MUCH cheaper. More expensive for MAGFest means more expensive badges, vendor tables, etc. Either that, or less stuff/time.

- Also, admit it... You don't have anything better to do on New Years Eve than to spend it with the MAGFest crew as a HUGE New Years bash.


I really need to check my budget first, maybe I can force some relatives to sponsor this trip.

Setting that aside, me and AeroZ has been talking about m7 since he got home from m6 so we do NOT want to miss this.

I'll get back when we have some tickets ready. I'll probably be looking for a ride from Dulles (it's the cheapest) to mag for me and AeroZ. Hopefully also a ride back ;)

..YOU CAN ALSO DONATE MONEY FOR MY TICKET! Just PM me and you'll get a paypal adress :3

..it was worth a try?

In addition, there's no guarantee that another hotel in the area will take the event in given its history (there's a good reason it hasn't been in the same hotel every year).

From what I recall of both M5 & M6, the hotel staff said almost all of us were nothing but polite, courteous, and willing to work with them.

I'm going to try to go this year, if SnappleMan can squeeze me into his room, and I can afford the ride down to Virginia.

There are a couple of people who go from western NY, such as Prophet of Mephisto and the whole Armcannon crew - you might want to go about asking them about it if any of them are driving.

There are a couple of people who go from western NY, such as Prophet of Mephisto and the whole Armcannon crew - you might want to go about asking them about it if any of them are driving.

No offense to them, but would you wanna ride down with some random guys you only know through a message board, and even then not that well? Even if it did mean cutting a bit of cost?


question #1: is there anyone coming down from new england or eastern new york that would be willing to spot me a ride? I would contribute to gas expenses

#2: if you do give me a ride down, can you give me a ride back up?

#3: who will sleep with me? Like, share a hotel room with me.


oa told me all about it...so i'm in. wanna become a part of the community. mixes coming soon. i'll be driving from nashville in a tiny hybrid...so if anyone needs a ride at 50-60 mpg, let me know. i know tweek is in nashville...has he gone before?

and about the jam thing...i'll bring a bass but no way can i bring a rig. do they provide?



according to their site on myspace if you fly into DCA (National Airport)


you should be able to get a shuttle to the hotel.

"The Hilton Mark Center actually offers a shuttle (really this time!) to and from DCA airport (commonly referred to as "Reagan" or "National") if you need a ride. The shuttle stops near the "gate 5 and 9" baggage claims at :20 and :40 after the hour. Please remember that driving is a tipping service, and you probably won't be able to get picked up at 3am unless you call the hotel.

In the event you can't / won't fly into DCA, you can fly into Dulles (IAD) or BWI. Please remember that directions are a bit more complicated to the hotel and no shuttle service is available if you can't fly into DCA.

Basic directions from BWI involve getting yourself to 95 south (you can use 195 west from the airport) and then follow the car directions."

--- just to note, their was a part that said the shuttle stops at :50...so not sure which one it is. ---


i'll be flying into dulles and renting a car again. I'm pretty thrifty so right now I am assuming that SUVs will be the cheapest to rent (it was the case last year). So depending on timing, I will be able to drive people to the MAG goodness from the airport as long as 2 rules are followed:

1. I am the captain of the cd player.

2. no matter the general consensus of the vehicle, it is not "too loud".


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