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Really? I've yet to see a Survivor team make more than 10% progress in a level. Maybe it just depends which campaign you're playing.

Yeah, I'm finding that survivors tend to have a really hard time against a good team of infected, especially when there's a tank around. All it takes is one coordinated assault to wreck havoc a lot of times.


Just got done listening to a bit of commentary.

The game is designed so that the Survivors lose. If they're winning more often than not...you're doing something wrong.


The confusion comes from the multiple versus difficulties which are hidden from the users.

Play Versus - Expert and survivors don't get anywhere.

Play Versus - Easy and survivors roll.

You have no way of choosing which one you get. Extremely poor design.

I find that Versus - Advanced feels the best to me.


Slowpoke here, finally installed it yesterday night. Pretty awesome just played a couple of the campaigns. Got killed once because I got seperated and the other time when I was trying to save someone before the boat took off. Failed and died with him. auto-shotty's great for crowd control but god damn is it annoying to reload it. Should have stuck with the pumpshotty instead.

Name on steam - Gentz Weizer


Actually, there's no reason to stick with the standard shotgun once you get the auto. The reload on the auto's a little slower overall but it does considerably more damage with a faster fire rate and a larger magazine. The tradeoff is that the reload's a bit longer and stopping your reload early means chambering a round which kind of sucks, but it's doable.

Actually, there's no reason to stick with the standard shotgun once you get the auto. The reload on the auto's a little slower overall but it does considerably more damage with a faster fire rate and a larger magazine. The tradeoff is that the reload's a bit longer and stopping your reload early means chambering a round which kind of sucks, but it's doable.

Sometimes, it's just that one extra shell that buys the rest extra time to take up the slack while I reload or be forced to pistols. On the topic of weapons. I can see new content including perhaps unique weaponry and or situations that may call upon one user with it while the others cover said user. I'm talking about the flamethrower. I'm not saying that every one should get one and just hose down everything, I'm talking about unique to a situation weapon. Where you may need to use it to clear away some mutated humans having only half a body while the other half is some sticking substance.

Ever see basketcase..? Have a large bunch of those buggers try to cover you head to toe. While you're still able to walk you'll die unless you get the littl fuckers off ya. In comes the flame thrower, quicker to get rid of said buggers as well as cheaper than wasting ammo on getting them all off a person. Works well as a crowd control weapon for any smaller, fast monstrosities.

A lot can be added and done with the directer/AI for such extra content...

Maybe even see Chthulu-based campaigns? Or what about ones based off the Tremors movies..?

Left 4 Dead leaves so much opportunity so long as a mod community actually flourishes with it...

Only reason this even came out...


Reminds me a lot more of Resident Evil 4, but still quite awesome.


Yeah, I'm with DarkeSword on the subject of flamethrowers. Given how the Infected seem to lose their minds when they're on fire (Specials not included) a flamethrower would just eat through them like there's no tomorrow. You'd need to make it run through ammo faster than hell for that to be balanced. It just wouldn't work too well. Or rather would be *too effective.*

And to answer Bahamut? The Tank is a whole other set of insanity on its own. XD

You'd need to make it run through ammo faster than hell for that to be balanced. It just wouldn't work too well. Or rather would be *too effective.

And that's why I say it may be a possibility as well as used preferably in a unique situation. There could be things much worse than what we've seen. Who's to say what this particular outbreak hasn't affected besides humans? What about say a zoo infested or some modder paying homage to RE:2/3 by recreating a similar scenario in a large police station/HQ..?

Again I'm just saying it can still work if done right; useful yet limited and fuel for it being the only unique fuel/ammo that requires searching such as those gas canisters or propane tanks being found scarce and scattered giving minimal amounts.

It can be done and expand an already pretty good game. :)!!


So I saw one of the cheapest things ever in No Mercy, first round in Versus last night...someone as the tank hit two cars down the stairs to the safe room and blocked up that hole. And then he kept hitting the car until the alarm went off or something like that. That is sooo broken.

So I saw one of the cheapest things ever in No Mercy, first round in Versus last night...someone as the tank hit two cars down the stairs to the safe room and blocked up that hole. And then he kept hitting the car until the alarm went off or something like that. That is sooo broken.

Actually...that's kind of hilarious. Only because L4D is more of a "this situation is so dire, all you can do is laugh" kind of manner. If someone did something like that in TF2 though, I'd flip my shit and come whining to the mods. But in L4D, it's more like, "LOL we lose again."

Also, lol@"incoming!!"

So I saw one of the cheapest things ever in No Mercy, first round in Versus last night...someone as the tank hit two cars down the stairs to the safe room and blocked up that hole. And then he kept hitting the car until the alarm went off or something like that. That is sooo broken.

If you're fast enough, you should be able to get through that level before the zombies respawn too many times -- I've only seen a tank on that level once before...

Still though, that's awesome (and terrible).

Actually...that's kind of hilarious. Only because L4D is more of a "this situation is so dire, all you can do is laugh" kind of manner. If someone did something like that in TF2 though, I'd flip my shit and come whining to the mods. But in L4D, it's more like, "LOL we lose again."

Also, lol@"incoming!!"

Well, that tank was on my team so I was laughing when I realized what the tank was doing, but I also thought "man that sucks for the other team".


i've found that the worst place to be against a tank on no mercy 1 is that little alley before the street. there are two cars there and in a versus match i diligently juggled both of them between my massive arms, dazzling and incapacitating the entire survivor team in a matter of seconds.

i'd done this once before, but the survivors holed up in that little room right as you come out of the complex--i punched the nearby car, propping it up longways against the door, then let them kill me though the tiny gap between the top frame of the door and the passenger side door of the car (so i wouldn't lose my rage and have the computer tank knock it away trying to get to them) and played the waiting game. they couldn't leave, and my teammates couldn't move the car.

i was kicked immediately after.


Bahamut and I had so many server problems on Blood Harvest tonight. Servers went down *five* times during the whole bloody encounter and it got to the point where we just stopped playing. It sucked.

Then the finale we actually played sucked. Not the second time as much. But still. Gah, just a rotten night. Anyone else have server problems tonight?


Not tonight, but last night was just terrible. Aside from near-constant disconnects, some of the servers were jst going crazy. Things I saw include:

-In a Versus game, I (as a Smoker) dragged a Survivor and started attacking them, but there was no damage count. It wasn't that I hadn't hit them, I was going at it pretty good. The game just didn't register any attack on the other guy.

-We finished the first level of Dead Air only to start playing the first level of No Mercy. There was no vote, there was no restart, it just loaded it randomly... and to top it off, everyone was in some sort of spectator mode whee they could fly around the level and go through walls. It turns out that there is some sort of tiny little city model way beneath the map. It was kind of cool.

-I wish I could find the screen capture I took, but we had nine players in a Versus game. Nine. I know, it sounds impossible, but it listed nine slots and they were full. Damn, wish I had that pic right now.

There still seems to be some things that need patching, but for the most part, the game runs fairly well once it's settled in. I've had more stable games than fussy games.


So tonight sucked - an overload of shitty servers (Valve & third party, looking at all of you - 5 disconnected servers in a row = poor server quality), and one round as infected, we had 0 tanks or witches the whole round and the survivors made it to the safehouse. In addition, our AI was completely retarded and always went ahead, one time triggering a tank while the horde was activated, while their AI was their team's MVP.

Valve has some serious coding & patching to do, because that bullshit basically shows that this game is completely broken.

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