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Poor Alicia. I just want to give her a hug. Well, perhaps a little more than a hug, but that's neither here nor there.

The good news is that the deduction for a fall is being increased to a whole point in the new code of points, which takes effect after these olympics.

EDIT: Izbasa should not have won floor. Too many obvious form breaks, and a comparatively easy routine. Shawn's routine was much nicer, as was Nastia's (aside from that double front. I have no idea why she even does that double front; she cowboys it and flexes her feet, and it looks so ugly compared with the rest of her routine)


As for Phelps, as much as I hate to admit it, he did deserve all the attention while he was there. It's almost like a freakshow with Phelps since his entire body is the embodiment of what a swimmer is supposed to be. Like how Michael Jordan was for Basketball and Tiger Woods is for Golf. On the otherhand, it's really disappointing to see American track stars being a shadow of its former self in just about all the Olympics in the past. There always are at least one outstanding track athlete from America and this year, it's been wracked with injuries and disappointments. And yeah, the gymnastics feel pretty rigged this time around. Actually more than ever.

And oh yeah, the diving competition used to be owned by Americans like a decade ago. Still waiting for that new diving queen from America..


I'll tell you what I'm looking out for, and that's the clash between the Australian men's basketball team, The Boomers, against the Redeem Team this Wednesday.

I can't believe we beat Lithuania 106-75, that's just phenomenal! Andrew Bogut is an absolute legend. I can't wait for the match. It's gonna be huge. Everyone here will go nuts if we can beat the Americans. We love a good underdog story.

I'll tell you what I'm looking out for, and that's the clash between the Australian men's basketball team, The Boomers, against the Redeem Team this Wednesday.

I can't believe we beat Lithuania 106-75, that's just phenomenal! Andrew Bogut is an absolute legend. I can't wait for the match. It's gonna be huge. Everyone here will go nuts if we can beat the Americans. We love a good underdog story.

Australia beat Lithuania??? :shock: we lost to them and won against everyone else, why are we second then if we got the same points as the lithuans...? :whatevaa:

btw, I dont think Australia can beat USA, I mean, they already decimated China,Greece and Spain (last world champions) I think only Lithuania or Argentina could fight with them a little, but I dunno.

May the force be with you, aussies. :whatevaa:

Btw, we are gonna play against New Zealand in Female Hockey now.

Vamos Leonas!!!!!!!! :D

EDIT: LOL at New Zealand's and Australia's same flag...oh wait, Australia has one more star in their flag...lawl...:lol:


Normally I'm not one to really complain about biases in judging but some of this does seem a little fishy this year. I'm with Arek in that there does seem to be some anti-American bias, especially after Nastia Liukin lost the gold on what amounts to mere technicalities to a Chinese gymnast.

I'm sorry, but I simply smell a rat here.


Going back and watching Cheng Fei's second vault again, Alicia really was robbed. Looking only at her two most obvious deductions and ignoring anything else, she should have lost FAR more than she did. The sloppy entry with two incomplete twists (incomplete roundoff onto the board and incomplete twist onto the table) and the fall on the landing should add up to AT LEAST a point and a half, without even looking at any of her other deductions.

Those scores were a joke.

I will say, however, that I was thrilled to see Chusovitna medal.


Yes I did, and it was fucking NUTS. Artemev's pommel routine will remain the highlight of my olympics though. I imagine you've been having fits of joygasm watching Gym for the last week. I actually wanted to get your perspective on a couple things next time I ran into you on the boards, since you've been a gymnast for so long. First off was just your opinion on Alicia Sacramone's all around performance. I don't think she singlehandedly lost the gold for us or anything, although it certainly helped. She's taken it like the champion she is. Just wanted to know what you thought there. Besides the fact that we'd all love to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane. I mean hug her.

The second is this new scoring system, and the blatantly apparent yet somehow inexplicable bias towards China in said scoring. Like last night when the Chinese girl took a knee on BOTH vault landings and still ended up with a 15.05 average. Anyone else would've been in 14.6 territory there. Furthermore, I don't even LIKE the idea of start scores, at least in their current implementation. It seems to me that it kind of sets the stage as to "This is how the rankings are gonna be, and it'll take superhuman feats to change it." I've watched flawless execution, poise, and grace lose to a higher start score a thousand times it seems in this olympics. Difficulty is obviously the most objective thing they can judge, but do you think they've taken it too far? Feel free to rant, I want your opinion and I love a good read.

Edit: skimmed the whole thread and it seems you agree. Still though, gimme a rant from someone on the inside.


WTF is up with the judging this year?! Liukin got robbed of a gold medal because of a "tiebreaker"? There shouldn't have been a tiebreak to begin with! Her routine was clearly cleaner than Kexin's.

Absolutely retarded.

Yes I did, and it was fucking NUTS. I imagine you've been having fits of joygasm watching Gym for the last week.

Yes, definitely. But even better is the way it's gotten my students fired up; they've been working harder for the last week and a half than I've ever seen them work before.

I actually wanted to get your perspective on a couple things next time I ran into you on the boards, since you've been a gymnast for so long. First off was just your opinion on Alicia Sacramone's all around performance. I don't think she singlehandedly lost the gold for us or anything, although it certainly helped. She's taken it like the champion she is. Just wanted to know what you thought there.

Looking at the math, her falls alone were not worth the difference in scores between the US and China; China still would have won Gold. However, that's assuming that there were no other deductions resulting from the mental shakeup from those falls. My opinion, had Sam Peszek and Chelsea Memmel not been injured AND had Alicia not fallen, the US would have won gold. But either of those things on their own would not have made a difference.

The second is this new scoring system, and the blatantly apparent yet somehow inexplicable bias towards China in said scoring. Like last night when the Chinese girl took a knee on BOTH vault landings and still ended up with a 15.05 average. Anyone else would've been in 14.6 territory there. Furthermore, I don't even LIKE the idea of start scores, at least in their current implementation. It seems to me that it kind of sets the stage as to "This is how the rankings are gonna be, and it'll take superhuman feats to change it." I've watched flawless execution, poise, and grace lose to a higher start score a thousand times it seems in this olympics. Difficulty is obviously the most objective thing they can judge, but do you think they've taken it too far? Feel free to rant, I want your opinion and I love a good read.

I actually love the new scoring system (though this seems to put me in the minority among coaches). Under the old system, there was a cap on difficulty. In other words, once you reach a certain threshold under the old system, there is absolutely zero gain from pushing the boundaries and trying anything new or risky. The new system really encourages gymnasts to push the limits.

That said, judging so far in beijing has been a joke. Alicia should have won bronze on vault. Shawn should have won gold on floor. Nothing quite so blatant yet (at least as far as I've seen) on the men's side, though I still think the US gymnasts are being under-scored (though admittedly, China has truly deserved all the medals they've won on the men's side; they're unbelievable)


Artemev's pommel routine will remain the highlight of my olympics though.
It's definitely up there for me.

China has deserved anything they get on men's.

But Nastia Liukin just got FUCKED. That is the most senseless tiebreaker system I have ever EVER heard of. We throw out scores until the numbers are different? What the FUCK? And like Bela said, ANY other sport in the olympics, we're perfectly willing to just give 2 gold medals! No problem! But 2 people tie with exemplary performance in gym and one of them gets told fuck you? That's just wrong. Even if the judges ARE inexperienced hacks from every leftover country without a decent gym program, throwing out their scores until somebody gets screwed is completely senseless. They might as well play rock paper scissors.

It would make far more sense in my opinion if instead of assembling a panel of clueless fools, they put up judges that ARE from each country COMPETING, and then depending on what girl is CURRENTLY being judged, her countryman doesn't submit a score. So no American score for Shawn Johnson's floor routine, for instance. Then you remove most of the national bias without removing the experience level. Does this make sense to everyone else?


Seems Nastia is going to join Alicia in the upcoming shooting spree.

The sheer amount of nonsense and fishiness involved with the women's gymnastics judging this year is astounding... and the US seems to be taking the brunt of it all. A tie is no longer a tie? A girl practically falls on her face, yet beats others who didn't? A near flawless balance beam routine is bested by one with regular balance checks? What kind of idiocy is that? And those are just three of the iffy calls that have been made. There are plenty of others. Tack on the questionable age of the tiny Chinese girl who just won the unevenbars (and medaled elsewhere), and it's hard to not feel something is very wrong with the Olympics this year.

If there isn't some kind of investigation when the Olympics are over, I will be truly surprised.


I think Bela and Marta will see to that. I think there NEEDS to be examination, and revision of the way things are being scored, because this is a joke. I used to be on a competitive dance team, so I understand the pall of disgust that fucked up judging can put over an entire competition.

The simple fact is, even if it IS found China was cheating and the all around gold is reassigned, it doesn't mean near as much. You want that gold RIGHT THERE, on the floor, and you want to get it on your own merits, not have it handed to you after an examination. It shatters the spirit of fair play and competition if you know that the scoring is wrong, because instead of competing, you're ANGRY at the way the administration has dicked things up, and the fact that your absolute best evidently isn't as good as someone else's mediocre. It HURTS to see your skills rubbed in the dirt against something that's blatantly inferior, and it's a wound that no amount of medal reassignment can heal.


Yeah, the american women really got fucked. Liukin and Kexin should share the gold (actually, Kexin shouldn't be allowed to compete, but that's a separate can of worms.)

Getting back to the men, I gotta say I'm dissappointed that Dragulescu didn't medal in either floor or vault, considering he really is the best in the world at both.



There were THREE skills there that nobody else has ever done in the history of the sport. All three will likely be named after him.

Absolutely unreal.

What happened :sad: I can't find news or video.


A few nights ago on one of the news segments in between events the dude said that NBC was going to replace Rainn Williams with Michael Phelps as Dwight in The Office. Did anyone else see this?

What the hell is up with that, I guess it was a joke?


With all this odd judging this year I hope that if the 2016 Olympics do come to the USA. We are able to not hold a grudge towards them, and judge them equally and show them up in all the events with a fair scoring system.

I mean the whole age thing pisses me off then that tie breaker.... come on.. They should of just boxed... I tell you Nastia would of destroyed both of those Chinese kids. ...

Whatever. USA For The Win.

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