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wow. amazing cello stuff here. the atmosphere is great and the percussion is top notch. it doesn't end as ominous as it begins - kinda uplifting in that last passage; so that's gotta be a good thing when your considering the game of doom.

great work. too bad your so busy and we can't get more music from you.

too bad your so busy and we can't get more music from you.

Yeah. He has too many good ideas that'll never get done at this rate. Aztec Adventure, Victory Run, Kid Icarus, Metroid, LocoRoco, and YES, I'm blowing up your spot Dave, otherwise they'll never get done. :tomatoface:

But yeah, djp's versatility is probably the best in the community, whether or not he started this place. He's tried a ton of genres and styles, so a lot of pieces, like "Red Waltz" here, end up sounding unique within his discog. Excellent stuff, this one; it added a lot more substance to the original.

Looking forward to "Running from Evil Horde" going up next!


I heard a very very short WIP of this in it's early stages, and I can honestly say that as the last track of DQD that we've all been waiting on, it was worth the wait. I can honestly say that if I had to pick a top 25 out of all the tracks on here, this is definitely on that list.

And I'll echo what Larry said about Dave. He is definitely one of the most versatile musicians on the site. I don't think there's many styles he hasn't tried yet. And whether or not the result is the most stellar, ear-blowing thing you've ever heard, the track is always enjoyable. And it is a shame that he doesn't have time to make more music, but he sets it aside to work on other projects, most of which are about improving the site and expanding OCR.

This mix is hot stuff. Great work from a great guy, and a good friend.

Hey is that a live cello? if not what did you use? excellent mix of course ;)

It's Garritan's Gofriller Cello. It's very responsive to note endings and will slur/glide from one note to the next if they overlap but do staccato if you play short and detached, which makes for a very natural performance experience. Everything in this mix was played live, and the cadenza (which is pretty bread and butter, sure, but has the specific timing I wanted) was actually improvised. I did end up editing some note lengths after the fact, but no more than a dozen, so the cello part here is basically me playing live.

As a side note, an additional influence for me on this was the soundtrack to There Will Be Blood, which had some unusual string sounds in it... that's where I specifically got the inspiration to use Bartok pizzicato. Also, this easily has the most tempo variation of any of my mixes, by a ratio of 1000 to 1... it starts off at I think 146bpm and ends up over 170bpm, if I recall correctly. It's also not straight tempo changes; there are a couple of those, but also a couple accelerando/tempo curves. From a variable tempo perspective, I doubt I'll ever do anything as dynamic :-o


Could you imagine if Elizabeth decides to marry Mr. Darcy the first time he proposes to her and they become the world's richest and most vile couple? And they'd be throwing their parties and their balls and inviting all their snobby rich friends and monstrous extraterrestrial neighbors? Yeah, they'd be totally dancing to this.

Damn, why couldn't Austen make that book less satirical-ha-ha-funny and more Chris-Farley-funny?


Best remix I've heard in months. I know you've got one of the most varied styles on the site, Dave, but I don't think I've ever heard you do anything like this. Excellent articulations and dynamic changes. So fluid and fun to listen to. We'll need to work on getting this into So You Think You Can Dance next season.


This is my first review, go easy on me. :-P

Hey I listened to this a few times, and I think at some parts, the cello sounds too much like a woodwind instrument... which is a shame since the cello is usually the solo here and should give out a more rich, deep, mellow tone.. It messed up the piece at 02:35 for me because it sounded really "fake" (no tone or warmth in it at all). I think it will make this remix stand out more if you had a professional cellist like one from a city orchestra.

Don't get me wrong, I like this remix, but the cello just sounds way too artificial.

  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent job, good sir. It took me at least a few listens before I realized that the cello was slightly too clean to have been played live. It must have taken you forever to shape those articulations. Those low string attacks from 2:16 to 2:33 are just perfect -- what is that clock-like percussive sound, is that the wooden part of the bow hitting the strings?

Aside from the Hollywood caliber production values, the arrangement is wonderful all around. A very nice interpretation of the source material, which I didn't find that interesting to begin with.

Excellent job, good sir. It took me at least a few listens before I realized that the cello was slightly too clean to have been played live. It must have taken you forever to shape those articulations. Those low string attacks from 2:16 to 2:33 are just perfect -- what is that clock-like percussive sound, is that the wooden part of the bow hitting the strings?

First: Thanks! Second:


There's a description of the Bartók pizzicato that explains what's going on... pretty cool, too, and cites the more modern usage.

Yeah, they're a dime a dozen. djp should just go get one, chop chop! :lol:

Why are you so defensive of this site/community in a sarcastic manner all the time? Your opinions of late have been REDiculous. I love you.

  • 4 months later...

Whoa, that violin is Awesome. :shock:

While its not "demons breathing down your neck" intense, it has that quiet, maddening, psychological edge of horror riddled though it, like some thing is right around the corner that wants to eat you.

Oddly enough, an image of Gomez and Morticia Addams waltzing to this popped into my mind just now. :<

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