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OCR00996 - Star Fox "Godspeed"


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I mean, wow! 8O This is one clocked out tune.

I love the start up process that you created for this song.

Even though it say that it is from the game, I've never heard it in either of the two games. And I can tell that you made it because some of what is says is complety pointless but sounds kick ass! Thank you for finally delevering a remix of one of my most favorite, classic tunes... 8)


"Rock on"

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I mean, wow! 8O This is one clocked out tune.

I love the start up process that you created for this song.

Even though it say that it is from the game, I've never heard it in either of the two games. And I can tell that you made it because some of what is says is complety pointless but sounds kick ass! Thank you for finally delevering a remix of one of my most favorite, classic tunes... 8)


"Rock on"

The first part is the Corneria (1st level) song from the SNES Starfox. The second part sounds like the "victory" after each level.

Anyway, this tune kicks major ass!

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mix #996 . Sounds kinda cool

Anyways, here's the pre-launch sequence to the song, for you dorks who really want to know. (Man I'm bored!)

Internal power to enable

External power to disable

Primary weapons to enable

Secondary weapons to enable and prime

Astrogation systems to enable

Life support to enable

Deflector shields to enable and prime

Targetting systems to enable

Alpha interface to enable

Beta interface to prime

Twin lasers to enable

Nova bombs to prime

Star-flight mode to enable

All-range mode to prime

All systems go--

--Acknowledged. All systems are go. ARwings primed and ready.



Edit: To Vortex: the second song is from the "blueprint" section of the game. After you win, the game will show you the model and stats of all the bosses you faced in that particular route. The repeating bassline and some synths are from that "blueprint" section.

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I'm a little dubious as to the quality of the samples, but it's all very, very pleasing. Worth it for the opening sequence alone, which makes me want to boot up Elite or something, fire up my ship, and go on a pirate-busting rampage.

Launch clearance! VTOL jets to full! Retract gear! JUMP!

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Man, this one is all around good stuff. Not that any of THE winglesses stuff isn't. But this one just breaths starfox. I agree with DJP about this one being a picturesque soundtrack song. It really does sound like something you would find on the Starfox64 OST, if there was one. One thing that I especially like is how well the entire track was smoothed out. Sorry, i dont know the technical terminology, i'm probably talking about mastering, and dont know it. ANywho! Not only was the meat of this song very well done, but the wax/shine/polish job was just as well done, giving it that pretty NewRMX smell :D

i give it 9/10 NiceWorkGuys

:nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework::wink:

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Im afraid im going to be different, and say that I didnt quite enjoy the intro as much as everyone else.

It certainly set the scene, but I was after some music instantly, ya know? I liked the familiar beeps making out the corneria tune at the beginning though. quite delightful! However, I think it just went on for too long.

It almost lost me, until the point where the beat comes in. bruaght me well back :)

Its different, and i love it. Love all of the fading of the tune, to create more of an impact at certain points. It works really well.

The latter of the track is a good break too. At first I was expecting to hear lots fo weird noises for another minute or so... but thankfully, theres familiar StarFox tunes in there. (not entirely sure where from, but i recognised them)

Well doen for recreating the tunes so well. Almost brings a tear to my eyes *sniff*

8.5/10 (0.5 bonus point for recreating them so well!)

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Alright, I've heard the mix now and the beep + strings intro is a lot of fun. Who did the voices? Are those game samples, or is that you, John?

Also, + a hojillion points for the use of church bells. One of my favorite staples of Wingless mixes.

The use of strings over techno is beautiful. It always has been. Goes back at least as far as Sonic 3 IceCapped (harp + flute over beats). The eclectic use of instruments and combining "conventional" instruments with purely synthetic ones is a distinctive bit of OC Remix heritage, and Wingless continues it flawlessly. Definately "soundtrack style" as DJP put it.

(The strings do sound a wee bit MIDIish)

Maybe I'll review the second part another day.

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This definitely has the feel of the Starfox soundtrack to it. The only thing from a typical Starfox song that's missing is a military-style snare. The strings are very aggressive, just as they are in Pharoah Land :) Between these two songs, I'd say you would probably like the music in Skyblazer for the SNES. Check out the Falls of Torment music to hear some neat bells which, although not in your music, I could hear in there anyway.

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Ok, I'll really be different then and say I didn't like the mix at all. I'm glad there are people who enjoy it, as I know you must have put a lot of work into it. But StarFox tunes were really thin and weak on the game, and I don't think this mix did anything to improve that. Keep mixing though! :)

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YES, finally, a Corneria remix. The music from that first stage of Starfox has long been one of my favorite game tracks. This is damn good, although I really want to see what someone could do with a rock/electronic version of the same song. This one has a permanant place on my playlist nonetheless.

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This remix was good, but I felt like the buildup could have been compressed to a shorter length. Some parts skirted the edge of being somewhat cheesey. Specifically I am referring to the echoey pad thing during the last part of the mix. It wasn't so much the patch as it was the simplistic harmonic progression. In other words, the "vertical" aspect of the notes on the staff was not as engaging as I would have liked. This surprised me because the The Wingless can put together some harmonically dense and interesting things such as Teardrinker, which is his kick-ass interpretation of the Bubble Man stage from Mega Man II.

Still, I enjoyed one of my old school favorites from those days when the most important thing in my life was trying to feel a girl's boob for 10 seconds in a dark movie theater. I'll give this mix my stamp of approval, but I know the Wingless can do better.

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I like this. I only really like the first half, however, there are parts of the second half that really catch me, the bass in the second half seems to turn me off. Everything about the first half is awesome. I just don't know why everyone is saying that the two halves blend in together so well!! I hardly call coming to complete silence for a couple of seconds, then starting the next half, blending in. Apart from that, great stuff!

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