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YAY! Let's pay for something we can just get for free (legally!)

Whatev, Nintendo, whatev.

I'd pay to play it again. It's an awesome game, you get some (albeit how much is unknown) new content, and you can support the people who made it. (which is really the main reason I want to buy it. ) If my support means that they have the funds to make more games of the same caliber, I'll gladly plunk down 10 or 15 bucks.

But the problem here is that old DS owners can't get the downloadable content (should it ever appear). You're basically being punished for being an early adopter.

Once the new DSi is released, every game published after it will come with a special program that detects which version DS you have. If you have the first one or the Lite version, you'll be greeted by this new splash screen instead of a game, which will gently remind you that it's time to upgrade...



Regarding the DSi:

The removal of the GBA slot sounds pretty stupid.

One thing I'm worried about is that with the addition of a downloadable games service, is the new firmware of the DS going to result in harder region locking from games released after the DSi comes out? DS game imports have been a pretty huge thing, in fact, I have a few imports myself.

I'm not sold on it yet, but that doesn't mean I won't ever be. It just seems silly because if I upgrade it sure would be nice to sell my DS Lite instead of having three DS's lying around (I also have a fatty though it's semi-broken). I wouldn't be willing to sell it, otherwise I would have nothing to play my GBA games on.

Regarding the rest of the conference: Fuck yes Sin and Punishment 2 etc.

Regarding the DSi: The removal of the GBA slot sounds pretty stupid.

Agreed. However, I think to download content is a great idea, but yeah GBA slot gone is pretty stupid... and with the 2 touch screens, I don't like that either.

Excuse my language, but HOLY FUCK YES.

from the article:

This title is an action-adventure game with new, exclusive content and features created only for the WiiWare version
omg omg omg


and with the 2 touch screens, I don't like that either.
I think you might have misread/misheard something.


No, see, stop that right now. There was way more to this press conference than just the DSi. Look at all the games coming out for DS and Wii this year and next. Especially with stuff like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, where DS players can play online with Wii players. If you've played Ring of Fates for DS, you'll know that EoT is going to be fantastic.

Phantasy Star Zero = PSO for DS, online Co-Op! Sin and Punishment 2 for Wii, Punch-Out for Wii? Arc Rise Fantasia? Takt of Magic? RYGAR?! There's lots of games in the pipeline for the hardcore.

This is hardly a confirmation of what people were feeling after E3. I'd go as far as saying it refutes that sentiment.

Add in all the third party titles coming out and I'd say that it basically urintates on that sentiment.


Aside from the handful of DS games that actually use the GBA slot for *anything*, I don't see the removal as that big a deal. GBA Development petered out long ago and there hasn't been a big name release on the Advance for quite awhile. Nintendo's point is if you own GBA games you presumably have the means already to *play them* to begin with. It's not the end of the world that this backward compatibility got cut. Considering GBA games are out of development, this is a logical, if unfortunate, step forward.

As it is, it saves space, weight, production costs, and other stuff to allow more modern features to be added into the handheld. Granted, some of this is all shit the PSP had done from pretty much the beginning, so Nintendo feels a little late to the ballgame. Personally, I find a lot of the multimedia features to be unnecessary. DSWare sounds interesting enough, however.

I'm not gonna get one, though. Not until there's enough justification to fork out the money for an upgrade when my DSLite (my third DS as it is, considering my first two wore out from use) is still working fine.

DSWare sounds interesting enough, however.

That's what really interests me. It's too bad they didn't show anything upcoming. They could definitely do some cool stuff. As for the GBA slot, I don't own any DS games which utilize it and still have 3 other options if I ever want to play my GBA games so it's not a big deal for me. Personally, I'll probably be picking up a DSi once it comes out.

I'm also hoping they'll be clarifying about the SD card slot. If the only difference from now is that you can just download directly to the SD card, then it's extra-pointless. If they actually uncripple it, then I'll be happy but I don't quite understand why they'd wait till Spring '09.

Very excited about the game announcements, especially FF:CC and Punch-Out!! I'll be happy to play Pikmin and Metroid Prime WiiMakes when they come out, but I was a little disappointed at no Pikmin 3 announcement (and I'm still holding out hope for an eventual new Kid Icarus :P).

DSWare sounds interesting enough, however.

Yes I'll be looking forward to it, and the name of "Nintendo Points" in the DSi shop is a good name (if that name really comes). I can see a WSC update to change Wii Points to Nintendo Points.

Once the Nintendo DSi comes out, I'm getting rid of my DS Lite! :razz:


The big question is...where was all this in E3?

Seriously though, sweet megaton stuff. Loving all those new games. Sin and Punishment 2 was especially surprising...and why isn't anybody excited for Mario and Luigi 3?! This series kicks ass. Not too sure about those "Wiimakes". Pikmin and Jungle Beat were great games, but I'm not too fond of "ports with Wii controls". If these are true remakes with tons of added features, then I don't mind. In Jungle Beat's case, count me out if it's not compatible with the Bongos...air-drumming will kill the fun factor of this port/remake/whatever.

About the DSi, I really don't see the big issue here. It's always been the same case with handhelds; release a revised version with new features not found in the original while sometimes sacrificing stuff like backward compatibility. Sony's been doing the same thing with the PSP as well.

Good eye to the one who noticed Cave Story on WiiWare. Never played the original so I'm going to be downloading this one for sure! Pixel deserves to be paid for this masterpiece.


New DS = Nintendo furthering their devilish, greedy schemes. I don't need to play with the PSP's copy cat brother. And they want to alienate current gen games like Guitar Hero WHY?!?!?

The game announcements = Yawn inducing. Punch Out isn't a hardcore title. Don't kid yourselves. M & L 3 is a disappointment waiting to happen, if the second game is any indication.

The DS changes = Slightly interesting. I need more info.

GOSH FRIGGING DANG IT, NINTENDO!!! Turn back before your disgusting transformation is complete!!! I don't even know you anymore...


Dunno if anyone's mentioned it, but they also talked about several GC "Wii-Makes" they're working on.

Both pikmins, both metroid primes, and donkey kong jungle beat (among others) remade with new controls for wii at a bargain price? I'm onboard!

New DS = Nintendo furthering their devilish, greedy schemes. I don't need to play with the PSP's copy cat brother. And they want to alienate current gen games like Guitar Hero WHY?!?!?

The game announcements = Yawn inducing. Punch Out isn't a hardcore title. Don't kid yourselves. M & L 3 is a disappointment waiting to happen, if the second game is any indication.

The DS changes = Slightly interesting. I need more info.

GOSH FRIGGING DANG IT, NINTENDO!!! Turn back before your disgusting transformation is complete!!! I don't even know you anymore...

I'm gonna act like you aren't a troll and really are as stupid as you're acting. A) read the press conference. The audio and camera are intended for making games more fun and interesting, not for being a high-quality camera and MP3 player. I have no clue what you mean about Guitar Hero, but even if they alienate one of them there are always a thousand more versions of it out there.

B) CAVE STORY WIIWARE, Sin and Punishment 2, Gamecube Remakes (potentially Metroid Prime & Echoes, Star Fox Assault (less likely), Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, et cetera, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the DS and Wii.

C) Nintendo's been in this direction (fun over hardcore) for a couple of years now. I dunno where you've been.


Dunno if anyone's mentioned it, but they also talked about several GC "Wii-Makes" they're working on.

Both pikmins, both metroid primes, and donkey kong jungle beat (among others) remade with new controls for wii at a bargain price? I'm onboard!

Sauce on Metroid Prime ports.

I'm gonna act like you aren't a troll and really are as stupid as you're acting...but even if they alienate one of them there are always a thousand more versions of it out there.

That's a huge deal. Not being compatible with the games designed for the platform = failure.

C) Nintendo's been in this direction (fun over hardcore) for a couple of years now. I dunno where you've been.

Nintendo has been slowly dicking over people for a while now -- they've just gotten enough new people into gaming that it isn't as big of an issue as it should be. Give it time.

Note that I own both a DS Lite and a Wii, and love them both. It's just that Nintendo can't give us shoddy service (especially online...compare lag in Soul Calibur IV on 360 to lag on Smash Brothers -- it's terrible) forever and expect us to keep forking over the cash.

GOSH FRIGGING DANG IT, NINTENDO!!! Turn back before your disgusting transformation is complete!!! I don't even know you anymore...

Sin and Punishment 2 is a very interesting game. Sin and Punishment hasn't appeared since when the Nintendo 64 was around. Punch-Out in my opinion is a hardcore game. Boxing tends to be entertaining and competitive. :razz:

That's a huge deal. Not being compatible with the games designed for the platform = failure.

You mean one version of Guitar Hero? It doesn't matter, the DS version is absolute crap compared to any other version available anyways, and since apparently you missed it, they're planning on still selling the DS Lites alongside the DSi's for a long time to come.

That, and anyone who really, really wanted to get GHDS already has it for their DS. Who cares if the new one isn't backward compatible with one game, a crappy port of a party game at that?

Nintendo has been slowly dicking over people for a while now -- they've just gotten enough new people into gaming that it isn't as big of an issue as it should be. Give it time.

Note that I own both a DS Lite and a Wii, and love them both. It's just that Nintendo can't give us shoddy service (especially online...compare lag in Soul Calibur IV on 360 to lag on Smash Brothers -- it's terrible) forever and expect us to keep forking over the cash.

If by "people" you mean "the really hardcore guys who can't stand change in any form," then yes. They've been hoping that group would stop bitching and go join another company so they could get another ten paying casual consumers in their place instead. Also you're forgetting that SCIV's running on a subscription service, whereas Nintendo isn't charging you a dime for it. Talk about forking over the cash.

Also so long as you keep paying for things like the DS Lite and the Wii, you'll encourage them in this direction. So if you don't like it, just go get a PSP 3001 instead.

both metroid primes

Metroid Prime 1 with Wii controls would be amazing. Like, you take the best game in the world, and then you mash it with the best controller in the world. It would retroactively make it like, the double best game in the world times infinity. I would likely shit myself.

EDIT: As if anyone cared, I did wanna weigh in on the DSi. I'm EVENTUALLY gonna buy a DS, because I do love the system. But I totally won't buy it without a GBA slot. I like GBA games. A lot. My point is, Nintendo kinda screws new adopters doing this kinda stuff, even if it is late in the hardware cycle. It seems to me all they've really done with this announcement is REMOVE functionality from the DS, and offer a few downloads to replace it. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't actually own one and I haven't really tracked the hardware very hard.

Dunno if anyone's mentioned it, but they also talked about several GC "Wii-Makes" they're working on.

Both pikmins, both metroid primes, and donkey kong jungle beat (among others) remade with new controls for wii at a bargain price? I'm onboard!

I don't know about you guys but Gamecube games with waggle controls sounds pretty terrible. That and I'm not paying for games I already own, kthx.

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