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I like it, maybe because I'm one of the few here that can relate to the old demoscene.

I never was part of that scene per se, but I loved watching/listening to the demos, although most of the demos I saw were related to pirate/trading groups...I was always amazed at the attention given to the detail of the various tunes.

Anyway, Mazedude man, kudos on yet another brilliant remix!! You took my all-time favorite tune from Doom 2, map 10's theme, and decked it out to the max! The original tune was very forboding and haunting which I feel is lacking from your remix, but instead you heap on plentiful servings of what I perceive to be a "mechanical" or "cybernetic" groove. I would have never expected to hear a take on that theme quite like this! Great job man!!


This is kinda wierd, this was my least favorite tune from DooM II, I found it slow and depressing, but this mix is probably my fave D2 remix, whils another remix of my leas fave from doom 1 is my fave remix of that! wierd, eh?

Enehwah, this kicks much, ass, I do not see how people cannot like it. of course what yo want to do, is get something like doom legacy, so you can disable the midis, then play this stuff in the BG! Hoohah!

By the way, Mazedude, if you are listing to my humble words, what do you use to make these remixes?

  • 2 weeks later...

I know this may be a bit of an old thread, but I had to comment on this piece. Once again Mazedude has floored me by his awesome remixes.

His Doom remixes are so crazy they're almost eerie. I've played his stuff for my friends and they always say how freaky his shit is. Oldskool is no exception.

As much as I DID like this piece, I gotta say I like Blood Bath and BarrelsOFun better. Can't beet that creepy shit.


J. :twisted:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Great, great stuff!!! Although it doesn't quite have the same feel to it as the original Midi, which seemed to be slower and darker and had a segment which isn't here at all, the rest of the song more than makes up for it. Tons of creativity, awesome instrument choice, etc. I especially like how the song "shuts down" then "restarts" around 2:09

Instruments A

Creativity A

Pacing A

Original song quality A

Remixing quality, soundness A-

Replay value A-

Overall 94% A

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Wow. Goddam, pretty mean sounding track! In a sense, it retains the horror inducing sounds of Doom 2, and yet feels slightly campy with the shamelessly 80's techno sounds.

Pretty good. If I never heard of the game's track before, I would have thought it came from the 80's. Nice.

  • 2 years later...

What can I do, I'm biased towards ReMixeRs who use a tracker, and Mazedude is certainly one of the best I've ever seen. How he can manage to achieve such good - I mean, AWESOME - results is a mistery to me.

This song, while not in my favorite genre, is really interesting. And, if you are a Doom fan, you should get this now.

Only weak point of this, the low bitrate of the MP3, that hurts the sound quality a lot, but it was needed to shrink down the filesize. Oh well, still a masterpiece.

  • 2 years later...

It's decidedly techno-industrial, but I'm just not getting a "fear for the safety of my soul" vibe here.

In the end, its an average, o.k mix.

  • 1 month later...

Well I for one love what is done here. To make a mix that is as potentially repetitive as this one so sustained and interesting for five minutes is incredible. The signature Mazedude quirkiness is still thrown in, with some strange chirps, boings and such behind the prominence of the main bass and melody so it doesn't take anything away from the apocalyptic vibe. But it is there, which is what is important.

Bobby Prince's work continues to win my attention and admiration, and Mazedude is a huge part of that. His attention to detail in turning deceptively simple synth-gothic ambience into window rattling power trips is something to cherish.

By the way, that premature fade out fools me every time.

Every. Damn. Time.

  • 8 months later...

Oh yeah, this is oldskool all right. And it really does remind of an 80's B Horror movie (I don't know why, it just does), mixed in with the usual Mazedude flavouring. Didn't like the fakeout ending though, nearly stopped listening till I heard the beat come back, but that's my only beef with this great mix. :nicework:

  • 3 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00987 - Doom II "Oldskool Demon"

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