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I'm not sure what to think yet. How many times can some of the characters come back? Though I did like the Linderman twist. Oh, and nice ending too. Why didn't I guess that before?

Hiro/Mohindir/Peter... what are you doing?!

Best Hero - Gandalf

Best Villian - Darth Vader

Of course, thats my opinion.

EDIT: just seem glasfen's post. its about the program heroes villains? The title of the post isn't clear... either that or i'm a jackass :S


haha indeed ;)

I remember watching the first season of heroes, and loving it, but I lost track of it after that. sylar was badass.

see heres a noob i can respect

i laughed at a silly thing he did and he laughed back

I remember watching the first season of heroes, and loving it, but I lost track of it after that. sylar was badass.

That's basically were I fall with the show. I didn't care to watch season 2 or beyond.

"Are you on the list"?

That's basically were I fall with the show. I didn't care to watch season 2 or beyond.

"Are you on the list"?

I've watched Both Season 1 and 2, and 2 sucked ass compared to 1, so far Im liking 3 a lot, but I missed the 1st hr, so I'll have to watch it later online.

I've watched Both Season 1 and 2, and 2 sucked ass compared to 1, so far Im liking 3 a lot, but I missed the 1st hr, so I'll have to watch it later online.

If you're referring to the "countdown," it's probably better that you missed it because there were a lot of "sneak peaks" (i.e. spoilers) that kinda ruined some of the surprise.


Anyone else catch the blaringly obvious parallel between the mohinder scenes where he's showing off his power/changing and the 1986 version of The Fly. Everything that was happening was an homage to that movie. Before the bathroom scene, I told my wife that I think he's going to turn into a monster and tear his skin off. Well, sure enough...

Also, how about the guest appearances of some old time heroes like Tron (Bruce Boxleitner) and The Greatest American Hero (William Katt)? Very cool!

I guess they did all those things for old-timers like myself. :P


So why did Heroes took the Time Paradox path where

[spoilers]Future Peter goes back in the past, "kills" his brother Nate, revieves his brother, and did the time paradox/butterfly effect? Weird plot twist.{/spoiler]

I would say, Heroes: Villains has redeem itself after the crap that was the second season. It went back to the roots of the original Heroes and didn't try to do anything new.


Watched the first episode of Season 3, but had to skip episode 2 to do my homework. What I saw though got me reinterested in the series though, because after season 1 it sorta died off for me :-(. And lol @ Peter going back in time and effin' everything up thinking he was "fixing" everything lol.


Lots of nice twists and it's back to Heroes season 1 level of fluff instead of the totally ridiculous and extremely hurried 'season 2'. Also none of that wannabe-Japanese (wapanese) crap this time around.

Also Ando turning evil/good/whatever and all the level 5's going loose? I think that's the best cliffhanger in the series. Screw future-Peter. The whole Sylar-mom thing is okay, but they're really wringing that plot dry and it's like every woman out there is Sylar's mom by now.

And they have a Magneto!


The little group I watch Heroes with definitely picked up on The Fly motif... at the first commercial (no talking during the show, obviously) after Mohinder flips out, someone just turns to me and says, "Can you say Indian Jeff Goldblum?" :3

Plus, we were debating this - if they wanted to incapacitate Sylar now, couldn't they just separate his head from his body? And whenever they wanted to talk to him, bring them back together - like what happened with Claire and her scalp?


Plus, we were debating this - if they wanted to incapacitate Sylar now, couldn't they just separate his head from his body? And whenever they wanted to talk to him, bring them back together - like what happened with Claire and her scalp?

See, that was just the scalp, it wasn't anything major like the head. Usually in fiction, if a character has God-like healing factor and if they're immortal like Syler and Claire, usually the best way to kill them is to behead them. How else will the brain tell the body to heal itself? (Unless the creators want to go on a humorous path and have Syler or Claire's body walk to the head and put itself back together.)

Remember that dream Claire's bio grandmother had where one of the villains from Level 5 beheaded Claire and Claire didn't recover? All they have to do is behead Syler. That what Hiro should have done to Adam instead of just buring him alive.

Also none of that wannabe-Japanese (wapanese) crap this time around.

Ah, Adam the Gajin . .. I for one didn't like him. He didn't had that true cruel evil aura like Syler. Adam was just some wanpanese gajin bitch who only became evil because some dude took his girlfriend.


Hmmm, I clicked on this topic expecting to see a lot more criticism and harshness directed towards the show.

I personally thought the two new episodes were chock full of cliches and unoriginality. Admittedly, a show about people with mutant powers can't really create a plot without having it parallel some existing plot (Peter = Bishop, Mohinder = Hank McCoy), but still...

Oh, and I love how the writers pretty much crapped all over what little semblance of believable science the show had with Mohinder's new discovery. "It's not in the DNA, its in the adrenaline!!!" Oh boy...


I agree with nohero on the science aspect. It was probably better off as a mystery. The Star Wars source of the "force" revelation was similarly disappointing (to me, anyway).

Still, I'm glad it's back. Something to look forward to on Mondays.

Is it just me or has Maya's English improved dramatically?

I agree with nohero on the science aspect. It was probably better off as a mystery. The Star Wars source of the "force" revelation was similarly disappointing (to me, anyway).

Still, I'm glad it's back. Something to look forward to on Mondays.

Is it just me or has Maya's English improved dramatically?

Yup. It must be from hanging around with Mohinder, who went from a somewhat Apu-ish Indian accent to a British accent to passable Harvard-esque English.

I'm also wondering where she buys all her expensive clothes from, and how she avoids being deported...


Oh, and I love how the writers pretty much crapped all over what little semblance of believable science the show had with Mohinder's new discovery. "It's not in the DNA, its in the adrenaline!!!" Oh boy...

well, the way I understood it was that the adrenaline activated the powers, which is why he makes a comment about adding adrenaline for instant results, but I could be totally wrong, as these were the first 2 episodes I've ever seen.

I'm also wondering where she buys all her expensive clothes from, and how she avoids being deported...

Yeah, they do well for a broke, discredited researcher and a fugitive living in a studio that doesn't even belong to them (when is Isaac's rent up anyway?).

What ever happened to the Irish girl? She's just flung to the deadly future and forgotten? I guess there's not much hope for since they didn't save Charlie either.

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